


It was one of the first warm days of winter, or really spring. You couldn't tell just yet. The snow was turning into slush and the slush, water which was good for the flora of the city. Mel'odic was tired from days of sleepless nights and the thoughts that plagued her.

She had cracked about a week before in front of her best friends, Cule and Esse. Throwing her box of matches into the water. Watching the matches sink in. She cracked jumping in also. But quickly her two friends acted and getting her out of the water. Knocking her out in the process.

Shaking that thought from her mind, that was weeks ago. But she was here now heading to her favorite spot in the city. The lake, right behind the coliseum and next to petal court. She grew up ice staking and decided it would be a good choice for her to go every so often. Even if it was in a city like this one. Hoping that the lakes ice covering hasn't completely melted so she could still ice stake. Taking off the boots that she had forced herself to wear and looking up at the sky. It was a bright blue, and no clouds for miles it looked. You could even seen the moon in the background.

"A perfect day for a skate.." She mumbled under her breath. Letting out a puff, and lifting herself up from the ground. She made her way to the railing and jumped onto what she thought was ice. There was a thin layer, but not enough to support her body weight. The ice shattered and cracked under her. Plunging her into the cold water, in which is could feel swallowing her. She didn't fight to get to air though. She let it take her down to the lake floor. As the air was being push out of her body and replaced by the icy feeling of the water. She realized with a smile on her face, that she herself burned out like
