Upcoming Event Drinks At The Dancing Whale!

Discussion in 'Faction Events' started by RazeII, Mar 26, 2023.

  1. RazeII

    RazeII Joint founder of Cressida

    Sep 5, 2014
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    As you push open the heavy oaken door of the tavern, the scent of ale and roasted meats fills your nostrils.

    The comfortably-lit room is filled with the sound of laughter and lively chatter, as patrons huddle around wooden tables, their tankards clinking together in a raucous toast.

    The wooden beams are adorned with etchings depicting sea creatures and mythical beasts and a large glass chandelier hangs above, casting a warm glow across the room.

    The merriment spills out of the timber and stone interior into the cool spring breeze of the exterior seating as people from across the land mingle.

    This, all thanks to the grand re-opening of the Dancing Whale Tavern in the heart of Deldrimor!

    Alcohol pours liberally from the kegs as people drink free for one night only, with a grand selection of meats from the Kings woods to compliment your drink of choice.

    Join us, will you? For an RP meet up, whether you’re a denizen of Regalia, a Dominion RP regular or have scarce more than just a character name. All are welcome to join!


    Wednesday 5th April!

    Starting at 6pm EST (11pm BST)

    Finishing when everyone has left!

    Convert to your time zone!

    Join us for the after party in the Dominion RP Discord Forums!
    • Winner Winner x 3
    #1 RazeII, Mar 26, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2023
  2. KittyPoppins

    KittyPoppins Queen of Azuria

    Nov 27, 2018
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    So excited !! Cannot wait. This build was a giant pain in some ways but I’m so proud of it. :)

    Masika glances at the notice as it arrives on her desk. A gleeful expression crossing her features before taking out a quill and parchment.
    Writing down a response to the announcement: ‘I eagerly await this get together. I shall see you all soon.’
    The letter is carried off by a carrier pigeon.
  3. Jalapeno690

    Jalapeno690 Doge of Helvetica

    Jun 10, 2015
    Likes Received:
    • Useful Useful x 1
  4. RazeII

    RazeII Joint founder of Cressida

    Sep 5, 2014
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    The date has now shifted to Wednesday the 5th of April!

    Same time, same place!
    #4 RazeII, Mar 29, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2023
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