Archived Drawbridge Plugin

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
United States of America
Mithril & Kataktites
Hello MassiveCraft community! I would like to present you an idea for more Medieval-like builds. I've thought for a few days that MassiveCraft, a drawbridge plugin! This can really change a lot in builds, allowing more realistic Medieval battles and such. Implementing a drawbridge plugin could really add extra fun into the server, as it can be useful for several things. The plugin could be like portcullis gates, but horizontal. The idea of it is a lever to retract the bridge forward and backwards.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
@Chanter_ It wouldn't be exactly like a real life one, but one that is like a horizontal portcullis gate. I agree it would lag too much and would be "harder" to code to make it look more.
@Chanter_ It wouldn't be exactly like a real life one, but one that is like a horizontal portcullis gate. I agree it would lag too much and would be "harder" to code to make it look more.
Drawbridges go like this

I don't think it would be easy, or look good, to have blocks go in any other direction than up and down to to the sides
Maybe instead of a draw bridge it could be some sort of rolling bridge that would move like this <---------> in real life it could work with ropes/chains and pulley system and a turn wheel ( sorta looks like a captains/boat wheel) in the same it could be done the same way the gates are... if there is a way to set that up so that it would be blocks instead of fences... not sure on the tech side if that is possible
@Madus is there a way you could do this?
Everything can be coded. Ofc there is limitations set by MineCraft but this should definitely be possible.
The appropriate question is, would this be worth the time it takes to code? Would this be a good cahnge to the server (also TPS wise)?

The plugin CraftBook has some functionality like this.
If you want this feature you might want to research the functionality provided by CraftBook. Then present different options of how it could be done/used on MassiveCraft. The more thought through that would be (asking other players, thinking yourself, testing, trying different configurations, asking other players, thinking how it would be to use in, etc) the less time it would take for staff to get into all of this. Of course the options suggested would likely not be the final one but could server as a good place to start.
I believe (and this is a personal opinion and just a guess) that many cool suggestions never turns into reality because they are just "ideas" & not a ready-to-use implementation presented with several different options.
Hello MassiveCraft community! I would like to present you an idea for more Medieval-like builds. I've thought for a few days that MassiveCraft, a drawbridge plugin! This can really change a lot in builds, allowing more realistic Medieval battles and such. Implementing a drawbridge plugin could really add extra fun into the server, as it can be useful for several things. The plugin could be like portcullis gates, but horizontal. The idea of it is a lever to retract the bridge forward and backwards.
I think this would be a really cool feature