From what I've learned from reading through a bunch of magic pages on a road trip, no magic is truly "good" and, their sorces are definetly not "good". So reading through the primal magic page for the ninth time I realized, there aren't many drawbacks besides how specific each spell is. The main issue was that their isn't any drawbacks to the sorce of power: dragon spirits. You have to be fooling us if there is a source of power multiple races worship that isn't evil. So I came to thinking, what could the dragons possibly care in helping a few alorians cast some spells. In the aweful place aloria is? I would heavily doubte that they are just doing this out of kindness. My theory that sets up my idea is that the dragons are slowly using the alorians to get back to life as they are extinct(excerpt sea serpents). So my idea is that after certain circumstances the dragon slowly creeps into you and eventually takes over. After which, heavy phisical changes happen from the insane amount of energy in each person which can be determined later. This would effectively balance primal magic from other magics by giving a drawback to such an op magic. This would also balance aloria's reputation as being such a corrupt and evil place and would effectively start a lot of corruption rp in tarchlann and isldar societies which could come around and start a lot of neat stories and progressions. Meh it's an idea