Don't Do It.

Where the hell is the I love you emoji thingy?
I don't think the thought of suicide ever occurred to me when my mother died a year and eight months ago. I have other people to live for, like my SO and my second love, MassiveCraft.
It's really easy for a presumably normal person like yourself to write a long speech about how much life is worth, what if they already were a burden to everyone around them? What if they don't have any family or anyone at all who cares about them?

Suicide thoughts aren't as simple as just happy and sad.
I've thought about suicide a few times, but then I think about how it would affect the people around me. There's people out there that I care about so much to go too far with the thoughts.
I've never thought about suicide, I've only seen it. Unfortunately, where I live, it's in the headlines almost everyday.

I had a cousin who died of suicide. I never really knew him, so I didn't know how to react. Though I saw so many in my family just fall apart, crying.

I hate those suicide jokes, they're so offensive. Suicide is not something to joke about, it's serious.

It's better to tough out all the shit in life, and stay alive for them, rather then tearing their hearts apart when you pass.
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I have to say, if someone that I know would go suicidal or just die, I don't know if I would cry. This may make me look like a douche, but the fact I don't cry doesn't mean I didn't love them. I mean, I just don't really cry about others, as far as I know, if this has to do with my autism or just how I am, I don't know. But all I can say is, I respect you. Truely, I do, it can't be easy to lose someone, if it's suicidal or not. I wish you the most luck that you can get, and again, Respect. And trust me, talking to someone can help a lot.
Suicide might be bad for the people around you. But what if it is better for you? Idk
Anyway the though of how much I can affect this world makes me want to live.
Gotta admit I thought of suicide a few times. I eventually decided to deal with the problems "one last time" and pushed through. Those second winds was all for myself though, no thoughts of the others included in the decisions at all. So who knows, one day I might give up and really do it.
On top of that, to all you people who don't think of suicide-
Don't be the ***hole who pushes people to the point of suicide. I have a great friend who contemplated once, and attempted suicide another time. Luckily, he is still alive, but had to spend a combined total of 3 months in a mental hospital because some other kids at school where making fun of him about his depression, colour blindness, and his apperance.
So the moral, OP made a wonderful thing, please, don't do suicide. And don't make people do suicide.
I have never told this to anyone, so why not share it on a public forum.
I have a sister, a few years back when she started in high school she was depressed, she lost all of her friends and started cutting herself and smoke cigarettes. She was seeing a shrink but skipped alot of it, she opened up to me instead and one day she told me all about how she didn't want to live anymore and that she hated her life. I was only 10 years old at this point and didn't know how to respond and too scared to tell an adult. But one day she told me she would swallow alot of pills and lay down on her bed, I didn't really believe her because the thought of my sister dying was something I couldn't imagine. When she came upstairs to answer the phone because our mother was calling, I will never forget how she looked, I remember what she was wearing what her hair looked like and how pale she was. Later that day in the evening I told my mother about it, and she went to check my sisters garbage can in her room, she found the pillholder, completly empty. My sister who was luckily still alive was rushed to the hospital and after her stomach getting pumped she was back on her feet after a week.
I saved my sisters life, she now lives happily with her fiance and she is pregnant with a little boy.
All I am saying is it gets better.
I've never thought of suicide. Neither has any of my friends. I guess it's because I'm never really sad. And when I am sad I just don't talk to people.
I remember they had to make me see a guy for that.
The guy said "There's nothing to worry about; he's fine."
And I was like "Well that was easy."
Suicide has always been a touchy topic for me, especially since I used to think about it regularly. Whenever I caught myself, I shivered. It was scary. Horribly scary, that I would even think of killing myself because of people who wouldn't care.
I would then force myself to think of where they would be in later years. Working in a McDonald's for minimum wage? Probably. Successful and hard-working? Doubt it.
When you are running or lifting weights or whatever you do to exercise, your muscles are tearing, little tiny tears all around. They become slightly weaker as you keep pushing, but when the exercise is done, as all things need to come to a stop, or at least a pause, the muscle begins to regrow. It slowly gets stronger, more able as it keeps being torn time and time again.
Are we not like the muscle? Being beaten down, expected to crumble?

If our bodies can recover and grow like that, why can't our minds?
Suicide has been a very stupid concept in my perspective. It's really dumb and very stupid to take your own life. Anyone who attempts/does kill themselves immediately lose my respect. There are so many ways besides suicide to get out of depression and other things that make you think suicide. I hate suicide, it's such a stupid concept.

I don't hate those who think it, I used to think it when I got bullied in school not so long ago. You just have to realise what you will leave behind. Imagine all the people who care for you, etc. Don't ever suicide, clear those damned thoughts out of your head when it works it's way in on your mind.

I may sound like a heartless bastard, but the thought of suicide disgusts me. If I have offended anyone, message me pm on why.

Anyhow, those are my thoughts.

Get out.

Obviously, I don't think you really know what it must be like if you were to suddenly lose respect. Death is stupid, but suicide? It something you need to take way more seriously than that. I'm not being edgy or anything, but it think you've offended a few people here.
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Suicide is horrid. Taking your own life is disgusting to me. Death is also stupid. I also said that suiciding makes me lose respect for the person.

Also, let me rephrase the respect part I re-read my statement and I worded it wrong. I lose respect for them in the "caring for others". They basically don't care about friends and family much. Even if they write a note saying they will always love them in what not, doesn't make up for the fact that they killed themselves and left their family, friends, and burdens behind.

Suicide is foolish, in which I will stick too. It is very serious, I know. Yet, it's just plain wrong to take your own life.

Opinions vary, those were my thoughts on it. I already said in it I sound like a heartless bastard. Go ahead, hate me. Yet, my views will not change.

You don't know if they do care about them or not. Are you one of the people that had killed themselves for whatever reason? No. You aren't. Also, no one said that they ever were going to hate you unless if you explicitly asked to be hated on. I'm personally slowly losing my respect for you. Who are you to say that they are stupid? I am not sticking up for suicide, since it is a very horrible thing, but do you ever wondered what could drive a /human/ to kill themselves? It's just. No. It's wrong, but I don't find your way of saying it to be respectful at all to the dead.
Suicide is horrid. Taking your own life is disgusting to me. Death is also stupid. I also said that suiciding makes me lose respect for the person.

Also, let me rephrase the respect part I re-read my statement and I worded it wrong. I lose respect for them in the "caring for others". They basically don't care about friends and family much. Even if they write a note saying they will always love them in what not, doesn't make up for the fact that they killed themselves and left their family, friends, and burdens behind.

Suicide is foolish, in which I will stick too. It is very serious, I know. Yet, it's just plain wrong to take your own life.

Opinions vary, those were my thoughts on it. I already said in it I sound like a heartless bastard. Go ahead, hate me. Yet, my views will not change.
Sorry to burst you're bubble.
I forgot the exact number, but a good amount of suicide victims regret their choice moments before they did. They desperately want to live, and some are lucky, but imagine those who succeed.
This was in a recent copy of Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul.
Those who have committed suicide often have cried out for help in their own ways.
It's our fault for not listening.
Now, you sir, are making accusation and such. You say they don't "Care about friends and family much"
My cousin tried to back out of his suicide attempt. It was too late, he was found too late to save. He didn't want to die. But he did.
Now, think of the millions of others that this happened to, before you go around saying things like that.
Unfortunately it's not that simple, especially for people suffering from depression. No, I don't mean "feeling depressed" or "feeling sad", I mean the mental illness known as Major Depression Disorder. There are many, many things I want to say in regards to that topic and I quite literally don't even know where to start. So many people don't know what it's like. I may be so bold as to say absolutely no one understands what it's like unless they've experienced it themselves.

In the deepest stages of Depression, life is a living hell. Every second of every minute of every hour. EVERY. SINGLE. WAKING MOMENT is painful. I shit you not. Have you ever been sick? Ever felt that state of confusion and delirium as you lay in bed? Imagine that fog in your head. Imagine it forever. Imagine not only that fog, but painful memories. The people who hurt you. The people who don't care. Your own weakness. Your own pathetic inability to change it. Anger, despair, regret, guilt, self-pity. You try so hard to ignore it, to think happier thoughts, but it's a losing fight. It takes all your energy just to fight it. Those thoughts are always there, no matter how hard you try. All those bad memories, all those negative emotions, tormenting you forever and ever. Constantly. Not a single waking moment when you can breathe fresh air. Not a single moment of relief. Not a single moment when you can feel happiness or joy. You can't do anything. You can't concentrate. It takes all your energy just to get out of bed to... do what? Everything is pointless. Everything is full of hate. Hate. HATE.

It's even worse when you're smart about it. When you fully realize that you are suffering a mental illness. When you realize you yourself have the power to change this, to change your life. But you can't. You don't. You think you'll fail. You know you'll fail. Perhaps you've even tried before and failed. You are a person who has been stabbed, bleeding to death, to weak to save yourself, too afraid to ask for help because you know they'll just stab you more. In fact, you know this because you've tried before. And so you just lie there quietly and bleed to death. You know you're too weak, physically, emotionally, socially, to save yourself. You regret not being able to do so. And this leads you further into despair as you hate yourself for it.

Down there, there is no love. No love from anyone in your fucked up little head. You blame everyone for making you feel this way. You blame yourself for making you feel this way. You blame others for not understanding. You blame yourself for not being able to make them understand. You hate yourself. You hate everyone.

In fact, you entertain thoughts of violence and suicide because you derive a sick, twisted pleasure from it. It's almost as if you become addicted to such thoughts of violence. As if that was the only pleasure you could get anymore. You want to commit suicide not only because it's too painful to live, but as an act of revenge. A way of saying "Fuck you" to the world, "Fuck you" to the assholes who did this to you, "Fuck you" to the people who didn't care, "Fuck you" to yourself for being such a worthless piece of shit, for being too weak to escape this hell, for having no reason to live and being a waste of space.

Yes, this is a mental illness. No, it is not a choice. People don't choose to suffer from Depression anymore than someone chooses to be a retard, or suffer from schizophrenia, or have cancer. This is when, for whatever reason; a bad environment, bullying, violence, abuse, negligence; you become so fucked up in the head that you start seeing the world through shit-tinted glasses.

To you who may suffer as I had suffered: There is always hope. It will get better. In that state, it seems impossible, and it seems like there is no hope. I have been to that place where the dark feels warmer than the light. I have been to that place of isolation and loneliness. But know that you are not alone. Know that there is hope. Hold on. Keep your life, keep going and it will get better.

The pain hurts now, but it will not be there forever. The scars may not fully heal, but they will fade. It may take months, years. Long, painful years. But bit by bit, it will get better. Even as you fight your way through, you may stumble and you may fall back into despair, but I urge you to keep going. The despair will fade. You may not think it does. You may not notice a difference. The pain may return and you may feel it hopeless once more, but rest assured, it is getting better. Slowly and surely, it is getting better. You will find joy. And you will triumph.
Suicide needs major thinking. You can't just want to suicide and do it. Mostly every suicide victim who has lived regret their decision to do so. I get that, but they didn't realize beforehand what they were actually doing. Suicide does sadden me, don't just think that I hate each and every person who does it. I just believe they didn't realize what they were doing until they did it. Which is why they must think first. What saddens me the most, is think of the suicide victims who regretted it and died. People realize it too late, people must think suicide through. You can't just blatantly do it.

Also, when I say they don't care for their family/friends/etc, they most likely do. Yet, like I said in earlier posts... Imagine the pain that you're making them to through. If you truly did love them, then why did you try killing yourself?
I don't mean to start an argument with you, however.. You're being incredibly offensive to some people. I suggest you take this argument to PM if you haven't done so already
In the spoiler is my sort emotion snip of suicide. If you cry or get sad easily.... You probably don't want to read this.
Suicide has always been a weird topic for me. I used to think of thoughts of it, When I was bullied on my bus and called "Ugly", or people saying "Your face is broken". Or even, "Your a f**got". This was only last year. I really had some thoughts of suicide, and I cried when I did so. But I thought of how I would leave my sister and how my mother and father would be so filled with grief when they saw my dead body. So I stop thinking about it, or tried to. I also ignore the bullies.
Everything has been fine and I want it to stay that way.
I swear a bit sooo
I have depression and I have contemplated Suicide three times, nearl committed it before stopping myself. I see it as a way of escape when all hope is lost which still should not be the option. It is a terrible thing but people who think it is fucked up to do it....guys, realize that sometimes people feel like they have no one and nothing. sometimes people feel like, hell, my life is shit, no one is here to help, and what do you truly do at that point? bare through it?'s too painful to even try. Try to understand that before posting dumbass things about it
ą¹–Ū£ŪœI will have to say, suicide really is horrible. NOW WAIT! Keep reading. It might be a horrible thought to come into your head, and it certainly will have horrible results, but the big thing you need to know is you fellas are much bigger than that. You guys are strong, and no matter how often you say it or seem to try and prove you are, you aren't horrible; let me say some more here. If you even have any negative thoughts, I'll try to cure it. You had the courage to hold out this long after so much has happened to you.
You, using strength, came to someone, saying you might self-destruct parts of your body or the entire thing.
And by using wisdom, you wanted to talk about it.

Courage, Strength, and Wisdom. Those are three things that keep life going, down to the last withering moment, to the last argument, to the last thought. There is something missing. One thing that keeps it going, one thing that will have you run right past this danger. But what is it?
Maybe a hug? Those help.
Maybe a poem? Your spirits can be lifted by them.
Maybe a friend? One of the most important things.
Maybe a bit of love? Another one of the most important things.
That's the sad fact. No one really knows what it is. One can guess, or one can be, but it really is difficult to find something to stop a person from committing suicide. The easiest thing anyone can do, even if they hardly know the person;

Give them all of it. Yep, that's right. Love the shit out of that random person over the internet. Give that random person a friend request or a conversation. If you live near them, go to them and give them that hug or that game of chess or that game play-through or that couple minute cuddle or that poem you can't seem to get right.
Something about all these aren't even needed, but can still be strong enough to stop them. Want to know what that is?
You don't need to use them. They can help; as I remember saying before, The real love and pure poetry is the one that doesn't need a word.
Having thoughts of doing it?

Talk to me. I might be 14, and might seem out-of-the-blue, but if no one wants to listen, then I sure as hell will. And if I can, I will try and fix it with you. I've been near suicide before on several occasions. Trust me. I really do understand that feeling.

Quoted Edit:
It's really easy for a presumably normal person like yourself to write a long speech about how much life is worth, what if they already were a burden to everyone around them? What if they don't have any family or anyone at all who cares about them?

Suicide thoughts aren't as simple as just happy and sad.
ą¹–Ū£ŪœWell, there is a contradictory, or if I am using the wrong word, incorrect part in this statement.
'What if they don't have any family or anyone who cares about them?' Well, this thread quite disagrees. As well as my own opinion, other people's opinions, and whether offensive or friendly, they all here have said the same.
There is someone out there who cares about them.
The question is only if they reach out a hand for them. Whether blindly stating they might kill themselves over the internet, or having one person left for them, there is always someone who is willing to carry that burden. But as I said; they just have to find them. To be honest, you said something I will actually call out as slightly offensive.

what if they already were a burden to everyone around them?
Call me sensitive. But when we're thinking about death and people willingly ending their wonderful life disguising itself as something different, every word and every sentence changes the balance of that scale really fast. Even stating they have a possibility to being only a burden is really heavy for that dark side of the scale.
So no.
There is no such person who is as alone as you state.
You. Just. Need. To. Keep. Looking!
Once again, you may call me 'presumably normal', but I've been down that kind of road before with that much dark of feelings. It is not pretty, it is not easy, but there is always a way out of it, whether it takes moments or ages.
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I don't think I can understand suicidal people, I've never been around many of them. Well, none that have opened up to me. Plus, I never really got into a depressed state because I just stopped caring about other people & there useless comments about me. Nobody has every been allowed enough room to judge another person. And, never will. Yet, they like to think it. Delusional the lot of them! (The bullies, not the suicidal people.)

Of course, this lessened care for society has made me a bit of a social outcast, but I find friends all the same. I seriously don't feel like I could stop a suicidal person, I just...Can't understand. Which, I suppose, is sad. Yet all this talk on the thread is giving me feels.
I guess it's bit late to reply, but I wanted to take a chance to...state my opinion? This probably isn't going to be something like a slangy post, I actually have a intellectual opinion...I've been in therapy for a while because of this. I know that if I had the chance, I would. I understand that not everyone would, but I know when I survived an attempt I didn't regret it. I didn't come here to state my personal life story though, I came here to say something without slang and with actual meaning for once. Sadly, I don't want to offend you fallen ninja, but even if everyone's telling a severely depressed suicidal being not to do it, they might actually do it since they have very little attention towards living. I appreciate that you care, don't get me wrong, it surprised me that such a subject would be on here. It might be since i've been gone for a while too.

Not a lot of us ever think its going to get better or there's someone who cares. In my case its true at least, I don't know about other's though..

Besides, I don't really have friends at all. My family hates my utter guts for some really stupid things i've done and well....I'm an only child. The only person that would care is my therapist, and that's because he's losing money from my appointments.

I guess that was kind of a useless offensive opinion....sorry.
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I guess it's bit late to reply, but I wanted to take a chance to...state my opinion? This probably isn't going to be something like a slangy post, I actually have a intellectual opinion...I've been in therapy for a while because of this. I know that if I had the chance, I would. I understand that not everyone would, but I know when I survived an attempt I didn't regret it. I didn't come here to state my personal life story though, I came here to say something without slang and with actual meaning for once. Sadly, I don't want to offend you fallen ninja, but even if everyone's telling a severely depressed suicidal being not to do it, they might actually do it since they have very little attention towards living. I appreciate that you care, don't get me wrong, it surprised me that such a subject would be on here. It might be since i've been gone for a while too.

Not a lot of us ever think its going to get better or there's someone who cares. In my case its true at least, I don't know about other's though..

Besides, I don't really have friends at all. My family hates my utter guts for some really stupid things i've done and well....I'm an only child. The only person that probably would care is my therapist, and that's because he's losing money from my appointments.

I guess that was kind of a useless offensive opinion....sorry.
No dude, you're totally fine. If you ever need a friend or someone to talk I'm here, yo.
Don't do it
Don't commit suicide
Don't kill yourself
Don't hurt your friends by hurting yourself

Don't do drugs
Don't smoke tobacco
Don't drink until You're 21
Don't stoop down to their level

Stop hurting yourself
Stop talking back to your peers (Shut up)
Stop ignoring me
Stop being selfish

Stop being a ____
You're a ____ + ____'s are horrible people
Why did(n't) you ____!?
Kill yourself

If my grades go below ____, my parents will kill me
Sinners will be condemned to hell
This world isn't worth living in
What's the point?

I'm a failure
Things will get better...
*Sigh* . . . . . . . . .

All of these are reminders. Reassurances for when you're trying to find the answer to your problems. Suggestions.

They. Don't. Help.

They are designed to remind you. And in doing so, they remind you of the entire topic along with it. They prolong that inner argument within yourself. That war of life and death. And like a war, the side that is greater and more advanced will win.

10,000 voices in your head at war with each other, and you trust every single one of them.

Statements like "Don't commit suicide" will never measure up to "I hate myself because ___, ___, ___." because one of them comes from personal experience and proof while the other comes from some random person who you just so happened to meet yesterday.

@Chronicler_372 gets it. (dat triforce doe)

You don't have to fight that war of yes or no when you give them other options. You aren't reminded of your depression when you put all that energy from your internal confusion into an enjoyable activity. Shift the focus, the perspective, from how bad life is to how good it can get.

Relieve us from that war and act as the good side so the burden of decision isn't placed upon one person, and you can both duke out your arguments until the one with more understanding, experience, and logic wins. (Though I wouldn't try this if you're arguing skills aren't considerably top notch. Losing the argument as the good guy will only make things worse.)

Give reassurance that people will always care no matter how much you try to fool yourself into believing the opposite. Give hope that the good guy always wins in that specific situation. Be there in person, as a friend, so you can help each other through this seemingly unsurmountable obstacle. Hugs, sweets (especially ice cream), and personal encouragement are welcomed.
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I've thought about it before, in fact I had the arrow to my head. My mom yells at me everyday, she says I'm stupid and she can't trust me. She then gets worse when I say I'm sorry, she thinks I don't mean it, then keeps yelling. She's like this a lot, not everyday. She can be nice, and be a great mom. But she doesn't realize how easily she gets mad. Same with my dad, he yells at me when I get hurt, saying I'm an idiot for doing that, not even asking if I'm okay. He's even yelled at me when I slipped and almost cracked my head open :/

I've never said it to anyone, so nobody really knows why I act so strange... :/ people have opened up to me about this topic. I don't like it, but people just can't take it anymore and do it. It's hard to help them but it's worth it.

I have had a cousin try and do it, her teeth were messed up and people made fun of her. After that, my dad got her braces, and she's been fine sense.

I've seen horrid stories about this stuff, and people do it to end their sadness and problems. I'm not saying do it, I'm saying think about who else you might make the same problem for.
I really don't have an opinion on suicide other than: Suicide solves nothing. Its rather sad when other people do it, but there is probably a better solution.

Think about it. When life gives you lemons...(Don't finish that with make lemonade. Look it up if you're confused.)