Archived ~*donation Package Box*~

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Arvanion Cyladhras of Avallónë
Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
~*A safe place to store all your received donations!*~
With the recent arival of more and more item based donations, I was wondering about something that you may or may not like. A sort of mail like storage for donation packages. Whenever a donation is made, for example a helmet. That helmet will not go directly into your inventory. Instead it will go as a surprice package into a backpack like inventory from where you can retrieve it whenever you are able.

I can image you hearing that nice donation sound and find your inventory already packed with items you have been collecting at that moment. Missing the oppertunity to receive that amazing item. Infact... if we want to be able to receive any such item. We now will always have to keep an inventory slot open incase someone may donate. With this idea you can retrieve that item whenever your ready to receive it.

If your not online at the moment of a particular donation you will miss the chance of enjoying that same exiting donation like all others who were online. Or you won't be able to make as many people happy with that item as you would have if they were all present. Now everyone will receive you amazing gift and enjoy it.

Your in the mids of a fight and about to loose the battle. And all the sudden you get this amazing present. Well... not for long that is. Now you don't have to run the risk of loosing that item while going on a raid or engaging in a war.


Ofcource any player that has not yet joined the server will not receive such a package. Also players that haven't come on recently to the point that they are seen as inactive will not receive such package either.

The size of the inventory is only a single chest worth of space. This to minimise the ammount of space one can stockup donations. This will force you to empty it before you receive too many.

This does not apply to effects such as double exp. Only item related donations such as cakes and armour for example.

~*Keep the supprice!*~

Present these donations as gift boxes with only the names of the donators. Example: "A generous gift from Arvallon!" This so you can't see whats inside untill you retrieve them from your donation box.

~*Options for change*~

Receiving donation while being offline is not a must for this suggestion. But a nice addon.

Premium compatible? Can we make this a premium feature? Please do if possible. Makes Premium more attractive again <3

I hope you all like this idea. Please leave your opinions in the comments and tell me what you think. Your thoughts are appresiated :D

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like the idea but I think you should have to be online to receive the items still. I just think it would flood the server with too much gear if even offline players got it.
As much as I wish it could be a premium feature it would have to exist for everyone. Its the same reason why everyone now has a backpack
Alright! I just came onto another benefit we may add to this idea. Appearntly you do not receive any donations when your in creative. How about we allow people in creative to receive donations trough this suggestion aswel?
Tagging @Madus since he responded to the last backpack type of suggested feature.
Even for offline people. Are you kidding me. Then I can have 10 alts and get 10 items, my alts doesn't even need to be online when it happens. The only benefit I see is when people receive it while in creative or KitPvP, which will be fixed in another way at some point (no ETA at all) I will keep the technical details out of this thread.
Even for offline people. Are you kidding me. Then I can have 10 alts and get 10 items, my alts doesn't even need to be online when it happens. The only benefit I see is when people receive it while in creative or KitPvP, which will be fixed in another way at some point (no ETA at all) I will keep the technical details out of this thread.

like I said. The offline feature is optional. And I kinda expected it not to be received that well. Shall we just trow the offline feature out the door from now on? Since it is generally disagreed on.
Im sad to say i dont believe this to be EULA compliant if it was given to premiums only so it would have to be for everyone or none at all.

It is a good idea tho, i really like the idea so i will keep it here so we can review when we need more features for the server.