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Dishonourable Deeds II


Ifrit Enthusiast
Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
The Crown Isle, Regalia

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Passed mainly through fliers all the way from the depths of the under city, a rather plain message is carried forth within it and spread
Stamped at the top in block capital letters is the title "Dishonourable Deeds II"

To those whom the concern of honour is most paramount,

Last night was a night to honour alliances and camaradarie with individuals among all corners of the undercity being invited to break bread and discuss solidarity
As conversation died down, an honourable duel was had between Rykharr and Osira
This duel was held to demonstrate the strength of the combatants

Before the duel could be completed, a host of individuals attacked Osira whilst Osira was weakened
These individuals are identified as: Mosheng Ren the Archon, Khethandryl the Kathar and Pebbles

For the crime of defiling a place of compassion and love dedicated to Armas,
for the crime of brutalising the solidarity between fellow Evolists,
for the crimes of breaking the peace and assaulting members of The Golden Heart;

The listed individuals are hereby BANNED from attendance of future events within The Golden Heart and can expect no aid or love from the establishment any longer

However, Armas preaches love and in the spirit of his virtue of compassion toward fellow Evolists an opportunity for REDEMPTION is available
Osira hereby offers a chance for these individuals to reclaim their honour
They will before the week is done accept separate one-on-one honour duels with Osira in recompense or they will be barred until further notice

May these individuals with no respect for honour be judged accordingly

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@Lazzulai @BluKnight10 @Salerra @Anseran @rimacutem


A Half-Fin'ullen peers towards the post, reading it slowly and carefully. Soon, a scoff followed and she could be seen heading down the tunnels to her lair. Soon after another notice, a response, could be seen posted:
Osira, your cries have no place staining the noticeboards outside your little attempt of a claim in the Vampire District.

Not only do you slander fellow Evolists alongside the Archon, but you also think it wise to do so where you don't belong. Osira, if you cannot recall, you have been hiding in the Vampire District. These posts have no place in my claim.

The irony of a non-vampire being too afraid to leave the Vampire District speaks for itself, especially when words of cowardice and a lack of honor are thrown around to a point they lose their meaning.

I would like to make it publicly known: Not only are these people
not banned from the Emergency Exit, the real Undercity tavern, but they are hereby welcomed and offered discounts for enacting Morrlond's will; Violence.

Vaëla Aetris Bel-Saal Solleria-Regalia
Sovereign of the Serpent's Hollow
Champion of Morrlond
The colony known as Pebble stared at the flyer for entirely too long, grumbling quietly as each member processed the parchment before them. They slowly panned toward Khethandryl, and Sergeant Tim asked the collective's question:

"I say, madam Khethandryl! Was not only an Automata committed to a fate of death by a thousand benches? Who the hel is this?"

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The enigmatic Asmita would like to clarify
that they are not an Evolist.
They feel the need to clarify this,
in case Osira mistook the fact that they
were one of the few who did not laugh
at them during their own gathering, an

act of solidarity.
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A Half-Fin'ullen peers towards the post, reading it slowly and carefully. Soon, a scoff followed and she could be seen heading down the tunnels to her lair. Soon after another notice, a response, could be seen posted:
Osira, your cries have no place staining the noticeboards outside your little attempt of a claim in the Vampire District.

Not only do you slander fellow Evolists alongside the Archon, but you also think it wise to do so where you don't belong. Osira, if you cannot recall, you have been hiding in the Vampire District. These posts have no place in my claim.

The irony of a non-vampire being too afraid to leave the Vampire District speaks for itself, especially when words of cowardice and a lack of honor are thrown around to a point they lose their meaning.

I would like to make it publicly known: Not only are these people
not banned from the Emergency Exit, the real Undercity tavern, but they are hereby welcomed and offered discounts for enacting Morrlond's will; Violence.

Vaëla Aetris Bel-Saal Solleria-Regalia
Sovereign of the Serpent's Hollow
Champion of Morrlond


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A simple note is tacked on the bottom and signed by Osira

Thank you for taking these dishonourable individuals in, Vaëla Aetris Bel-Saal Solleria-Regalia
May they find better lives and success within your walls

Kindest regards,

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The Head of the House of the Rising Sun, and therefor the House itself speak on the matter;

We do not take political stances for matters that do not endanger our business. However, we have found great incompetence to be a risk factor for us. We invite one more worthy to lay claim on the Vampire District. The weak shall not be lulled by the words of one even weaker. Do not be fooled by their claims of ownership or greatness, they hold no legitimate claim on anything under the cobble of the capitals streets.

We denounce Osira and their actions.

Signed, Padrino of the Salvatores
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I should have seen this coming, that you would cry to the public how you have been wronged once again and throw around 'honor'. But what I did not expect, is how vague you have become. Whether it be due to covering your own mistakes, cowardice, or otherwise, it matters not, as it is all the same.

On the matter of the 'Honorable Duel' in question,

I hold a sense of surprise that you dare use this term. Let it be known, and all remember well, you gave a refusal to take me on in the Arena. You did not wish to leave your precious venue. Duels are for grounds meant for it - the 'Golden Heart' is not.
On the matter of the Archon, Mosheng Ren,
Who made one attempt. One that did not meet - and did not draw blood. Do not act as if it was he who hit you down or weakened you in any manner. It was all me. You fell under my blade; none had made contact to make the work easier. You fell by your own failure to best me.
On the matter of the Kathar, Khethandryl,
Who did not lay a hand on you. Who did not even near your space. Next time, do not guide the unfortunate souls who are lost enough to stand by your side, with a violent, reckless hand. Each threat you throw - will be met with a greater force. Send your people for Khethandryl again, who did nothing but enjoy the 'entertainment', will be met with my blade and dozens more.

On the matter of the Suit of Armor, Pebbles,
Who met violence with violence, to protect Khethandryl when you made the mistake of commanding the one known as the 'Librarian' to take action against her, unprovoked. Perhaps next time, it will not result in your own getting thrown across the room. Be smarter. Do better.
I understand your want to make it seem you were outnumbered, that you were cornered, so it could cover the embarrassment of such loss. After-all, you said you were one of the best. You were the strongest. But I am here to rain on your parade of what little Pride you have:

You fell by one. And one only. ME.

- Rykharr.

P.S. I'm coming for that discount.

I should have seen this coming, that you would cry to the public how you have been wronged once again and throw around 'honor'. But what I did not expect, is how vague you have become. Whether it be due to covering your own mistakes, cowardice, or otherwise, it matters not, as it is all the same.

On the matter of the 'Honorable Duel' in question,

I hold a sense of surprise that you dare use this term. Let it be known, and all remember well, you gave a refusal to take me on in the Arena. You did not wish to leave your precious venue. Duels are for grounds meant for it - the 'Golden Heart' is not.
On the matter of the Archon, Mosheng Ren,
Who made one attempt. One that did not meet - and did not draw blood. Do not act as if it was he who hit you down or weakened you in any manner. It was all me. You fell under my blade; none had made contact to make the work easier. You fell by your own failure to best me.
On the matter of the Kathar, Khethandryl,
Who did not lay a hand on you. Who did not even near your space. Next time, do not guide the unfortunate souls who are lost enough to stand by your side, with a violent, reckless hand. Each threat you throw - will be met with a greater force. Send your people for Khethandryl again, who did nothing but enjoy the 'entertainment', will be met with my blade and dozens more.

On the matter of the Suit of Armor, Pebbles,
Who met violence with violence, to protect Khethandryl when you made the mistake of commanding the one known as the 'Librarian' to take action against her, unprovoked. Perhaps next time, it will not result in your own getting thrown across the room. Be smarter. Do better.
I understand your want to make it seem you were outnumbered, that you were cornered, so it could cover the embarrassment of such loss. After-all, you said you were one of the best. You were the strongest. But I am here to rain on your parade of what little Pride you have:

You fell by one. And one only. ME.

- Rykharr.

P.S. I'm coming for that discount.


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A reply, simply wrote, is tacked on:

Our duel was intervened on by the dishonourable mentioned: Those you seem to stand behind which can only mean you were a pawn in their conspiracy and lack honour yourself if you consider this a victory.
If you would like to legitimise this claim of me being felled- As it seems quite important to you- Please seek me out at your earliest convenience.

Kindest regards,

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