Archived Discussion On World Claims

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


ex-ceo of Lyrah
Jun 24, 2015
Reaction score

How does everyone feel about the limit on world claims - That you can only claim in three separate worlds?

I think it was valid in the past but no longer, what do you guys think?

Thanks in advance,

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think the limit should go up to 4 especially with the "new" coming world
I think the limit should go up to 4 especially with the "new" coming world
I think that defeats the purpose of having the rule at all.

The entire point of the rule's existence (and certainly @MonMarty can correct me if im wrong but i do believe im recalling this pretty well) was to prevent the existing factions from immediately claiming a new world and taking all the new real estate for the sake of it being "new" when they already have other existing claims. So to simply raise the allotment by one because there is a new world coming... makes the rule redundant. Since the rule was put there to prevent the immediate arbitrary claim of the new world.
Yea, I think it continues to serve its purpose. Celetil has one free world, and looking around for good spots to claim it is pretty obvious that the new rule is improving things. Most builds I've looked at a few months ago have expanded, and there are a bunch of good spots to build. I do, however, think that giving some factions an extra world would be nice, however maybe this could be a sort of giveaway thing... idk
Is the new world actually coming at all?