Shelved Character Dietrich Von Drachenburg

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.
@Percuriam decided to do a few tweaks to the app
  • changed culture to New Regalian with Alt Regalian roots to better fit the wiki classifications
  • aged up by one year since the birthday is coming up and I'll forget.
  • added an extra point to battle command accordingly
  • changed cultural proficiencies to create a music box hobby. not sure if I need to make a note anywhere about it since it's mundane and purely for curing RP boredom.
Total Proficiency Points: 52 (42 due to School of Command)
  • +22 Battle Command (+10 from School of Command, +11 from Points)
  • +40 Commanding Speech (+10 from School of Command, +30 from Points)
  • +10 Mace (+10 from School of Command)
  • +5 General Command (+5 from Culture)
Looks like you got 5 General Command from culture points and an extra proficiency point to spend, Firefan :)
Looks like you got 5 General Command from culture points and an extra proficiency point to spend, Firefan :)
just an oversight when I added the 1 to battle command. Not that it matters since the character will probably need re-approval whenever the character is revived, but thanks for the note.
@Percuriam while the character is currently shelved due to noble system stuff and the like, I'd still like to have a re-review of the full app just to have it approved.

I overhauled the entire thing and added every single expansion I could add. Should be a good read.
@Percuriam removed d'Ithanie and Anglia following language rule changes. nothing else changed
and shrunk down the life story just because it was over the limit. It's been halved with many RP details omitted due to being in other parts of the app.
@Percuriam I made a few minor changes to proficiency to give some minor alchemy points. Removed one from Marshal knowledge and one from thin blades. Changed app to re-review since I've made several changes documented above, and feel it would be worth a quick check to make sure everything is kosher.
@Percuriam changed last name and made changes accordingly. Also removed some outdated extra information from the sheet that no longer applies.

Nothing required on the sheet changed, so it just needs a tag restore
Updated to the new format.

I made the decision to put the Basic, Skill, and Visual information into a wiki-esque table format for quick reference, believing it to be more pleasing to review and reference (reading lines of bullets half a page down is time consuming and ugly). All required information is present, along with a few extra tidbits that are significant to the character.

Besides this obvious change in format, the only significant difference to the app was the personality questions, and an extra paragraph to the life story on recent endeavors.

As Percuriam is no longer Lore Staff, this app is up for grabs.
Claimed for Review!
@Infinatum changed proficiency up, completely deleted the personality section, opting for the easy choice as I don't need to have the info metagamed, intentionally or not. Added it to the Character Card. I plan to write up an updated life story this weekend, but I'm tired right now. For now it stays unchanged. Feel free to wait a few days before a re-review.
You misspelled correspond at the bottom of the page, but other than that it looks fine as always.
Fixed @Infinatum . The price I pay for copy pasting another thread
At least the price wasn't everything.
proficiency update. Maxed out marshalry to 40 (since the ailor buff can't exceed 30 +10 culture) and added in Linguistics to know d'Ithanie. removed admiral knowledge to further boost food and drink sciences to deepen the brewing knowledge he had before I had to make cuts
Thanks for letting me know.
This will need a new reviewer to look over once the proficiency update is live. I made changes to points, but they are subject to change in the next few days.
Update is live so need a review whenever. Only thing that changed were points.
@BillyTheScroofy shifted 3 points in thin blades to puretek combat skill since it fits the character's thematic views more. Also added new art. Let me know if you want me to make any additional changes in regards to the puretek implementation.
@BillyTheScroofy minor flavor update, but mostly added the recent imperial decree to the life story and adjusted the title accordingly.
@BillyTheScroofy with hobby points I threw them all into culinary, and shuffled around some profs. puretek went up to 5, and dragon history was added. since the Drachenburg wiki page will be written soon (tm) the app may change again when that happens, but for now just making a note for your and my own records.
@BillyTheScroofy swapped Dragon History with Unionist Society knowledge. I don't know how to apply Dragon History to my roleplay, so I decided that having a way to do theological debates as a layperson would be more rewarding in the current scheme of things. since it required one more point, I took it from puretek.
@BillyTheScroofy life story updated for School of Marshalry, as well as a few minor changes to the other information.
moved a single point and changed his name to reflect the Emperor timeline update
@BillyTheScroofy it's that time of the year again, so added a single other point into thin blades (idk where else to put it so /shrug)

Also edited the name to the glorious one, cut off half the titles that no longer apply, and added a single sentence on recent events
@BillyTheScruffy nothing notable besides confirming Drahl lineage and adding a cute anecdote in paragraph 2
@BillyTheScruffy since I got a 2 point refund with recent society knowledge changes, I decided to put them into thin blades.
@BillyTheScruffy just updated the profs. might do life story in the future, but want the points locked in