- Joined
- Nov 28, 2015
- Messages
- 14
- Reaction score
- 37
- Points
- 0
Die Jagdhunde
"Starke Haut, scharfe Krallen"
Die Jagdhunde first existed as a minor gunpowder smuggling ring lead by an Alt-Regalian by the name of Dietrich Kohler during the reign of Freya Lo and her Deathlings. While not terribly relevant as a gang, the organisation came to some relevance after aligning themselves with the regime and offering military support in slum and sewer areas against rebel forces in return for funding. It was during this period that the first Hounds took to wearing canine masks and dark attire to hide themselves from rebel revenge attacks.The Gang peaked shortly after the fall of Freya Lo, becoming more professional and aggressive while fueled by revanchist fervour. But this hight swiftly disappeared and the gang fell back into obscurity.
More recently, however, Die Jagdhunde has reappeared suddenly under a new command and violently established itself a place in the slums, using steel and resolve where words had failed. Their exact means and motives remain somewhat vague at best, as their members are notoriously tight-lipped, but after their multiple city raids, kidnappings, and attacks on rival gangs, it is clear they're not bothering to make themselves inconspicuous.
Die Jagdhunde aims to be a disciplined and culturally Alt-Regalian leaning Gang focused on material and physical prowess, scorning, though not unwilling to work with, magic and its practitioners. While not actively seeking to cause warfare for its own sake, the Hounds are more than willing to engage in conflict if there appears to be a gain, and pride themselves on their ability to wage it. Furthermore, Die Jagdhunde is an unusually secretive organisation, and expects its members to be able to keep silent about their information.
We aim to do recruitment in as much of an in character basis as possible. To this end, any application made to join the gang will be followed up by an in game meeting, at the earliest convenience. Apply either on this thread, or through a private forum conversation.
Discord: (Not strictly required but greatly preferred)
Character Application: (Optional. Describe character very briefly if not applicable.)
IC letter: (Length is irrelevant, quality is not.)
If there is any specific complaint or issue against my gang or one of its members from an ooc standpoint, I would request that it is sent directly to me as soon as possible, preferably in a forum conversation. I will aim to resolve it as soon as possible. Thank you.