Character Information
- Full Name: Devadatta
- Race: Slizzar
- Age: ??? Non-Linear Time Distortions ???
- Sex: Agender
- Gender: Agender
- Sexuality: Asexual
- Affinity: Mirror Archon
Core Concept
Devadatta is a deeply paranoid Slizzar created in an age long since past and is a devout worshipper of their creator Madhyaratri. While once a shadow of death for Marya to command, they have since turned towards Surya in hopes to finding the answers they seek.
Proficiency Information
Attack Faith/Defense Wisdom
Devadatta is a deeply paranoid Slizzar created in an age long since past and is a devout worshipper of their creator Madhyaratri. While once a shadow of death for Marya to command, they have since turned towards Surya in hopes to finding the answers they seek.
Proficiency Information
Attack Faith/Defense Wisdom
- Strength - 0
- Constitution - 0
- Intelligence - 0
- Shapeshift (Slizzar)
- Mindcontrol (Slizzar)
- Wisdom - 7
- Chem Bang
- Bardic Harmony (Free)
- Aria of Distortion
- Aria of Harming
- Elegy of Headwind
- Elegy of Tailwind
- Sonata of Purity
- Sonata of Sanctuary
- Dexterity - 1
- Escape Artist
- Faith - 1
- Sanctity Prayer
- Magic - 1
- Arcane Warp (Archon)
- Charisma - 5
- Hosting Presence
- Sanctioned Presence
- Saving Presence
- Hazard Presence
- Fame Presence
Appearance Information
- While rarely seen, Devadatta's birth shape is vaguely feminine but tall, toned and athletic, with various shaded lilac scale accents. Their 'hair' is similarly colored to their marking scales and runs down past their shoulders in length.
Plot Hooks
- A Lost Image - Devadatta seems to default on a shift named Citra, a smaller Kyat Allar. For unknown reasons they always seem very defensive and protective of this particular shift, going out of their way to keep it preserved as best they can, as if changing it too much would ruin something. If one were to notice small changes in Citra, it could be an opportunity to broach the topic, or pick at the seams.
- Loved - Devadatta has always been a follower of Madhyaratri, also known as Nox. They are unsure why they were bestowed such a gift, but they have become the Chosen of Nox. Through their devotion they seek to enact His will and plans unto the world, while also seeking small clues and tidbits of information about their creator.
- Desolation - After the Advancement, Devadatta seems oddly adverse to looking up towards the night's sky. The air around them squirms and writhes with magic, the ground rumbles and teems with life and now even the sky above the sky screams a song of lives long lost. Silence is a virtue often overlooked.
- Lost Under a Mask - Beyond whatever it is they seem to fear, Devadatta doggedly hides their identity from those close to them. Afraid of the consequences of truth, they keep lying to those who they would even call good friends and would never willingly reveal their true nature without good reason. Those seeking to push past the paranoia should look for that reason.
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