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Descending From The Skies


repairing the gens
Staff member
Jun 5, 2016
Reaction score
Korok Forest
Notices are placed in New and Old Town.


To The Isldar of Regalia

The Risen emerge from the embers of a false leader.
Join the Risen and your demise will be the same as the fallen Siora.
Join the Risen against the Ailor of the City and you will banish all Isldar people to a fiery end.

The City will see smoke and the Isldar turned to dust from the evil deeds of those within the Risen; from those who dare defy our purpose as Isldar, and taint it black as night.

The Risen will drag each and every Isldar to awaiting pyres.

Isldar of Regalia, I lend you this message:
Unite with the Pillar of Imperium and your lives will be guaranteed.
Unite with the Pillar of Imperium and we will right all of the wrongdoings the Refuge has done, and the wrongdoings the Risen will inevitably do for nothing but their own selfish desires.
We will see the Isldar name preserved and embraced, and our image and security rectified.
There is only one choice I lend.

-Gwenyth Zylmoira,
The Elder of Imperium
@LumosJared @TheVigilantWolf @MasterMordax
Notices are placed in New and Old Town.


To The Isldar of Regalia

The Risen emerge from the embers of a false leader.
Join the Risen and your demise will be the same as the fallen Siora.
Join the Risen against the Ailor of the City and you will banish all Isldar people to a fiery end.

The City will see smoke and the Isldar turned to dust from the evil deeds of those within the Risen; from those who dare defy our purpose as Isldar, and taint it black as night.

The Risen will drag each and every Isldar to awaiting pyres.

Isldar of Regalia, I lend you this message:
Unite with the Pillar of Imperium and your lives will be guaranteed.
Unite with the Pillar of Imperium and we will right all of the wrongdoings the Refuge has done, and the wrongdoings the Risen will inevitably do for nothing but their own selfish desires.
We will see the Isldar name preserved and embraced, and our image and security rectified.
There is only one choice I lend.

-Gwenyth Zylmoira,
The Elder of Imperium
@LumosJared @TheVigilantWolf @MasterMordax
"The word Imperium makes me think that these guys are going to convert any Isldar that approach them to Unionism or turn them in for heresy. Makes me uneasy to say the least...best warn the others about this and see what we know." Florian said, stretching his fingers through his beard "Though they do have a nice sentiment with the whole ''The Risen will be the end of you all'' schpele...suppose that's because they are right."
Thomas Dopsworth held the document incredulously, his fingers tracing over the draconic sigil as he idly read it over. Much like other declarations, he read through it to find nothing other than threats, power grabs, and disappointment to his beliefs- that is, until he read who it was that signed it. Once, twice, thrice did he wipe at his eyes and brush at the page to see if either it were an illusion or if someone had modified it after it was posted. Suddenly, all the words on the page held an entirely new meaning to him.

"Grev?! Oh, I had seen this day coming from moons ago, but I always wished I never would truly see it," lamented her friend as he gently put it back where it belonged on the board.