Notices are placed in New and Old Town.
To The Isldar of Regalia
The Risen emerge from the embers of a false leader.
Join the Risen and your demise will be the same as the fallen Siora.
Join the Risen against the Ailor of the City and you will banish all Isldar people to a fiery end.
The City will see smoke and the Isldar turned to dust from the evil deeds of those within the Risen; from those who dare defy our purpose as Isldar, and taint it black as night.
The Risen will drag each and every Isldar to awaiting pyres.
Isldar of Regalia, I lend you this message:
Unite with the Pillar of Imperium and your lives will be guaranteed.
Unite with the Pillar of Imperium and we will right all of the wrongdoings the Refuge has done, and the wrongdoings the Risen will inevitably do for nothing but their own selfish desires.
We will see the Isldar name preserved and embraced, and our image and security rectified.
There is only one choice I lend.
-Gwenyth Zylmoira,
The Elder of Imperium
@LumosJared @TheVigilantWolf @MasterMordax To The Isldar of Regalia
The Risen emerge from the embers of a false leader.
Join the Risen and your demise will be the same as the fallen Siora.
Join the Risen against the Ailor of the City and you will banish all Isldar people to a fiery end.
The City will see smoke and the Isldar turned to dust from the evil deeds of those within the Risen; from those who dare defy our purpose as Isldar, and taint it black as night.
The Risen will drag each and every Isldar to awaiting pyres.
Isldar of Regalia, I lend you this message:
Unite with the Pillar of Imperium and your lives will be guaranteed.
Unite with the Pillar of Imperium and we will right all of the wrongdoings the Refuge has done, and the wrongdoings the Risen will inevitably do for nothing but their own selfish desires.
We will see the Isldar name preserved and embraced, and our image and security rectified.
There is only one choice I lend.
-Gwenyth Zylmoira,
The Elder of Imperium