On the Seventeenth of January, Three-Hundred-And-Ten AC, noble houses Delmotte and Petrou have agreed to jointly oversee and execute the retrieval of the Gauntlet of Theomar, along with its return to his Imperial Holiness the Emperor.
Should his Imperial Holiness refuse to accept the Gauntlet of Theomar, and should it be determined that the Gauntlet is entirely mundane in nature, the Dukes Delmotte & Petrou have agreed to instead grant this relic to the Celacy and/or Villiers-Eclaire.
However, should it be determined that the Gauntlet of Theomar possesses properties that are occult or blessed, akin to Sangria: Blessed Blade of the Glory-Seeker, the Dukes Delmotte & Petrou have agreed to instead entrust this relic to the safekeeping of the Wards of Fae in their Regalian Sepulcher.
Should his Imperial Holiness refuse to accept the Gauntlet of Theomar, and should it be determined that the Gauntlet is entirely mundane in nature, the Dukes Delmotte & Petrou have agreed to instead grant this relic to the Celacy and/or Villiers-Eclaire.
However, should it be determined that the Gauntlet of Theomar possesses properties that are occult or blessed, akin to Sangria: Blessed Blade of the Glory-Seeker, the Dukes Delmotte & Petrou have agreed to instead entrust this relic to the safekeeping of the Wards of Fae in their Regalian Sepulcher.
His Grace, Markus Delmotte, Duke of Bastadon
His Grace, Abelhard Petrou, Duke-Celate of Athos, Protector of the Monasteries of Athos
His Grace, Markus Delmotte, Duke of Bastadon
His Grace, Abelhard Petrou, Duke-Celate of Athos, Protector of the Monasteries of Athos