
IGN: Dragonking14
Character Name: Gunnulf
Character Age: 45
Character Race: Ailor (Anglian)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of bloodcast, warrior
Link to Character app (If applicable): In the Making
Access to Skype?: Yes
In Character Letter to the Grand Commandeur Wulfram Kehlen:

To Grand Commandeur Wuldram Kehlan of the Regalian Order of Chevaliers,
I am Gunnulf, a wandering Bloodcast Knight set on his long term goal of doing good deeds for the people of the empire. I would like to join your knightly order to lend my blade to others who may need it and to be recognized for my deeds, I'm relatively to the city however i served as a guardsman for House Celyreos before there decline from Nobility.


IGN: Eternal_Wrath
Character Name: Keagan Norwood
Character Age: 34
Character Race: Heartland Ceadrian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Champion Bloodcast
Link to Character app (If applicable): Boop
Access to Skype?: Yes
In Character Letter to the Grand Commandeur Wulfram Kehlen:

To Grand Commandeur Wuldram Kehlan,

I write to you in order to seek admission into the Regalian Order of Chevaliers. I'm an experience member of the Bloodcast Order and have served in many wars and battles. I hail from Dragenthal, or at least from a very young age do so, and I would like to help you progress this Order into prestige. I currently serve as a house guard to the Count Krupp, I hope this doesn't get in the way of my acceptance into your Order.
Sir Keagan Norwood,
Knight of the Bloodcast Order
Last edited:
IGN: norrstrom
Character Name: Côme Ombre
Character Age: Twenty Eight
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Viridian, Warrior
Link to Character app (If applicable): WIP App
Access to Skype?: yup
In Character Letter to the Grand Commandeur Wulfram Kehlen:

To the honorable Grand Commandeur Ser Wulfram Kehlen,
It was truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance the other day at the Piergarten archery contest. I would think joining an order such as this in the Holy City will allow me to make proper use of my skills and training, something I have felt sorely lacking in since arriving. I do hope you grant me the honor of joining.

Spirit bless,
Ser Côme Ombre
Knight of the Viridian Order
IGN: JennaLikesCoffee.
Character Name: Eydis Årud.
Character Age: 18.
Character Race: Ailor, Velheim.
Character Gender: Female.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: While not having attended a proper military school, Eydis is exceptionally skilled in the combat form of archery and is currently a Novice in the School of Astronomy.
Link to Character app (If applicable): x.
Access to Skype?: Yep!
In Character Letter to the Grand Commandeur Wulfram Kehlen:

To the Grand Commandeur,

I, Eydis Årud, am writing to you in order to express my utmost interest in joining your ranks. Yes, I may lack in knighthood experience, though if given the opportuntiy to prove myself in the Regalian Order of Chavaliers, I can promise you that you won't regret taking me on. I believe I can contribute to this organization with the experience I do have in the combat form of archery and the knowledge I have in astronomy. I look forward to hearing from you and possibly working alongside you.

Character Name: Avynn Ignace
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Ailor, Velheim
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Champion, Skagger
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
Access to Skype?: Yes, Will Pm
In Character Letter to the Grand Commandeur Wulfram Kehlen:
To the Grand Commander,
Though I have had many years in combat I feel I have a lot to learn. I also believe I can share my experience with others. I hope you can allow me to join and contribute where I can.
Imperial Dame,
IGN: TheMoistestMan
Character Name: Alexander Donsly
Character Age: 24
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Bloodcast Warrior
Link to Character app (If applicable):
Access to Skype?: Yus
In Character Letter to the Grand Commandeur WulframKehlen: Dear Grand Commander
As of recent I have been informed of your charter of knights and knights-to-be, but it was your prowess in the fight against the Arken Gabriel that truly caught my attention, after some research I would be honored if you would consider a place for me inside your organization
Many thanks
Alexander Donsly
IGN: MugQueenGhost
Character Name: Averel Norwood
Character Age: Twenty One
Character Race: Heartland Ceadrian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Bloodcast, School of Lecgaen Warrior, Student
Link to Character app (If applicable): Wasn't finished yet
Access to Skype?: Ghostalexis111
In Character Letter to the Grand Commandeur Wulfram Kehlen: Dear, Grand Commandeur Wulfram: ''I Averel Norwood would like to Join your charter in hope's to help future generations of regaila, Sence trained as a knight it would further be more of a use for me to be apart of it,'' at the very end of the parchment would be writtin in a very fine print ''I swear My brother didn't convince me to write this''​
IGN: Cansyphilaids
Character Name: Leufred Reginar
Character Age: 19
Character Race: Ailor - Leutz-Vixe
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Bloodcast fighter, freelance archer.
Link to Character app (If applicable): N/A. Working on it.
Access to Skype?: Yep.
In Character Letter to the Grand Commandeur Wulfram Kehlen:
A letter arrived, written in surprisingly neat Leutz-Vixe.
To the Grand Commandeur Wulfram Kehlen,
We met during the gala, as I hope you recall. I'm still in need of quite a bit of experience, and such an order seems perfect for me to finish my training. I cannot thank you enough for the kindness you showed during the gala, and, if I am accepted as an apprentice, I will be sure to keep both you and Ser Norwood satisfied.

Leufred (Reginar), Scildar of the Bloodcast Order.
P.S. This was the third paper I used. I don't think I'd have been able to get it if not for the funds you supplied.
To the Aspirant Norwood,

You are welcomed on the merit of Keagan Norwood who I presume is the brother you mentioned. Your training will further explore swordplay, tactics, and other similar things.

Ser Wulfram Ernst Kehlen
Regalian Order of Chevaliers
APPROVED. PM me your skype.
babe my skype is in the place where it says skype
IGN: BleachForTheSoul
Character Name: Frederica Norwood
Character Age: 32
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Champion Jeannarc
Link to Character app (If applicable): Not approved yet, but here;
Access to Skype?: Yes.
In Character Letter to the Grand Commandeur Wulfram Kehlen:
Grand Commander Wulfram Kehlen,

I, Lioness Protectress Frederica Norwood write to you in request to become a member of your Order of Chevaliers, my desire to join stems from my hopes to continue instructing the future generations of knights, without being constrained within the walls of my Order. I have served in most recent wars to date, and have won many competitions based upon fighting skill. I have commanded men on the battlefield and have a solid grasp of officer command, sided by a basic knowledge of medical practices.

I thank you for reading,

Frederica Norwood, Lioness Protectress of the Arcèn Order.