Archived Decreasing The Gap Between New And Old Pvpers.

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Feb 22, 2013
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Hi there everyone. I've been giving some thought lately on the topic concerning the gap between old and new pvpers, and the threshold that new pvpers have to cross essentially to actually be relevant in the PVP scene. Lets dive in shall we?

For new players to PVP on MassiveCraft with reasonable success, which I define as having a fighting chance against any average PVPer of average states, they really need to accomplish the following:
  • Became established in a faction that accepts and helps promote PVP, or have the will and knowledge to create their own.
  • Train there MCMMO stats to reasonable levels. Not close to the ludicrous levels as some such veteran players have attained, but at least to the skill cap that once the stat reaches that level, they no longer gain anything but MCMMO points.
  • Obtain God weapons and God armor.
The problem is though, is that one of the biggest issues that new players face is the time commitment to achieving reasonable MCMMO statistics. Things like god armor and god weapons come easy due to a large supply existing on the server. Full sets of armor can be bought for less than 400 regals sometimes. Weapons even cheaper. Some factions give armor. It's also easily obtained through enchanting via dark-rooming. The biggest threshold new players have to overcome is the amount of time spent in a darkroom achieving the stats almost 'required' to PVP on MassiveCraft, if you'd like to put it like that. A player that joins the server, is handed armor, weapons, potions, and is given a trait build to apply and is told to go fight someone who has been on the server and has trained their stats is already at a disadvantage, before the fight even starts.

Now, one would come to the conclusion that the best way to resolve this issue is to remove MCMMO, and do away with the gap it create. PVP would be based on whether or not you have an effective trait build, are a vampire, and your individual skill. A lot of other things would happen too. People would have a harder time dueling multiple people at the same time, now that skull-split would be gone. Serrated strikes as form of DOT and CC would be gone. Archery would most likely return to being a worthless form of offense due to the damage bonus it would lose. Disarming people would cease to exist as a tactic. And don't forget about all the stats not even related to PVP. People would lose the hunger bar replenishment increase they got from training fishing or herbalism. All the perks of mining would be gone. All the perks of woodcutting. Perks of excavation. The ability to fix and salvage armor would be nonexistent. We even have to look at what else this would effect. Armor breakage would be significantly lower, so we might as well revert armor to default durability. No MCMMO potions anymore. But since this is about the effect MCMMO has on PVP, we could just remove the stats that affect PVP. But then we get overlapping stats. Do we classify the food replenishment a high fishing and herbalism stat give as a PVP stat or a Survival stat? Do we classify the resistance to explosions gained from 1000 mining as a PVP stat to survive cannons, or as a survival stat. Now I know we can disable specific features within stats, but the point I'm getting at is that removing features of MCMMO is a drastic measure, the nuclear option.

So we are at a crossroads. Do we remove the features that make an older players so much stronger than a newer player, assuming they both intend to train their stats and PVP? Or do we close the threshold by helping new players? I vote the latter. I believe that new players should be helped and encouraged to train their stats, and here are a few ideas on how to do that.
  • A grace period for stat training to new players: One of the biggest thresholds is the amount of time having to be spent to achieve stats on par with those of the veteran players. Currently, the faction XP bonus give faction members a 50% increase in leveling. Either keeping it at that level or slightly nerfing it, we could possibly give this effect to new players, and have it last for say a week or two. Within this week, new players are then encouraged to train their stats. A command could be run that shows how much time is left on it, and it could even display a message such as "Purchase premium and combine the effects for a total of +80% MCMMO XP." And then the usual information regarding purchasing premium and such. Hopefully this would encourage new players to train their stats, and even encourage them to purchase premium for the additional bonus. And now that they have purchased premium, they hopefully realize the perks of being premium, and continue to buy it.
  • Increased relay of information concerning PVP in the starter quest: Increase the information given to players that concerns PVP on MassiveCraft. I understand that the quest was never created to be super long, as to not deter new members. My suggestion is then to create a seperate quest giver, maybe by the name of "Warrior [name] or Veteran [name]" and have his quest be specifically about PVP. Learn about MCMMO and traits. Make them run commands to apply traits. Make them learn about KitPVP. Go into a bit of faction relations and /f enemy and raids. Looking at the other side of the spectrum, you could do a quest specifically for RP related things new players need to learn. It's all in getting the information to the new players, and I think having them do the starter quest first, and then upon completion of the starter quest, make the PVP and RP quest availble to the players, and let them choose which one they want to do, or even both if they want to. Reward them with pvp and rp specific items at the end of the quest. Player's ability to freely choose and get rewarded for it are strong incentives.
Those are my two ideas at the moment. If I have anymore I will definitely add them. I really encourage you to share your ideas, and any constructive criticism you have. All I ask is that you keep it civil and on topic. I will request flamey or off topic comments to be removed.

So I spoke about how I believe an PVP centered quest that new players were able to do would be the first step in closing the gap between the old and new players wishing to get into PVP. I have written a quest that I feel closely models what I hope will accomplish this. Note, I have not written quest in awhile, so there are bound to be a numerous amount of syntax mistakes in my quest that will most likely render it inoperable. A quest staff member will need to take a look at fix any existing issues. The brunt of what I hope to see in the quest is there though, so the strenous part of coming up with material for the quest itself is done. The trigger rules and commands are most likely the bugged parts.

Clarification: I tried to keep the quest as short as possible while including the things I feel needed to be mentioned. If you can read this quest and understand it, and have any suggestion as to what I should change, feel free to comment.

I mentioned the following:
  • MassiveTraits
  • KitPVP
  • Factions and how they are important to PVP in the survival worlds.
  • Mechanics that are changed on MassiveCraft that affect PVP.
  • MassiveCraft Warfare rules.
Clarfication on some things (This is mainly for quest staff fixing the quest, and trying to understand what I was getting at at the same time)
  • I did not know the name/region the player first spawns in, so I used "startinghub" as my best guess.
  • I did not have a name for the NPC, so in each node creation, it is simply .warrior. A name would need to be substituted in.
  • The few mentions of the Warrior (Quest giver) throughout the quest has no name yet, so one will needed to be added in.
  • Lap = learn about pvp
  • I opted to use the OnChat to advance multiple nodes, as I feel it keep the player interacting with the quest. I also used /q e ta IfCompleted <previous node> in some places in case the OnChat text conflicts with one another, as in is the same string being typed twice, as happens once I believe.
  • I opted to not include IfInWorld with every /q e ta but the first one, so if a new player accidentally exits the starting hub without completing the quest, they can still complete it, if say they are in a faction and want to still complete the quest.
  • I couldn't remember how to format enchants on weapons, so I just put in the item ID for the correct item, and then what I wanted it to be with the enchant on it.
    /q create startinghub.warrior.lap
    /q e n Learn about PVP on MassiveCraft
    /q e d Learn all about Player versus Player (PVP) combat on MassiveCraft. It is suggest you do the intro quest given by Advisor Henry first.
    /q e tf OnClickNPC Warrior <name>
    /q e tf IfInWorld startinghub
    /q e of DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.100
    /q create startinghub.warrior.lap.100
    /q e n MassiveCraft PVP is unlike any other!
    /q e d On MassiveCraft, PVP is very different from other servers. To continue learning about MassiveCraft PVP, type "I want to learn more about PVP"
    /q e ta OnChat "I want to learn more about PVP"
    /q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.200
    /q create startinghub.warrior.lap.200
    /q e n Learn about MCMMO
    /q e d MCMMO is a RPG-grinding plugin that allows you to level different stats through hitting mobs and other players, as well as other stat specific activities. Type /mcmmo to learn about MCMMO and continue learning about MassiveCraft PVP.
    /q e ta OnChat "/mcmmo"
    /q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.300
    /q create startinghub.warrior.lap.300
    /q e n Learn about MassiveTraits
    /q e d MassiveTraits is a MassiveCraft custom plugin that allows you to select "traits" based on the way you want to play on the server. They are an essential part of PVP. Type /massivetraits to learn more and to continue learning about MassiveCraft PVP.
    /q e ta OnChat "/massivetraits"
    /q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.400
    /q create startinghub.warrior.lap.400
    /q e n Learn about KitPVP
    /q e d MassiveCraft KitPVP allows anyone to immediately jump into PVP with pre-created armor, weapons, and trait builds. Select an existing kit, or create your own! To continue learning, type "I want to continue learning about PVP"
    /q e ta OnChat "I want to continue learning about PVP"
    /q e ta IfCompleted startinghub.warrior.lap.300
    /q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.500
    /q create startinghub.warrior.lap.500
    /q e n Learn about Factions and how they are important to PVP
    /q e d Factions are an important part of PVP on MassiveCraft. They allow people to fight against one another in the survival worlds, without harming their friends or allies. Factions are the building blocks that allow PVP to exist. If you'd like to get involved in PVP, we suggest finding a faction by asking in recruitment chat. Type "R:" to enter recruitment chat, and continue learning about PVP.
    /q e ta OnChat "R:"
    /q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.600
    /q create startinghub.warrior.lap.600
    /q e n Mechanics on MassiveCraft that affect PVP
    /q e d Some mechanics are changed on MassiveCraft. TNT does not do block damage on explosion. Base durability of all armor is set 3x normal diamond base durability. Read about the changed features and more on Type "I want to continue learning about MassiveCraft PVP" to continue.
    /q e ta OnChat "I want to continue learning about MassiveCraft PVP"
    /q e ta IfCompleted startinghub.warrior.lap.500
    /q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.700
    /q create startinghub.warrior.lap.700
    /q e n War Rules on MassiveCraft
    /q e d MassiveCraft has War Rules to help keep PVP fun for everyone. You may raid a faction from 3-5 hours daily, but there is no limit to how many factions you can raid. Factions can surrender with max tribute. Visit for the full list of warfare rules. Type "I understand the Warfare rules" to continue.
    /q e ta OnChat "I understand the Warfare rules"
    /q e ta IfCompleted startinghub.warrior.lap.600
    /q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.800
    /q create startinghub.warrior.lap.800
    /q e n You've learned the basics of MassiveCraft PVP
    /q e d Those are the basic concepts of MassiveCraft PVP. If you'd like to continue learning about PVP, we encourage you to find a faction to join that teaches you how to PVP, and will provide you with guidance on how to continue in MassiveCraft PVP. Type "I have learned about MassiveCraft PVP" to complete this quest.
    /q e ta OnChat "I have learned about MassiveCraft PVP"
    /q e ta IfSlotsEmpty 2
    /q e oc DoGiveItem 276 [Sharpness 1 Diamond Sword]
    /q e oc DoGiveItem 279 [Sharpness 1 Diamond Axe]
    /q e oc DoAdvance startinghub.warrior.lap
Thank you for reading, and have a Massive Day! :)
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hey guys. Thanks for the winner and like ratings! I really do appreciate it. Although I would prefer your suggestions and responses. It helps me and hopefully the staff better flesh out and idea into a workable solution.
maybe the older you are the harder it is to get stats, and then make it easier to get stats. then you can just jump out there and once you are out it gets harder to get higher.

also the combat update should make players like me: players with stratigic minds but dont want to spend their life getting face skills on a fake world, able to beat peaple who make a living youtubing their games. woohoo combat update!
also making better-than-god items getable at skill-related events would be helpfull. then the people who have good aim would have an advantage and those with good agility would have a better sword
more ideas incoming alert! how about waiting untill the combat update, im sure massive can make these weapons into a tool to help make a bridge between the skill level gap
OK so I know I'm gonna get a lot of people saying this is a terrible idea and honestly I would agree but even though I may be different from the majority of gamers as I personally love grinding and creating weapons and gear I realize the greater majority of people do not. They want the action right now with as little effort put in to the task as possible. Basically I am refurring to the CoD generation of gamers.

Call of Duty was such a successful franchise because it's so easy to just jump into and play. You're gonna be terrible when you first start but because the battles work off a kit system when you die you don't really lose anything so you can just jump right back into the fight and then eventually you get really good and for a lot of us get super addicted to the fast paced quality it has (ADHD generation).

Now obviously Minecraft is a completely different game then CoD with vastly different mechanics so the CoD model wouldn't really work with Massive PvP but a hybrid version might or more truthfully can and has. Since crafting will always be the basis of Minecraft we can't just remove that altogether by giving people endless kits full of god gear. It would destroy the gear economy and damage other sectors as well.

One thing I have seen on other faction servers is a unique kit setup for their faction survival words where you do /kit to bring up a list of available kits you can use. They generally have a time frame for each one for example you get the "Daily" kit which tends to be semi enchanted iron armor and tools. Then they'll have something like "Weekly, Monthly, Special, Premium," kits as well. I think we could find a way to simplify it so that every player can JUST ONCE A DAY use /kit to get a full set of god gear. That way a player can at the very least get one fair fight each day without too much hassle. Once they lose that set they either have to go buy or make themselves another set or they can wait a day to get their next /kit.

The problem we are seeing on this server is just that the average gamer is pretty lazy... well people in general are. They don't wanna spend hours a day grinding to get their gear at which point when they finally have it they walk out on the battlefield and die in literally seconds basically wasting all those hours they put into obtaining that gear. It's extremely discouraging cause at that point you know you have to put in a few more hours to get your gear back and judging by your last fight you're just gonna lose it again in seconds in the next fight you engage in.

Now I realize this would be a huge change and I don't pretend to understand how hard it would be to implement and how bad the backlash would be from the community I'm just trying to think outside the box to help spark ideas that would work well.

PS: If this is semi incoherent I apologize I tried to write this before my Lorazipam kicked in buttt I took too long. :/

I will fix any confusing bits later.
I am not a pvper, but I like the idea of a quest, which explains Massive PvP, when you join MassiveCraft. I think that would encourage more people at the start to get into PvP.
maybe the older you are the harder it is to get stats, and then make it easier to get stats. then you can just jump out there and once you are out it gets harder to get higher.
also the combat update should make players like me: players with stratigic minds but dont want to spend their life getting face skills on a fake world, able to beat peaple who make a living youtubing their games. woohoo combat update!
also making better-than-god items getable at skill-related events would be helpfull. then the people who have good aim would have an advantage and those with good agility would have a better sword
more ideas incoming alert! how about waiting untill the combat update, im sure massive can make these weapons into a tool to help make a bridge between the skill level gap
Thank you for your replies! My goal here is to reduce the threshold that keeps new players from effectively joining PVP. My process would be something along the lines of inform, create incentive, and reward; specifically aimed at new players.

Obviously there won't be a cure all solution for the entire problem, but it would be a start. Inform and create incentive for new players to get into PVP, and then continue to facilitate that improving upon our PVP environment overall. That's where the work balancing vampires and traits comes in.

When it comes to special items, that say, have "Sharp VI" on them for example, I honestly don't have an opinion, because I don't know how that would effect PVP overall. It's definitely something to explore though.

I'm very much excited for the Minecraft 1.9 combat update. From what I can tell, dual wielding may become a thing, as well as shields. If shields do become a thing, and significantly reduce damage, I hope to see tanks builds arise, where people run HealthBoost2 and Absorption2 along with HealStrike and RevengeStrike, and their role be to just tank damage. It would be so cool!

OK so I know I'm gonna get a lot of people saying this is a terrible idea and honestly I would agree but even though I may be different from the majority of gamers as I personally love grinding and creating weapons and gear I realize the greater majority of people do not. They want the action right now with as little effort put in to the task as possible. Basically I am refurring to the CoD generation of gamers.

Call of Duty was such a successful franchise because it's so easy to just jump into and play. You're gonna be terrible when you first start but because the battles work off a kit system when you die you don't really lose anything so you can just jump right back into the fight and then eventually you get really good and for a lot of us get super addicted to the fast paced quality it has (ADHD generation).

Now obviously Minecraft is a completely different game then CoD with vastly different mechanics so the CoD model wouldn't really work with Massive PvP but a hybrid version might or more truthfully can and has. Since crafting will always be the basis of Minecraft we can't just remove that altogether by giving people endless kits full of god gear. It would destroy the gear economy and damage other sectors as well.

One thing I have seen on other faction servers is a unique kit setup for their faction survival words where you do /kit to bring up a list of available kits you can use. They generally have a time frame for each one for example you get the "Daily" kit which tends to be semi enchanted iron armor and tools. Then they'll have something like "Weekly, Monthly, Special, Premium," kits as well. I think we could find a way to simplify it so that every player can JUST ONCE A DAY use /kit to get a full set of god gear. That way a player can at the very least get one fair fight each day without too much hassle. Once they lose that set they either have to go buy or make themselves another set or they can wait a day to get their next /kit.

The problem we are seeing on this server is just that the average gamer is pretty lazy... well people in general are. They don't wanna spend hours a day grinding to get their gear at which point when they finally have it they walk out on the battlefield and die in literally seconds basically wasting all those hours they put into obtaining that gear. It's extremely discouraging cause at that point you know you have to put in a few more hours to get your gear back and judging by your last fight you're just gonna lose it again in seconds in the next fight you engage in.

Now I realize this would be a huge change and I don't pretend to understand how hard it would be to implement and how bad the backlash would be from the community I'm just trying to think outside the box to help spark ideas that would work well.

PS: If this is semi incoherent I apologize I tried to write this before my Lorazipam kicked in buttt I took too long. :/

I will fix any confusing bits later.
Not a bad idea, but not what I think would work on MassiveCraft. The environment of the survival worlds is very fend for yourself, and if we were to give everyone that wanted one a set of god armor, and they decided to PVP without little PVP experience or skill, the armor would just fall into the hands of the veteran pvpers, and the richer and stronger become richer and stronger.
How about a series of quests that reward a set amount of mcmmo exp if you are under a certain level in the skill that the quest is made for.
This way new players can get their skills to a decent level while battling unique bosses in different environments instead of spending their time in darkrooms. The total amount of exp (mcmmo) gained from these quests should be the total amount of exp(mcmmo) needed to get to the set level.

By setting rewards depending on mcmmo levels this system can not be abused to get on the toplists.
Instead, the different quests could reward xp (enchanting) or low level enchantment books for the completion of said quest by a more experienced player or a player that has already completed it once.

Implementing this would grant players, both new and old, a way to prepare for future pvp battles while giving it all it's own storyline.

We already have a questing plugin, don't we? (Haven't had time to try out any quests released in quite a while).
How about a series of quests that reward a set amount of mcmmo exp if you are under a certain level in the skill that the quest is made for.
This way new players can get their skills to a decent level while battling unique bosses in different environments instead of spending their time in darkrooms. The total amount of exp (mcmmo) gained from these quests should be the total amount of exp(mcmmo) needed to get to the set level.

By setting rewards depending on mcmmo levels this system can not be abused to get on the toplists.
Instead, the different quests could reward xp (enchanting) or low level enchantment books for the completion of said quest by a more experienced player or a player that has already completed it once.

Implementing this would grant players, both new and old, a way to prepare for future pvp battles while giving it all it's own storyline.

We already have a questing plugin, don't we? (Haven't had time to try out any quests released in quite a while).
Great idea. The only thing I'm a bit iffy on is I can't remember whether or not you can give MCMMO XP with the Quest plugin. I don't believe you can, so that might require a tech implementation before it works.
Great idea. The only thing I'm a bit iffy on is I can't remember whether or not you can give MCMMO XP with the Quest plugin. I don't believe you can, so that might require a tech implementation before it works.
Yes, that's probably one of the the biggest issues.
Shouldn't be too hard to code though. But I'm no java expert so don't take my word for it.
maybe the older you are the harder it is to get stats, and then make it easier to get stats. then you can just jump out there and once you are out it gets harder to get higher.

also the combat update should make players like me: players with stratigic minds but dont want to spend their life getting face skills on a fake world, able to beat peaple who make a living youtubing their games. woohoo combat update!
Problem with your first point is what happens when you are an old player but still don't have stats, then it is even harder to level them up.
Problem with your first point is what happens when you are an old player but still don't have stats, then it is even harder to level them up.
no, it would be normal for them but easiest for noobs
See, the thing is, I don't want to nerf older players and both buff new players simultaneously. I don't think it would be appropriate for older players to have a harder time training their MCMMO stats. For example: The person how introduced me to the server no longer plays, but his account on the server is around three years old, which is pretty old. He never trained his MCMMO stats to max level, so if he decided to come back and wanted to play, he would come back to the hardest time of leveling his stats, and that may just turn him off to the idea of playing at all. Same with anyone else this may affect that tried to play MassiveCraft some time ago, decides to come back, and then realizes how hard it is to level, and leaves; leaving us with one less player we could have kept.

My idea is to simply make it easier for newer players to get into PVP and leveling. I don't want to hand them 1000 in every MCMMO stat the moment they log on. I want them to work for it, but it needs to be easier than it is now, and they need to be directed to it specifically, and understand the concept behind the importance of MCMMO.
See, the thing is, I don't want to nerf older players and both buff new players simultaneously. I don't think it would be appropriate for older players to have a harder time training their MCMMO stats. For example: The person how introduced me to the server no longer plays, but his account on the server is around three years old, which is pretty old. He never trained his MCMMO stats to max level, so if he decided to come back and wanted to play, he would come back to the hardest time of leveling his stats, and that may just turn him off to the idea of playing at all. Same with anyone else this may affect that tried to play MassiveCraft some time ago, decides to come back, and then realizes how hard it is to level, and leaves; leaving us with one less player we could have kept.

My idea is to simply make it easier for newer players to get into PVP and leveling. I don't want to hand them 1000 in every MCMMO stat the moment they log on. I want them to work for it, but it needs to be easier than it is now, and they need to be directed to it specifically, and understand the concept behind the importance of MCMMO.
that is what im saying, make it easy for new players and once they are online for a few days it slowly goes to normal
So I spoke about how I believe an PVP centered quest that new players were able to do would be the first step in closing the gap between the old and new players wishing to get into PVP. I have written a quest that I feel closely models what I hope will accomplish this. Note, I have not written quest in awhile, so there are bound to be a numerous amount of syntax mistakes in my quest that will most likely render it inoperable. A quest staff member will need to take a look at fix any existing issues. The brunt of what I hope to see in the quest is there though, so the strenous part of coming up with material for the quest itself is done. The trigger rules and commands are most likely the bugged parts.

Clarification: I tried to keep the quest as short as possible while including the things I feel needed to be mentioned. If you can read this quest and understand it, and have any suggestion as to what I should change, feel free to comment.

I mentioned the following:
  • MassiveTraits
  • KitPVP
  • Factions and how they are important to PVP in the survival worlds.
  • Mechanics that are changed on MassiveCraft that affect PVP.
  • MassiveCraft Warfare rules.
Clarfication on some things (This is mainly for quest staff fixing the quest, and trying to understand what I was getting at at the same time)
  • I did not know the name/region the player first spawns in, so I used "startinghub" as my best guess.
  • I did not have a name for the NPC, so in each node creation, it is simply .warrior. A name would need to be substituted in.
  • The few mentions of the Warrior (Quest giver) throughout the quest has no name yet, so one will needed to be added in.
  • Lap = learn about pvp
  • I opted to use the OnChat to advance multiple nodes, as I feel it keep the player interacting with the quest. I also used /q e ta IfCompleted <previous node> in some places in case the OnChat text conflicts with one another, as in is the same string being typed twice, as happens once I believe.
  • I opted to not include IfInWorld with every /q e ta but the first one, so if a new player accidentally exits the starting hub without completing the quest, they can still complete it, if say they are in a faction and want to still complete the quest.
  • I couldn't remember how to format enchants on weapons, so I just put in the item ID for the correct item, and then what I wanted it to be with the enchant on it.

/q create startinghub.warrior.lap
/q e n Learn about PVP on MassiveCraft
/q e d Learn all about Player versus Player (PVP) combat on MassiveCraft. It is suggest you do the intro quest given by Advisor Henry first.
/q e tf OnClickNPC Warrior <name>
/q e tf IfInWorld startinghub
/q e of DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.100

/q create startinghub.warrior.lap.100
/q e n MassiveCraft PVP is unlike any other!
/q e d On MassiveCraft, PVP is very different from other servers. To continue learning about MassiveCraft PVP, type "I want to learn more about PVP"
/q e ta OnChat "I want to learn more about PVP"
/q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.200

/q create startinghub.warrior.lap.200
/q e n Learn about MCMMO
/q e d MCMMO is a RPG-grinding plugin that allows you to level different stats through hitting mobs and other players, as well as other stat specific activities. Type /mcmmo to learn about MCMMO and continue learning about MassiveCraft PVP.
/q e ta OnChat "/mcmmo"
/q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.300

/q create startinghub.warrior.lap.300
/q e n Learn about MassiveTraits
/q e d MassiveTraits is a MassiveCraft custom plugin that allows you to select "traits" based on the way you want to play on the server. They are an essential part of PVP. Type /massivetraits to learn more and to continue learning about MassiveCraft PVP.
/q e ta OnChat "/massivetraits"
/q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.400

/q create startinghub.warrior.lap.400
/q e n Learn about KitPVP
/q e d MassiveCraft KitPVP allows anyone to immediately jump into PVP with pre-created armor, weapons, and trait builds. Select an existing kit, or create your own! To continue learning, type "I want to continue learning about PVP"
/q e ta OnChat "I want to continue learning about PVP"
/q e ta IfCompleted startinghub.warrior.lap.300
/q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.500

/q create startinghub.warrior.lap.500
/q e n Learn about Factions and how they are important to PVP
/q e d Factions are an important part of PVP on MassiveCraft. They allow people to fight against one another in the survival worlds, without harming their friends or allies. Factions are the building blocks that allow PVP to exist. If you'd like to get involved in PVP, we suggest finding a faction by asking in recruitment chat. Type "R:" to enter recruitment chat, and continue learning about PVP.
/q e ta OnChat "R:"
/q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.600

/q create startinghub.warrior.lap.600
/q e n Mechanics on MassiveCraft that affect PVP
/q e d Some mechanics are changed on MassiveCraft. TNT does not do block damage on explosion. Base durability of all armor is set 3x normal diamond base durability. Read about the changed features and more on Type "I want to continue learning about MassiveCraft PVP" to continue.
/q e ta OnChat "I want to continue learning about MassiveCraft PVP"
/q e ta IfCompleted startinghub.warrior.lap.500
/q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.700

/q create startinghub.warrior.lap.700
/q e n War Rules on MassiveCraft
/q e d MassiveCraft has War Rules to help keep PVP fun for everyone. You may raid a faction from 3-5 hours daily, but there is no limit to how many factions you can raid. Factions can surrender with max tribute. Visit for the full list of warfare rules. Type "I understand the Warfare rules" to continue.
/q e ta OnChat "I understand the Warfare rules"
/q e ta IfCompleted startinghub.warrior.lap.600
/q e oc DoFind startinghub.warrior.lap.800

/q create startinghub.warrior.lap.800
/q e n You've learned the basics of MassiveCraft PVP
/q e d Those are the basic concepts of MassiveCraft PVP. If you'd like to continue learning about PVP, we encourage you to find a faction to join that teaches you how to PVP, and will provide you with guidance on how to continue in MassiveCraft PVP. Type "I have learned about MassiveCraft PVP" to complete this quest.
/q e ta OnChat "I have learned about MassiveCraft PVP"
/q e ta IfSlotsEmpty 2
/q e oc DoGiveItem 276 [Sharpness 1 Diamond Sword]
/q e oc DoGiveItem 279 [Sharpness 1 Diamond Axe]
/q e oc DoAdvance startinghub.warrior.lap
I am going to revive this thread because with the recent conversation in the PVP Think-Tank, I believe this thread is highly relevant and the ideas put forward in it. I'd like to hear more opinions from players.
I remember 2 and something years ago, I was a complete noob. I didn't know anything about the faction-universe of MassiveCraft, the McMMO mechanics, the trade mechanics, the everything mechanics needed for a factions server. But I do remember at a point seeing Massive's McMMO stats around 1k and those who had them were really god-like and fearful. That's when I started grinding my own stats and accomplished something in half a year, before one inactivity period.
Now, the funny part is that when I came back, Massive was different (and I hated it but then loved it as usual). I noticed in a darkroom session that my stats were leveling INSANELY fast. Like I was at below 100 stats all over again... I believe that's when Premium was buffed with +25%XP, if not idk what it is but it is way easier to grind than before and probably easier to grind here than on other servers with vanilla McMMO.

I haven't played in another factions server other than MassiveCraft so everything that happened and all the mechanics that were changed are my way to play and the way it's meant to be. Sure it's not perfect but what is?
I believe folks, it's not MassiveCraft that is in need of more PvPers (or more players in general). Nor players left to other "better" servers. And yes Massive had 200+ solid online players (I've seen 300+ multiple times). It's maybe Minecraft that it is starting to be less played. And to that I don't really know what to do to solve it. It's not really our fault. I hope I am wrong about this and do kill me and flame me for it :)

Now my point and suggestion is, wouldn't it be easier to offer a week of premium to newcomers? Maybe 3 days would be better, but you get the idea. They carry the full-featured-you-cannot-live-without Massive experience, plus the +25%XP bonus you think you need.
Having premium was one of the reasons that kept me playing in MassiveCraft. I had new amazing features that I never had in a single player world/multiplayer with friends. I could dig holes in mountains, I could chop down trees with a single swing, I survived insane high falls!
So no, I do not agree with the removal of McMMO. It's fucking Hiroshima bombing to Massive broh, it's actually more like a Chernobyl incident, an accident. But I think we can accomplish something better than removal of features if we work together. And I'm happy to hear sometimes that some Staff are not listening to all suggestions, like the removal of McMMO, and really considering it.
I personally think a more comprehensive tutorial could help. We have Advisor Henry but i often see in help chat that the new player doesn't understand yet how quests work or the quest broke and they can't continue/finish it and they give up and leave.