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Declaration By The Telikos Beggars [ On Territory In The Slums ]


Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score


In the week following the announcement from the 'Ginger prick with the big coat', activity within the Southeastern corner of the Slums increased, with Beggars thugs being seen securing the walls once more, hanging red cloth from the Tower's windows (all bearing the sigil of a dog's head in profile surrounded by eight inward facing daggers), and roughing up the locals to 'establish dominance' as the man, whom many would know was named Jochund, put it.

Beyond this, relatively standard fare for the Slums, came a realization for many that this new Beggar was a very odd sort. Many times he would come along with his thugs, threatening people with a grin, only to suddenly begin trying to recruit random passersby. He was also seen often accompanying a rather terrifying looking vampire, laughing and flirting away, much to the man's seeming annoyance. However you looked at it, he was at the least a very eccentric leader for this gang that had seemingly had such good intentions prior.

Finally, after all of the parading and showboating was finished, and 'dominance was established', the man and two thugs broke their way into the ruined gatehouse, and standing high above he proclaimed:

"I, am, here! Heeeello! Wow, you all look so tiny down there, I could get used to this!" He coughed, straightening his coat, "Aaaaanyway. I am certain you have all heard of me by now- stop lying how could you not have! Regardless, I figured, as my new... people that I yell things like this at...? Citizens? No that sounds too legal... Harl- look it doesn't matter what you are, what matters is, I am here. Up on a wall, and you are not." He paused for a long moment, eyebrows furrowed together. "I have entirely lost my point... AH right! You should cast aside your allegiances to snakes and trees and bird-dragons, and instead, just follow me! Because I am clearly the superior choice and will be able to lead us all to a lifetime of fun blowing sh*t up, and having money and ale, and women- or men, hey I can't judge! So... Join me and my lot! We have a cool tower! Seriously it feels so good to look down on the world like this, and you can too, from the windows of our tower! Join, and try it! And ale!" He started to turn, before pivoting back, "Oh! Also! I am claiming the Walls and Gates as mine. As well as the area around my tower- the south..." He faltered, thinking 'never, eat, sea, weed...' "East! Side of the Slums. Its all mine. No touchey. Unless you live there I guess. But rival gangs, stay out. Mine. ... Right bye!" And then, he finally turned, sauntering off with a wide grin splitting his face, his two confused thugs following after, leaving behind a crowd of, people that are probably feeling a mix of emotions from confusion to... mostly confusion.



* After a lot of questionable and off activities, like handing banners and beating up then trying to recruit people, Jochund made a declaration from the ruins of the Gate.
* He has declared the walls of the Slums, as well as both gatehouses and the south east corner of the slums his territory.
* There was a lot of rambling about ale and money and how everyone was 'his' "citizens".

Senobia happened to be passing by as the whole entire announcement went on, squinting with her one good eye as she took a good look at the male who was yelling, or more so announcing what territory was his. She'd state in a rather blunt manner as she stood there among some of the other slum dwellers."...Wasn't that the guy I kicked the other day? I hope he isn't serious about all this."
Edward exhaled a rather sensual blow of his smoke through his pale lips when the news of such declaration were brought to his table. He arched a curious brow at the description of the given individuals speech. Resting back in his chair with a faint smile, he eyed his men. Removing his sigg from his lips, he spoke his rasped tone to lay out the order. "Mayhaps we could go around about a business meeting of sorts. Find out where to find this man."
Edward exhaled a rather sensual blow of his smoke through his pale lips when the news of such declaration were brought to his table. He arched a curious brow at the description of the given individuals speech. Resting back in his chair with a faint smile, he eyed his men. Removing his sigg from his lips, he spoke his rasped tone to lay out the order. "Mayhaps we could go around about a business meeting of sorts. Find out where to find this man."
It wouldn't take long to track him down, word was spreading fast, partly by Jochund's own work but also just general knowledge. The Beggar's Tower, the place was called, perched high atop the South East corner of the Slums, overlooking the Slums, Noble District and Noble Park, and the Outskirts District, draped in red banners bearing the sigil of a dog's head in profile ringed by eight inwards facing daggers. You could probably send a letter there if you wanted to arrange something.
Arthur quickly got scent of the latest crackpot dick-tator to try and take over the slums, he grabbed his skull topped cane and long coat and grinned, "Well if he's gonna be the wicked king o' tha east, I may aswel try my 'and at another slice of the gutter cake!" and off he went, to grab some urchins, and put up some parchments...