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Declaration By Black Mares: Victor Staltwel


Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score


Yet again, it falls upon the Black Mares to inform the public of an irrelevant minority's misdeeds. To understand the actions of justice taken on this day, one requires context. The following individuals were under the protection of the Black Mares, and formally recognized as loyal members of this franchise.

Consequently, their loyalty was vowed to the organization, on their word of honor. Those who are referenced follow,

  • Oddvar Etheloth
  • Atticus Faulkner
  • Victor Staltwel
However, it came to the Black Mares' attention that over the recent weeks, one of such individuals were spreading slander to the name of their own organization and protectors needlessly. Disciplinary action was taken due to the circumstances of this arrangement, notably being said individual was a pledged member of the Black Mares. Loyalty, like in any organization, is paramount.

Proving further his disloyalty and treachery towards his own honor and vows, Victor Staltwel, in response to the mercy of discipline (rather than greater punishments due) has opened a mutiny group among his friends and compatriots. It is unfortunate that the Black Mares must resort to duly crushing not just the naive and dishonorable Victor Staltwel, but also the many he dragged down with him. With that, the Black Mares hereby declares the following targets to be erased.

  • Victor Staltwel
  • Atticus Faulkner
  • Oddvar Etheloth
The only circumstance in which these deaths will be lifted is that of which Victor's compatriots openly turn on him and surrender themselves to the mercy of the Black Mares. Mercy is not a promise. The act of treachery on this level can never be justified, and likewise can never be tolerated. Should the slums as a whole permit such traitors to walk scot-free among the streets, more oaths and vows will be made to more organizations, and more betrayals will be had. Among us dishonorable and treacherous has always been a mutually held code of honor. It is our duties to hold to it, and to expel and exile any who do not.

Black Mares hereby declares war on any organized group Victor Staltwel creates, naming it a mutiny-in-progress of it's own organization, and any who assist Victor in his misdeeds will be disgraced in the eyes of the Black Mares, and duly dealt with as one of Victor's own mutineers.

Put simply; Victor's mutineers may surrender and put themselves at the absolute mercy of the Black Mares, or they may experience all capable action of violence and justice brought down onto them. Victor Staltwel and his band of traitors are on borrowed time.

Until their provided surrender, the Black Mares will resort to treating the given names as targets to be killed on sight, and will not offer them a moments peace within the grounds of the slums.

If the Black Mares does not reach Victor Staltwel's mutineers first, it offers a prize of 300 regals for a captured Atticus Faulkner or Oddvar Etheloth, with the terms alive. Victor Staltwel is worth at 600 regals, and can be in as many pieces as the bounty-hunters please to bring him in. These should be brought to the leader of the Black Mares in the Emporium pits or known quarters.

We ask the slummers of Regalia to remember, that traitors who break their given vows shall never walk comfortably in their lives.

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Iannis reclines in the pits, watching battle after battle go by as he drinks his thoughts away. What thoughts are left in his head are of the regret that the traitors would surely soon feel.
"Wha's a man without 'is word, anyway?"
The larger man gripped the flailing papers, looking to the closely with his one eye. "Oh? got'ta be pretty pissed off ta put a bounty like that high..." Rolling a piece of the flyer up and binding it to his belt he pushes off the board. " 'Ellllp. Mo' money fe'r me. Been needin a new pot ny'ways."
A very humored left lofted a brow at the notice, a gloved hand covering her mouth to give an amused snort. "Slum-dwellers? Honor?" She mused before giving a small chuckle. "That's the single most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. More fool you, mares for expecting Slum Dwellers, common criminals, to have any shred of honor."
"Wha' a dramatic man" victor chuckled as he overlooked the paper through swollen eyelids, collected off a post for him by Rex. He lay on a bedroll before a fire, holed up in a house somewhere out of sight and out of mind.

"If dis is 'ow e treats a bloke 'oo was concerned abou' 'is disorganisation an' tactics...'slanderous', 'dis'onerable'..." He shakes his head, glancing to Atticus with a small laugh.
"Ye'd fink I tried ta kill 'im in 'is sleep. 'E 'as twisted concepts abou' wha' disloyalty is."

Setting the flyer down, he lays back against the thin mattress.
"If dis is wot 'e does when challenged by question of tactics by a membah ov 'is crew..." victor utters, a small crack and pop from the fire beside him breaking the silence between his trains of thought.

"....Well, if 'e finks dats bad, 'es gonna 'ave a fit when 'e finds ou' 'es being outrigh' betrayed by one, ain't 'e?"

He looks to Atticus again, and the two share a brief exchange of expressions that denote something akin to pity.

(Ooc note: keep in mind that Dorian won't have any way of knowing about any of this ic!)
Oddvar looked up at the message on the post, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. He hadn't even been slightly involved in any of this hubbub, so he didn't fully understand why his name was staring back at him. Still, the half-elf didn't really seem to be too fazed by it. His green eyes flicked over the parchment, line by line, a wry grin spreading across his face as he reached out and ripped it down, crumpling it and tossing it into the gutter. "If they're stupid enough to think I even know what the fuck's goin' on, I don't reckon they're smart enough to actually track me down."

He chuckled to himself, waltzing back down the street toward's Victor's place, entering in with an exclamation. "Y'know, if this man was half as intimidatin' an' connivin' as he thought he was, we might actually have somethin' to worry about. Fortunately, he's an idiot."
Keres reads the declaration and tilts her head a little. "Hm... perhaps I should contact these Black Mares and ask for a temporary job in hunting down these three for pay..."
Atticus hadn't spoken much in the past few days.

When he first laid his eyes upon the flier, anger immediately boiled to the surface; however, over the course of a few hours after the fact, he fell quiet. Thought took precedence, often times prompting him to space out in the presence of friends and family. While his behavior wasn't detrimental to his health, it was vastly different from his everyday demeanor. Atticus loved the sound of his own voice.

The sudden lack of enthusiasm he held for conversation certainly did not go unnoticed by his loved ones. Victor and Tomatsu quickly brought attention to it, followed soon by Atty's daughter and a handful of bar patrons at the Meadowlark. Sure, he had a bounty placed on his head-- that was enough to make just about any man sink into a state of worry and mild paranoia; however, Atticus' thoughts raced even beyond the mere preoccupation of concern. He was livid.

Livid because one of his closest friends was bedridden. Livid because his loved ones could be in danger, over an insignificant critique. Livid because this man, Dorian, was dangerous, unpredictable, and excitable-- to a degree that projected a sense of mental instability. Atticus was livid, but it was temporary. He'd get over it in due time. Besides, it was only a matter of time before Dorian fell. Atticus would make sure of it.


i can be wedgy, too @Viktar @Pauleen @Rinus @Honeyrnoon
"..That's a hefty amount of words. Could've just said; 'Hey, hey, kill these guys but at the same time don't.'" Poppy mumbled aimlessly along!
After a few days, the poster that must have had quite a lot of work put into it, was scribbled over by both ink and charcoal. The markings would take the form of large smiling faces, love hearts and other minor, silly decoration for all to enjoy with a small at the end.
Though the 'artist' didn't leave a name, some could say a tiny ginger haired halfling with emerald eyes was the culprit... Others knowing her as Aurnia the Grand!