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Declaration By Black Mares: Mthunzi The Varran


Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score


Mthunzi the Varran and all his followers have offended the Black Mares. As the Undercourtiers of the Slums and the Rat Kings Court, we raise the following charges against this dishonorable grimalkin,

  • The repeated and relentless assault and harassment of the friends, allies and associates of the Black Mares,
  • The inexcusable assault and attempted murder on Maiven Arakida for wearing a uniform of the Red Rooks for her own self protection,
  • The act of engaging the Black Mares and one of our own in combat with murderous intent,
  • The plans to conspire against the Black Mares and our allies.
As a result, we hereby and formally denounce Mthunzi the Varran and his followers as deplorable even by the way of the slums. In retribution for Mthunzi's actions, the Black Mares duly calls Mthunzi and his organization into a state of war.

Due to Mthunzi's vastly known offenses and reputation as a conniving filth, the Black Mares calls the Red Rooks, whom have also been offended by Mthunzi and his followers, to battle alongside us.

Our terms are simple. Complete and utter surrender, to which Mthunzi's fellowship will be disbanded and absorbed into the Black Mares, the men accepted into our kind and, provided that they should be loyal, will be forgiven for their previous misplaced loyalties.

Mthunzi himself will sincerely apologize to the victims of his existence, namely Maiven Arakida, the Black Mares, and the Red Rooks. Reparations will be made to each of the named individuals or organizations of which may be negotiated after the surrender. Mthunzi the Varran may answer to these terms by sending for the Black Mares and presenting himself in ropes to the Emporium at an arranged time.

Until our terms are properly met, Mthunzi and his followers will not enjoy a moments peace within the grounds of the Emporium, and will be considered targets to be attacked on sight by the Black Mares.

If Mthunzi the Varran and his beguiled fellowship do not answer to these terms by the coming Sunday, the Black Mares will duly crush him, his followers, and any resistance they deem to try at. The terms will be altered accordingly, with certainty that Mthunzi's blood will be shed, his coat skinned. All and any follower of Mthunzi that intend to stand up for him will be ruthlessly defeated in the process.

This is the one and only warning that will be provided by the Black Mares. Second chances will not be given, and any attempts to play around our terms will result in a ruthless massacre of Mthunzi and his followers.

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Iannis gave a cheeky grin while replacing the gambling den's sofas with new feathered cushions. "Serves ya' right. Kittens shouldn't be playin' with the lions." Soon after, he'd ready the men for precursory drills, anticipating the battles to come.
The word was brought to his door, perhaps late a night. The Varran, suitably bedridden with a new design on his face, that of swirled scars. Read the short report made for him before letting out a scream and throwing half the contents of his desk across the room and popping a stitch. Cussing in Zcorr and sinking to the floor. "It's over. It's all done for!"
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The day after the denunciation, as the terms were not met, the Ardelan brothers dumped the throat-slit corpse of the Varran by Butchy's Restaurant. The war was done.

@Empaul @Moonhawk147
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Nouveau blanked as she stared at the denouncement. Inhaling a careful breath, the Kathar tightened her grasp on the spear she held to the point of a white knuckled hold, and returned her focus towards her venture to the Emporium, silently so as she stalked along.
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