Archived Deceased Characters

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Meanest Orc of all. Baddest bear in the business.
Dec 25, 2013
Reaction score
United Kingdom, England, Cambridgeshire

A sub-section within the "Role-play Character Storage" section on the forums for dead characters. When a character dies, a short story can be written discussing the lead-up to, and the death of a character.


Some characters which I have seen pass away have had too much of an influence on the role-play of others for them to just die and have their thread deleted. I believe their legacy should continue, people can always go back and look at their old characters, or just for general reference to their friends.


Players with approved characters can choose to write a short story (or just have their thread deleted altogether) discussing the lead-up to, and the death of a character. The thread (obviously including the legacy of the character) will be moved by a moderator to the new section. Any approved character is worthy of a place, saying they're not important enough would be unfair, they put time and effort into it.

This is coming from a player who enjoys PvP, I just feel it can be unfair to role-players, who fear the death of their character; it could be gone forever. This may encourage players to let their characters die.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Would be interesting, but it'd be full of people trying to put up characters no one knows/or cares about.
Would be interesting, but it'd be full of people trying to put up characters no one knows/or cares about.
True, but it is only for people who have approved characters, and then they have to be double-approved as a character that has had a lot of influence on role-play. I doubt too many approved characters are rushing to die, either.

Um, I think one of the reasons this would be instituted IS because we often don't realize/care about the characters that die around us just because we don't know about them. This would allow people to give some credit to a character that they may have worked really hard on but no one knows about.
Not sure what I think of the general idea, however the need for approval is unreasonable considering the already high demand on RP staff.
I agreee with @Oxoman . There is already a backlog of about a month with the normal character applications, let alone adding this to the job description as well.
I would personally love this idea. The fact that we currently ignore the death of certain characters slightly disappoint me. Just as in real life, on the news or in newspapers, you would occasionally read/hear the death of a few people. Wether it be tragic or not, I strongly dislike the thought of somebody's character's death being shoved out of the way because they're not important enough to deserve someone's attention.


Not sure what I think of the general idea, however the need for approval is unreasonable considering the already high demand on RP staff.
I highly doubt any approved character is rushing to die. Sure, they have a lot on their plate but that is their job. If it is too much to ask, step-down or if it such an issue, hire more. Simple fixes, really.
@elldave16 Yes, they could always hire more RP staff, but it's not a simple thing to find the best people for the job when half the people on the forums apply to be staff. (Just look at the current recruitment thread for an example).
I do love the idea though, so possibly instead there should be a simple voting system- if enough people believe that this character is famous, they surely must be famous, and should thus be added to this section. This would sort the Kade's and the Vigoli's from the rest with relatively little effort from the staff.
Yes, I know... and if you read my post you would see that I referenced the exact thread they are using to do so...
@The Shadow King

@elldave16 Yes, but I'm saying it's not the easiest thing to do...
Honestly though, I don't know; I think we need a mod's opinion on hiring staff.
Besides, if you agree with the voting system... no mods needed. Problem solved. Unless anyone can see any flaws?
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I'll give you guys my two cents on recruiting more roleplay staff.

The process has been a bit difficult. We have taken on a few new roleplay staff members recently and as a result, that list of unapproved characters is already beginning to shrink. New roleplay staff members have less to focus on as they've been barely recruited and as a result , can put more time into character apps. Older roleplay staff members have lore, quests, and various other things to do. And the motivation newer roleplay staff is astounding.

However, it's usually a voting process when recruiting more, and typically it can be very hard finding new members. We have relatively high standards when it comes to recruitment in order to ensure those overviewing character apps not only have the literary skills to read through something critically, but the ability to do so in an unbiased way, too.

As for this idea, I actually really like it. But I also don't think a reviewing process or a voting process is necessary. People will be able to post messages on the obituaries so if something has been falsified or made ridiculous, users can comment with things like "This never happened" or the like.
Forgive me if I've understood something, but I believe the approval/voting system was designed not to ensure the stories were true, but to ensure that only the most influential of characters got in.
Whether this should be the case, however, is debatable, as I feel that it would remain an extremely small section for a long time- few people wish to put so much effort into a character, only to have them die. There are a few exceptions, of course (*ahem* Alison *ahem*), but I think that most of the more famous or influential characters will be sticking around for quite a while.
I'll give you guys my two cents on recruiting more roleplay staff.

The process has been a bit difficult. We have taken on a few new roleplay staff members recently and as a result, that list of unapproved characters is already beginning to shrink. New roleplay staff members have less to focus on as they've been barely recruited and as a result , can put more time into character apps. Older roleplay staff members have lore, quests, and various other things to do. And the motivation newer roleplay staff is astounding.

However, it's usually a voting process when recruiting more, and typically it can be very hard finding new members. We have relatively high standards when it comes to recruitment in order to ensure those overviewing character apps not only have the literary skills to read through something critically, but the ability to do so in an unbiased way, too.

As for this idea, I actually really like it. But I also don't think a reviewing process or a voting process is necessary. People will be able to post messages on the obituaries so if something has been falsified or made ridiculous, users can comment with things like "This never happened" or the like.
Thank you for clearing that up, and I guess you're right about the reviewing process, players can make it clear.
@Pyromaniacal: if that's the basis for allowing a deceased character to be posted, then I disagree. Because roleplay staff are not necessarily ones to decide if a character is influential. What's important to the spider means nothing to the fly. Furthermore, it'd be a bit of a crude way of going about it. The message I'd get if I got rejected for posting an obituary is "your character you put time and love into, and who you heartbrokenly watched die, isn't important."
The general idea I am getting from this, is that anybody should be able to put their legacy into the "Deceased Character" section. As stated by @Ryciera I realise any approved character is worthy - saying otherwise by denying their opportunity to have their character put into the section is unfair. I will update the thread sometime tomorrow.
I would personally love this idea. The fact that we currently ignore the death of certain characters slightly disappoint me. Just as in real life, on the news or in newspapers, you would occasionally read/hear the death of a few people. Wether it be tragic or not, I strongly dislike the thought of somebody's character's death being shoved out of the way because they're not important enough to deserve someone's attention.


Suppooortteeeedd! disturbs me to think a character one spent lots of time on just to disappear to be forgotten forever. This character had been rped and had a background story, too!
People, and respective owners of characters, will remember a deceased character, wether there is a deceased thread or not. I'd prefer not to clutter the forum with unnecessary threads, as people wouldn't show an interest in a long deceased character anyway, especially since they cannot interact with it, and any mention of it is metagaming.

The irritation surrounding Ebony Tezari's death is too fresh on my mind to even consider this.
hmm... when time is affording Regilia should get a graveyard with every dead rp character intombed within. I'm sure the catacombs would end up being massive in time but I think it an interesting idea.

Oh and I like the overall idea of a dead rp character thread but monmarty makes valid points.
People, and respective owners of characters, will remember a deceased character, wether there is a deceased thread or not.
I used to be apart of a community which had Clans, I used to be really good at making threads for my own. This community has a "Closed Clans" section, this is how I thought of this idea. (If you wish to see an example of my Clan threads, you can see the link here: I'm not promoting it, I don't even play on their servers anymore.) I can now reference them to my friends, boasting about my past clans and how much fun I had in them, or, when a new friend joins I can explain some of the history surrounding the server - making it more interesting by showing Clans which used to dominate the servers, but have since fallen. He actually found it very interesting, and we started our first Clan together.

I'd prefer not to clutter the forum with unnecessary threads, as people wouldn't show an interest in a long deceased character anyway,
It's hardly unnecessary, I am proposing we introduce one new thread to the forums which players can reference or look at to learn more about the history of the server. I am a PvP'er who likes to read stories people come up with on their character "Life Story," I also don't really know all of the big names which I hear fairly often, about so-and-so dying because of this, or that. I wouldn't mind reading about them, either. The community I was talking about has been up for six years, and has just sixteen pages of closed clans.

especially since they cannot interact with it, and any mention of it is metagaming.
The point isn't so they can interact with it, it's for out-of-character reference to their friends, or to people who show interest in the history of Characters on the server. Meta-gaming is where you introduce (or present) information from an out-of-character chat, to an in-character chat. "Some people" talk outside of role-play chats, and therefore can share threads (of characters) about people that have role-played with, or have met.

The irritation surrounding Ebony Tezari's death is too fresh on my mind to even consider this.
Ebony who? If only I knew due to a deceased character sub-section on the forums.
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@elldave16 Yes, they could always hire more RP staff, but it's not a simple thing to find the best people for the job when half the people on the forums apply to be staff. (Just look at the current recruitment thread for an example).
I do love the idea though, so possibly instead there should be a simple voting system- if enough people believe that this character is famous, they surely must be famous, and should thus be added to this section. This would sort the Kade's and the Vigoli's from the rest with relatively little effort from the staff.
I like this, have sort of an automatic poll, and if it doesn't get a certain number of 'yes' votes, it's automatically deleted. Same if the 'no' votes are above the 'yes' in number by a set date. After a while this would stop polling, though, and the characters would be safe.

Um, I think one of the reasons this would be instituted IS because we often don't realize/care about the characters that die around us just because we don't know about them. This would allow people to give some credit to a character that they may have worked really hard on but no one knows about.
If we don't know about them, it's because they failed to get the attention of other people, which if you try, isn't really hard.
@The_Last_Miner1 I originally liked the idea of a polling system, but actually I agree with @Ryciera ; how would you feel if your character, which you had spent so long creating, was denied? I know I'd be pretty annoyed, to say the least. It'd be telling someone that their character wasn't good enough, and that's not for any of us to say.

@MonMarty , as to your point about metagaming- what about people who want to write a Let me Write, learn about the server's history, or simply want more good stories to read? The better stories should automatically make their way to the surface, because anybody who really, really cares about their character will surely want an elaborate tale of their final moments, and one which people will want to read, and comment upon.
If we don't know about them, it's because they failed to get the attention of other people, which if you try, isn't really hard.
So you're speaking for every roleplayer ever? Saying 98% of them who you wouldn't remember in the time the server has been up "didn't try hard enough."
Even if they have "Failed to get the attention of other people", is it for us to deny them?
And besides, how is anyone ever to get other's attention if we begin discriminating between the famous and the rest? Here would be a great place for characters to gain... (for want of an actual word) 'famousness', enabling these people to then, in their later characters, be known; "Oh, he's the guy who made that story about his other character. Hey, that was really good, I like him, I think I'll go RP with him"

You can't say who's not famous... until they're famous.
Even if they have "Failed to get the attention of other people", is it for us to deny them?
And besides, how is anyone ever to get other's attention if we begin discriminating between the famous and the rest? Here would be a great place for characters to gain... (for want of an actual word) 'famousness', enabling these people to then, in their later characters, be known; "Oh, he's the guy who made that story about his other character. Hey, that was really good, I like him, I think I'll go RP with him"

You can't say who's not famous... until they're famous.
Notice how in the post beforehand I said they should use a voting system. Read the entire thing before you get ready to dispute what I say.
@The_Last_Miner1 I had realised you meant the voting system; the point still stands. I had meant the community in general, not the staff.
Please read the entire thing before you get ready to dispute what I say.
I used to be apart of a community which had Clans, I used to be really good at making threads for my own. This community has a "Closed Clans" section, this is how I thought of this idea. (If you wish to see an example of my Clan threads, you can see the link here: I'm not promoting it, I don't even play on their servers anymore.) I can now reference them to my friends, boasting about my past clans and how much fun I had in them, or, when a new friend joins I can explain some of the history surrounding the server - making it more interesting by showing Clans which used to dominate the servers, but have since fallen. He actually found it very interesting, and we started our first Clan together.

It's hardly unnecessary, I am proposing we introduce one new thread to the forums which players can reference or look at to learn more about the history of the server. I am a PvP'er who likes to read stories people come up with on their character "Life Story," I also don't really know all of the big names which I hear fairly often, about so-and-so dying because of this, or that. I wouldn't mind reading about them, either. The community I was talking about has been up for six years, and has just sixteen pages of closed clans.

The point isn't so they can interact with it, it's for out-of-character reference to their friends, or to people who show interest in the history of Characters on the server. Meta-gaming is where you introduce (or present) information from an out-of-character chat, to an in-character chat. "Some people" talk outside of role-play chats, and therefore can share threads (of characters) about people that have role-played with, or have met.

Ebony who? If only I knew due to a deceased character sub-section on the forums.
... Oh thank gosh... Heh... -facepalms self- x_x Sorry... I knew far too many people... Eheh.
On the topic of Ebony and death threads. You don't even NEED a death thread to remember a character. All my friends remember Ebony. (Though I did post some sort of death thread.. It was my first main character! ... And I was about 12/13 I'm older now! Heh. ) We talk about the deceased generation of the Tezari family all the time, and I'm certain that Ingulf, Alrin, Maple, and some other less active Tezaris that I forgot all didn't have death threads.
I'm quite happy with my characters and being a Tezari is a pretty nice thing. Heh~ @commanderpizza Anywho~ I kind of find this to be a nice idea to implement. But I'm not sure...
... Oh thank gosh... Heh... -facepalms self- x_x Sorry... I knew far too many people... Eheh.
On the topic of Ebony and death threads. You don't even NEED a death thread to remember a character. All my friends remember Ebony. (Though I did post some sort of death thread.. It was my first main character! ... And I was about 12/13 I'm older now! Heh. ) We talk about the deceased generation of the Tezari family all the time, and I'm certain that Ingulf, Alrin, Maple, and some other less active Tezaris that I forgot all didn't have death threads.
I'm quite happy with my characters and being a Tezari is a pretty nice thing. Heh~ @commanderpizza Anywho~ I kind of find this to be a nice idea to implement. But I'm not sure...

Didn't mean to say you weren't important, I am not into roleplay, I don't know any big names. But yes, didn't your character die fairly recently (again, no clue - just a question)? If so, of course people will remember. What about any new friends which wish to play the game? You won't be able to boast of your accomplishments - showing off any character which you were proud off in out-of-character chats.

Sure, your group of friends may know all about the characters they played, or interacted with regularly. But say "Tezari" to me without a reference and I have no-clue what you're talking about.

Just a thought.
... Oh thank gosh... Heh... -facepalms self- x_x Sorry... I knew far too many people... Eheh.
On the topic of Ebony and death threads. You don't even NEED a death thread to remember a character. All my friends remember Ebony. (Though I did post some sort of death thread.. It was my first main character! ... And I was about 12/13 I'm older now! Heh. ) We talk about the deceased generation of the Tezari family all the time, and I'm certain that Ingulf, Alrin, Maple, and some other less active Tezaris that I forgot all didn't have death threads.
I'm quite happy with my characters and being a Tezari is a pretty nice thing. Heh~ @commanderpizza Anywho~ I kind of find this to be a nice idea to implement. But I'm not sure...
Well...people remember the Tezari family...just they remember them as a family of Heretics and Demon worshippers...
Personally I think this idea is tremendous. However i think this thread has derailed a little.. Any person should have aspot should it be implemented, fame has nothing to do with it. I dont even know how that came to derail, but anyway, i also think that this idea would be an "unnecesary" addition the the forum, and while it may not be as important as other threads such as rp char application, it would in no way clutter the forum.
I agree with this very much so! Some people may not realize it, but our RP characters are a piece of us. We're connected to them and we become very attached to our RP character. When our character dies we feel as if a part of ourselves just died! This is how I felt when my character Sasha Mystfire died, I was devastated and I don't ever wish to kill off someone's character even if they tell me to do so already because of the possibility of them having regret kicking in afterwards! :C

Sooooo you have one fabulous and great support! n_n
*sigh* @The_Last_Miner1 , if you wish to be stubborn… fine.
@Kiba Araqnuibo yes, I agree. Anyone should have the option to write a thread for their character and have it posted there.
This seems to not have been commented on in a while. I'll see if I can't start discussion again. :)
@Pyromaniacal; if anyone gets the opportunity, then the staff will have to go and moderate that, too. They already have to do character apps and those take a while to get reviewed now anyways: do you really want even longer of a wait, because the mods have to filter that section of spam?
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