Archived Death

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Dec 12, 2012
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Death in Massivecraft has two problems:

1. It's not RP at all! For example, I was once RPing a hostage situation, in which I killed my hostage. (In his own faction, btw.)

Then... this happened...

-"Dead" guy respawns back at faction bed.-
The other team says, "I brought him back from the dead! xD YOLO!" (They didn't actually say the last part...)
I say, "Dude. Come on... We're trying to RP something here..."
The "dead guy" says "Pretend I'm a ghost."

Yep... How dramatic, which brings me to number two.

2. No one gives a crap when they die.

You die, you don't care. Simple as that. (Well, maybe if you lost everything.)
Much less the premiums wouldn't care. You die while raiding, TP BACK TO BED!

So. Yeah. You basically are fighting a never ending battle against people that can die, and then are immediately reborn next to you.

These two things are basically why I'm proposing this:
A Ghost System

Now, my friends, don't get too scared or anything, I'm not going to propose that after death, you sit around and do nothing, therefore, being a "ghost."

No. What I'm proposing is that after your death, you see your death screen, you get a message saying you're a ghost. Now, your body remains on the ground. (If this could be implemented.) You turn invisble to everyone except other ghosts, and you are allowed to fly around and keep watching the event happen without completely ruining the tone.

I think that after two or three minutes, (four for premiums*) people will be able to get the normal menu you see at your death screen and respawn.

*No, this is not because I have anything against rich people or anything. I simply think that if you have greater chances of not dying, you should have bigger penalties when you do die. (#1 Reason: Diamond Armor.)

Please comment your thoughts on this topic. Thanks for reading.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Death in Massivecraft has two problems:

1. It's not RP at all! For example, I was once RPing a hostage situation, in which I killed my hostage. (In his own faction, btw.)

Then... this happened...

-"Dead" guy respawns back at faction bed.-
The other team says, "I brought him back from the dead! xD YOLO!" (They didn't actually say the last part...)
I say, "Dude. Come on... We're trying to RP something here..."
The "dead guy" says "Pretend I'm a ghost."

Yep... How dramatic, which brings me to number two.

2. No one gives a crap when they die.

You die, you don't care. Simple as that. (Well, maybe if you lost everything.)
Much less the premiums wouldn't care. You die while raiding, TP BACK TO BED!

So. Yeah. You basically are fighting a never ending battle against people that can die, and then are immediately reborn next to you.

These two things are basically why I'm proposing this:
A Ghost System

Now, my friends, don't get too scared or anything, I'm not going to propose that after death, you sit around and do nothing, therefore, being a "ghost."

No. What I'm proposing is that after your death, you see your death screen, you get a message saying you're a ghost. Now, your body remains on the ground. (If this could be implemented.) You turn invisble to everyone except other ghosts, and you are allowed to fly around and keep watching the event happen without completely ruining the tone.

I think that after two or three minutes, (four for premiums*) people will be able to get the normal menu you see at your death screen and respawn.

*No, this is not because I have anything against rich people or anything. I simply think that if you have greater chances of not dying, you should have bigger penalties when you do die. (#1 Reason: Diamond Armor.)

Please comment your thoughts on this topic. Thanks for reading.
Perhaps after death they can talk, but only in whisper, so it is certain people hear them, when they are next to you.
There is a ghost system that gives you a while until you respawn. You can wander around where you died. Depending on how you died you would have to wait that long while worrying over the fact your stuff probably got snatched up by other people by then. You could whisper, but that's all you can do, which is pretty funny because that made dying much more horrifyingly scary.
Ah well. Sorry 'bout that I'm afraid. Life is real. S*** happens. You lose your stuff. Be more careful next time. (drunk)
Then again, real life has it you don't respawn and get back what you lost...
Death in Massivecraft has two problems:

1. It's not RP at all! For example, I was once RPing a hostage situation, in which I killed my hostage. (In his own faction, btw.)

Then... this happened...

-"Dead" guy respawns back at faction bed.-
The other team says, "I brought him back from the dead! xD YOLO!" (They didn't actually say the last part...)
I say, "Dude. Come on... We're trying to RP something here..."
The "dead guy" says "Pretend I'm a ghost."

Yep... How dramatic, which brings me to number two.

2. No one gives a crap when they die.

You die, you don't care. Simple as that. (Well, maybe if you lost everything.)
Much less the premiums wouldn't care. You die while raiding, TP BACK TO BED!

So. Yeah. You basically are fighting a never ending battle against people that can die, and then are immediately reborn next to you.

These two things are basically why I'm proposing this:
A Ghost System

Now, my friends, don't get too scared or anything, I'm not going to propose that after death, you sit around and do nothing, therefore, being a "ghost."

No. What I'm proposing is that after your death, you see your death screen, you get a message saying you're a ghost. Now, your body remains on the ground. (If this could be implemented.) You turn invisble to everyone except other ghosts, and you are allowed to fly around and keep watching the event happen without completely ruining the tone.

I think that after two or three minutes, (four for premiums*) people will be able to get the normal menu you see at your death screen and respawn.

*No, this is not because I have anything against rich people or anything. I simply think that if you have greater chances of not dying, you should have bigger penalties when you do die. (#1 Reason: Diamond Armor.)

Please comment your thoughts on this topic. Thanks for reading.
I did take note that you mentioned premiums having longer death time, and that is a good idea. I mean, premiums will lose their stuff anyways if they die by warfare, and if they die pacifist they still get to keep their loot. Also, with the current thing where Invisibility I doesn't fully hide you on some occasions, , that would make it brilliant. And I like how Toxic also brought up the Whisper only, and maybe have them temp Game Mode II or something.
Complicated this seems, it would make RP become so much more brilliant, and plus when there is an execution at spawn or something, you don't see the person who died instantly be walking around like 'HOLEE SHIZ, UM DED'.[DOUBLEPOST=1366154262][/DOUBLEPOST]
LOL how nice I died in a sea cave I must wait 3min then After 2min bye stuff
-Travled as fast as it was upstairs plus the 10 sec-
Well, you really wouldn't get it back anyways if it in the middle of the ocean... Plus it makes it so you don't go too much more further than your bed. :D
There is a ghost system that gives you a while until you respawn. You can wander around where you died. Depending on how you died you would have to wait that long while worrying over the fact your stuff probably got snatched up by other people by then. You could whisper, but that's all you can do, which is pretty funny because that made dying much more horrifyingly scary.
There is? And it's already implemented into Massivecraft?!
If so, I Haven't noticed...(drunk)[DOUBLEPOST=1366164122,1366163707][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'd hate losing money
So, don't die?
It's not in Massivecraft, but it's here as a suggestion so I added that there is such thing as a ghost system.
I personally wouldn't like a ghost plugin, death's fine the way it is if you ask me. I just don't think too much about the fact that we can come back to life after we die. It makes about as much sense as a man made of fire being able to become a lizard-man by just typing a couple of keys. :D
Then again, real life has it you don't respawn and get back what you lost...
I did take note that you mentioned premiums having longer death time, and that is a good idea. I mean, premiums will lose their stuff anyways if they die by warfare, and if they die pacifist they still get to keep their loot. Also, with the current thing where Invisibility I doesn't fully hide you on some occasions, , that would make it brilliant. And I like how Toxic also brought up the Whisper only, and maybe have them temp Game Mode II or something.
Complicated this seems, it would make RP become so much more brilliant, and plus when there is an execution at spawn or something, you don't see the person who died instantly be walking around like 'HOLEE SHIZ, UM DED'.[DOUBLEPOST=1366154262][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well, you really wouldn't get it back anyways if it in the middle of the ocean... Plus it makes it so you don't go too much more further than your bed. :D
I know I am biased here but in regards to premiums having longer death times,
I think it is an awful idea. There are a significant amount of people who donate just for the abilities of premium, and giving premiums negative effects is not a good way to encourage donators.
I know I am biased here but in regards to premiums having longer death times,
I think it is an awful idea. There are a significant amount of people who donate just for the abilities of premium, and giving premiums negative effects is not a good way to encourage donators.
Please tell me there is 50% chance of not adding
**Hoping eye** But if it does add it.Nvm I won't say it
I personally hate the idea. Don't judge me I think it d. Waste the experience cause what if your being attacked and your killed while building a really big project. You'd have to wait 1. To fight back 2. To actually get back to building
Guys (and lady baron) look,

A system that covers "after death" situations is wanted since a long time. The biggest problem is though, that no existing plugins bave a semi good aproach. Take the plugins eyebrows listed; from where do they have to get back to their beds? Massive is so huge, noone of these "travel back to death point" methodes would suffice. What happens to the loot? The attackers surely want something for their effort. What happens to your character? Is he dead or just heavily wounded.....?

And then, can we solve this problem without coding anything? You hopefully know that cayorion is busy, stealing his time isn't good practice.

So, rethink the possibilitys, the circumstances and everything involved in this. It's not as easy as throwing a few plugins onto the server....
The problem is my character dusn't get killed except if he gets burned so.... this wouldn't fit in some characters
(my character isn't op... im just made of sand sorry)
I know I am biased here but in regards to premiums having longer death times,
I think it is an awful idea. There are a significant amount of people who donate just for the abilities of premium, and giving premiums negative effects is not a good way to encourage donators.
I'm just trying to balance it out right now. I mean, premiums can:
  • Join the server even if it's full
  • MCMMO cooldowns reduced to 50%
  • Get double money drops from mobs
  • Open a portable workbench using /wb.
  • Open your huge backpack using /bp.
  • Keep backpack items on death (always)
  • Keep armor slots on death (always)
  • Keep inventory items unless you attacked someone within 30s
  • Keep xp level (always)
  • Keep xp progress unless you attacked someone within 30s
  • Create portal gates
  • Wear diamond armor (only premium members can)
  • Wear any block as a hat
  • Build and fire cannons
  • Display another players money using /money balance <player>
  • Display the money top list using /money top silver [page=1]
I doubt 1 minute of extra waiting time would be too much of a hardship...
I'm just trying to balance it out right now. I mean, premiums can:
  • Join the server even if it's full
  • MCMMO cooldowns reduced to 50%
  • Get double money drops from mobs
  • Open a portable workbench using /wb.
  • Open your huge backpack using /bp.
  • Keep backpack items on death (always)
  • Keep armor slots on death (always)
  • Keep inventory items unless you attacked someone within 30s
  • Keep xp level (always)
  • Keep xp progress unless you attacked someone within 30s
  • Create portal gates
  • Wear diamond armor (only premium members can)
  • Wear any block as a hat
  • Build and fire cannons
  • Display another players money using /money balance <player>
  • Display the money top list using /money top silver [page=1]
I doubt 1 minute of extra waiting time would be too much of a hardship...
I didn't donate to not play after being killed or wounded (role play terms)
we already have ghosts, 2 of the undead sub races (the ones that are not mortis fal) are classified as types of ghosts, example banshees, once again this is just RP related.
we already have ghosts, 2 of the undead sub races (the ones that are not mortis fal) are classified as types of ghosts, example banshees, once again this is just RP related.
Uhh... I don't mean ghosts as in anything to do with RP. Call it a spectate mode if you want, I don't care.
If any sort of death workaround will be introduced, we will not go down the model of World of Warcraft but simply force players to walk down a path much like the captcha of the server, before entering a portal when they were be resurrected. This way death is delayed by a max of 20-30 seconds where it won't be bothersome to gameplay but still delay spawnkilling and loldefending.

Due to the complex nature of this however, we can only consider implementing it after sharding.
If any sort of death workaround will be introduced, we will not go down the model of World of Warcraft but simply force players to walk down a path much like the captcha of the server, before entering a portal when they were be resurrected. This way death is delayed by a max of 20-30 seconds where it won't be bothersome to gameplay but still delay spawnkilling and loldefending.

Due to the complex nature of this however, we can only consider implementing it after sharding.
The problem is my character dusn't get killed except if he gets burned so.... this wouldn't fit in some characters
(my character isn't op... im just made of sand sorry)
And water and fire and Lava
And check out my Signature and see what it says
illusion: (:>:< turn your head just a little
There is always the Limbo approach.
Now, I know that the plugin is outdated but my point still stands.
On death (probably only when pacifist = false) the normal death things happen, but instead of spawning at your bed or at any other spawnpoint you spawn in a predermined place (like Gana-Isha) and you are forced to stay there for a predermined time, UNLESS you do specific tasks. The tasks can be killing pigmen, ghasts or even other players. Placing or destroying blocks can also be used, but the killing player part is what seems most likely.

The plugin system can be set up so that if you kill another player while in Limbo, you get a deduction on your banishment and gets to return faster, and if you die in Limbo, your timer gets reset. This kinda forces people to fight Death Race style. Like, get 3 kills or survive for 2 minutes and you get to return to the land of the living.

There is also a "donator" permission that gives players with a specific permission specific items when spawning in limbo. These items stay on respawn so maybe give premiums a stone sword and a leather tunic, it's small, but it increases your chance of survival at least a little.

So I was thinking, you could send dead players to a (reasonable) large arena in the minigame world where they have to survive for 2 minutes or kill 3 other players. And maybe you are thinking, what happens if you are the first one in, can't you just wait for other players to spawn there and kill them? Well, you can set the Limbo spawnpoint to several different points, and the place where you spawn is selected randomly from that list.

This system with a arena makes so players don't have to wait to get action again, but are encouraged to continue fighting even after death.

If you want a roleplay reasoning behind this system of only being sent here when fighting, here it is:
"You are valiantly fighting for the honour of your faction, you see the enemy pushing through the gates. You and your brothers in arms charge shouting into battle. You plunge your sword through several of the enemy soldiers when you hear your friend shout and you turn around. You feel a burning sensation in your stomach, you look down and see a sword impaling you.

You look up and see the soldier whos face is the last face you'll ever see. He pulls out his sword and continues fighting while you fall down on your knees. Everything is getting dark and you start to feel heavy. You collapse and glide into death...
Suddenly you hear fighting again, you open your eyes and you are lying on the ground, but not the same ground as a few seconds ago. The god of war has recognised your bravery and given you a chance to prove your strength. You pick up a sword and join the fight. After slaying several of the other people there, a bright light blinds you, and you wake up in your bed.

You look at your stomach, and there is no wound or scar. You look out the window and see your fellow soldiers fighting. It's like it never happened, it's like you overslept. You thank the god of war, grab your spare equipment and run out to fight again..."
There is always the Limbo approach.
Now, I know that the plugin is outdated but my point still stands.
On death (probably only when pacifist = false) the normal death things happen, but instead of spawning at your bed or at any other spawnpoint you spawn in a predermined place (like Gana-Isha) and you are forced to stay there for a predermined time, UNLESS you do specific tasks. The tasks can be killing pigmen, ghasts or even other players. Placing or destroying blocks can also be used, but the killing player part is what seems most likely.

The plugin system can be set up so that if you kill another player while in Limbo, you get a deduction on your banishment and gets to return faster, and if you die in Limbo, your timer gets reset. This kinda forces people to fight Death Race style. Like, get 3 kills or survive for 2 minutes and you get to return to the land of the living.

There is also a "donator" permission that gives players with a specific permission specific items when spawning in limbo. These items stay on respawn so maybe give premiums a stone sword and a leather tunic, it's small, but it increases your chance of survival at least a little.

So I was thinking, you could send dead players to a (reasonable) large arena in the minigame world where they have to survive for 2 minutes or kill 3 other players. And maybe you are thinking, what happens if you are the first one in, can't you just wait for other players to spawn there and kill them? Well, you can set the Limbo spawnpoint to several different points, and the place where you spawn is selected randomly from that list.

This system with a arena makes so players don't have to wait to get action again, but are encouraged to continue fighting even after death.

If you want a roleplay reasoning behind this system of only being sent here when fighting, here it is:
"You are valiantly fighting for the honour of your faction, you see the enemy pushing through the gates. You and your brothers in arms charge shouting into battle. You plunge your sword through several of the enemy soldiers when you hear your friend shout and you turn around. You feel a burning sensation in your stomach, you look down and see a sword impaling you.

You look up and see the soldier whos face is the last face you'll ever see. He pulls out his sword and continues fighting while you fall down on your knees. Everything is getting dark and you start to feel heavy. You collapse and glide into death...
Suddenly you hear fighting again, you open your eyes and you are lying on the ground, but not the same ground as a few seconds ago. The god of war has recognised your bravery and given you a chance to prove your strength. You pick up a sword and join the fight. After slaying several of the other people there, a bright light blinds you, and you wake up in your bed.

You look at your stomach, and there is no wound or scar. You look out the window and see your fellow soldiers fighting. It's like it never happened, it's like you overslept. You thank the god of war, grab your spare equipment and run out to fight again..."
I like it... I like it...
@SkysohMC I think the point of the ghost mode is so the items can look at you in the face and laugh. Making the pulgins so much better. (Sorry about not actually replying I'm on mobile and the normal text thing won't work)
oh man that would be cool if it looked like heaven/hell! like you start from the bottom and its hell then rise up to heave...yea i know that dosnt really make sense if your just coming back to life but it would be a cool design for it! :D
I read everything and the limbo seems the most appealing.

Though If you where a ghost :
-semy transparent
-10 minuts fore anyone
-you get teleported back to spawn after your time as ghost runs out
-can only whisper

Fore both sides of the coin.
-the death penalty is given only if you die while in pacifist false ore killed by another player (ambushing reasons)

though again the limbo is by far the most fun and coolest as well as Rp though I think their should be a max time you can be in limbo because some people don't have a good computer and might not be able to get a kill and might get their timer reset all the time.
No idea I only played that game for a week about and I did not like it.. I don't remember dying ether.

Well back in 2005 i played that game, for 1 year. But the death penalty was skill lvl burden for several minutes and ghost mode. You needed to walk back to your corpse.

I liked that aspect of WOW. And it will fit great in massivecraft.
This idea seems a bit crazy. Also, how come every idea is based off premiums not dropping stuff? We drop stuff during battles just like everyone else premium or not, so having that as the base for every suggestion/complaint is getting a bit tiresome.
Lets not turn this thread into another one of those discussions because it would get closed if we do.
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