reapproved and done, but I kept this response for documentation pending the upcoming changes when you next updateThanks for the quick responds! I am perfectly content with them being outperformed and find it enjoyable, however I will allocate more points in the coming month or so from IC training.
And thanks for pointing out the language part, This was the first character I made so I didn't see the point in language. But this has been a part of the character for the year that I've had them, and I'd rather keep it as is because of it.
I will however try to add a reason for it in the BackStory once I have one!
Ontop of the review could I get a clean up? If it's not too much to ask I'd like to only keep everyone's first responds so; My first Responds to the post. WoodWorks first responds, Lizmun's first and so on (yours too!).
So delete everything but those ones, even this one. It's a weird request but I like looking back at them.
Thanks for the advice and the clean up! @FireFan96
This is a very weird segment of the life story to read and is why I'm inclined to say that you should thoroughly read the Yanar page. Their biology is fundamentally different to a normal person and they're more like constructs than actual people. Like for example, Yanar aren't really.. that susceptible to memory loss via head injury or memory loss in general that isn't either intentional or loss of memory over greater lengths of time. Memory for them isn't really stored in the brain but rather their wyldstone/core/"soul". It's probably easier to interpret the 'brain' of their physical form like a steering wheel than the driver.Dathil had been heavily injured during her escape, only escaping the Occultist by taking a great leap off a cliff hovering above a valley. This resulted in severe head injuries which lead to memory loss.
I think you should clarify more in future iterations of the application of why they chose to stay alive. At face value it would probably be easier to just let themselves die, be reborn and continue on in a fresh uninjured body that's build better to endure harsher conditions. You could instead clarify something more along the lines of being forced to stay alive because they have people who want to shatter their core chasing them throughout the woods so they don't have the opportunity to safely go through rebirth. Also Occultist is sort of vague and a subject you should probably later elaborate on. Because it does matter which God Dathil is being sacrificed to if you're trying to build a concept around something here.Dathil had been heavily injured during her escape, only escaping the Occultist by taking a great leap off a cliff hovering above a valley. This resulted in severe head injuries which lead to memory loss.
She awoke in the endless valley full of lilies and flora. With little to go on of who she was, she began wandering through the wilderness and making it her home. After two years of aimless wandering just trying to stay alive, she found an old sign pointing toward a road. This road lead to Regalia. With nowhere else to go, she followed it, eager to see what the world truly had to offer.
Just clarify orange. Red shades are solely vampire.
What were the circumstances regarding Dathil's death? I was curious about the funeral and the whole coming back then given Yanar cannot resurrect from death anymore. As this line exists;Hey, we're back! Basically same as before the occupation.
I tried to shorten and fix the backstory.
Also could you please clean up the replies? Only leave the reserved comment at the top. Thank you! @Caelamus
What were the circumstances regarding Dathil's death? I was curious about the funeral and the whole coming back then given Yanar cannot resurrect from death anymore. As this line exists;
"Despite being Ageless, Yanar can die if they are killed by an external force like an accident or violence."
I would really encourage you to familiarize yourself more with lore updates, read the pages and their associated abilities. This update has been around for awhile now.
Approved. Although, eh, I do feel the point still stands that "you need to read what abilities do and what the lore is more". The whole funeral event was great and gave other people roleplay but I find it difficult to believe Dathil would have been able to gaslight other Yanar or people who have context about Wyldbirth and what was actually happening into believing a narrative the character was actually dead.Rä'Rith was thought to have died, but they Wildbirthed. They weren't injured, and the player story made about them briefly mentions their wildbirth. A few people knew what had really happened, but I made sure to make it vague and, in the player story, use quotation marks when saying Rith died, because it was the 'death' of that personality.
Sorry for the confusion! It was meant to be vague to other players. Hope this clears it up a little. In the future I'll tell you privately if something happens, so there won't be any confusion between us. Thanks for the review and clean up! @Caelamus
Approved. Although, eh, I do feel the point still stands that "you need to read what abilities do and what the lore is more". The whole funeral event was great and gave other people roleplay but I find it difficult to believe Dathil would have been able to gaslight other Yanar or people who have context about Wyldbirth and what was actually happening into believing a narrative the character was actually dead.
Shock roleplay doesn't really pan out in the long term. My advice would be if you plan to make a sort of transition like that in the future to pursue a hibernation narrative of the character just cocooning themselves somewhere and going away for an extended period of time to return at a later date. That works especially well if you plan to go away for a period of time and return to roleplay on the character later.
Ask me later. I'll approve the app but I have a bit of a backlog to clear through.Hello! Just updated her proficiency as she learned two more spells.
And it got lost in the conversation above, but could you clean up the replies? Only leave the reserved comment at the top, thank you!