Archived Daily Creeper Office/team

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Xylen Cuphar
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Now I know that this has almost a 0% chance of being added, but I had an idea revolving around the Daily Creeper. Basically there could be an HQ or something like that in Regalia for the writers, there will be reporters, editors, etc. One of the staff could be in charge then check some of the articles and pick which one is the best. I wanted to suggest the idea since I realized there has been a lack of "The Daily Creeper" recently and I find it quite fun to read about Aloria's news and I thought a whole team writing the stories would help speed up the work. I know they already do this but a whole section of the team could be assigned to turning the articles into in-game books. I hope that some of you enjoy my idea as I believe that this might improve the lore and get more of "The Daily Creeper" released.
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Pardon any of my grammar errors I was on my iPad and it was around 1:00 AM so I was pretty much asleep
We don't NEED it, but It'd be pretty interesting to be added. :) (drunk)
I'd honestly love this ingame. Sign me up straight away!
Maybe certain notable characters could do interviews or maybe a team of players could be elected to do their own columns, like Bsavs for poetry or something.
Keep drawing in more section ideas, I think The Daily Creeper could use more sections.
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