• Character Sheets are optional on MassiveCraft. You do not need a sheet to play or be whitelisted on our server. You only need a sheet if you plan to engage in roleplay combat.

Work in Progress Da Imposter

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.
Dec 20, 2022
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Remi
  • Heritage: Vatgrown Homunculus, Mystech. Looks elven.
  • Age: 20
  • Pronouns: Any
  • Occult: None
Core Concept
Remi is an escaped Methenwe homunculus, taking the first opportunity they had to escape a strict and cruel life of servitude under their maniacal Teledden overlord. Now, they hope to live their manufactured life freely, if not a bit dishonestly. They were engineered in the vat with a stimulant that made them industrious and quick-packed at all times, needing little sleep, but prone to anxiety and mania.

Appearance Information
Remi has curly, dark brown hair that sits above their shoulders in a voluminous bob. Their skin is olive-toned and smattered with freckles, and their ears are quite long. Their features are long, but lacking the angular sharpness typical of Teledden, likely an intentional feature given to them by their Methenwe creator to differentiate them from the upper caste. Their build is average, not toned and slightly overweight, and they stand at around 5'10". Their gender is indistinct.

Attack and Defense Stat

  • Strength:
  • Constitution:
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic:0

Life Story / Plot Hooks
Discuss any parts of your Character's backstory here that you think others might want to know, or just things about them that other people can use as reasons to roleplay with them.
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Character Information
Full Name: Inathra Murvaar
Race: Maquixtl
Age: 24
Pronouns: She/her
Occult: Corruption Arkenborn
Core Concept
Inathra is the rejected spawn of a Maquixtl bureaucrat manipulated by Corruption, conceived on a long-term research trip and orphaned in Mandu. An outcast surrounded by Estellians, she resigned herself to servile labor. All the while, she plotted to win the affections of a local noble and offered her service as an assistant when the young lady pursued higher education in Girobalda. Upon arrival, Inathra slew the noble to reap the benefits of her blue blood, enjoying free tutorship and respect she'd never been treated with before once she assumed her identity.

Now, she does everything in her power to avoid drawing the suspicion of Momoztli's family, emulating her handwriting, style, and mannerisms with heaps of makeup. Her life is halved into two personas, one of the Estellian lady, and the other more true: an unscrupulous and Inth-worshiping Arkenborn prone to great indulgence and a habit of compulsively lying.

Appearance Information
Describe what your Character looks like- height, hair color, skin color, mutations, for example.

Use the Proficiency page and the Point Buy pages to complete this. You don't have to spend all Point Buy. List any free packs (from Race, etc.) but show that they are free.

  • Strength: 3
    • Dismount Pack
    • Diving Tackle Pack
    • Cheap Shot Pack
    • Warrior Pack (Free, Ailor)
  • Constitution: 3
    • Rebound Pack
    • Rage Counter Pack
    • Interception Pack
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 6
    • Marking Shot Pack
    • Knocking Shot Pack
    • Evading Dash Pack
    • Dye Shot Pack
    • Hook Shot Pack
    • Disguise Skill Pack
  • Magic: 2
    • Radiant Feather Pack
    • Radiant Relocate Pack
  • Faith: 0
All Characters can speak Common.
Additional languages can be chosen from the Languages page, within reason.


Life Story / Plot Hooks
Discuss any parts of your Character's backstory here that you think others might want to know, or just things about them that other people can use as reasons to roleplay with them.
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Character Information
Full Name: Jenno Skene
Background: Gallovian Ailor
Age: 39
Pronouns: She/her
Core Concept

Appearance Information
Describe what your Character looks like- height, hair color, skin color, mutations, for example.

Use the Proficiency page and the Point Buy pages to complete this. You don't have to spend all Point Buy. List any free packs (from Race, etc.) but show that they are free.

  • Strength: 3
    • Dismount Pack
    • Diving Tackle Pack
    • Cheap Shot Pack
    • Warrior Pack (Free, Ailor)
  • Constitution: 3
    • Rebound Pack
    • Rage Counter Pack
    • Interception Pack
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 6
    • Marking Shot Pack
    • Knocking Shot Pack
    • Evading Dash Pack
    • Dye Shot Pack
    • Hook Shot Pack
    • Disguise Skill Pack
  • Magic: 2
    • Radiant Feather Pack
    • Radiant Relocate Pack
  • Faith: 0
All Characters can speak Common.
Additional languages can be chosen from the Languages page, within reason.


Life Story / Plot Hooks
Discuss any parts of your Character's backstory here that you think others might want to know, or just things about them that other people can use as reasons to roleplay with them.
Character Information
  • Full Name: Engel Vogt
  • Race: Half-Asha
    • Half Calder Ailor
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Woman
  • Occult: Exist Mage
Core Concept

Engel is a support-focused Half-Asha medic. She is stubborn and desensitized to the suffering of others, and can come across as cruel or dismissive while seeking a rational solution to every issue. Her curiosity and thirst for deeper knowledge in combination with this dampened empathy can make her come across as invasive when she could have just minded her own business.

Not strongly religious, Engel was raised a Dogmatic Unionist and gives her occasional prayers to Mendes, Elen, and Juvin. She wishes to be more faithful and is jealous of the comfort it gives others, but considers her spirituality a low-priority need.

She is undecided on her thoughts on most elves and has mild bias against them, but prefers not to let this interfere in her medical work. Despite this, she may be tempted to outright refuse treatment to a Kathar.

Appearance Information

Engel is a studious woman, greatly attentive to her appearance for the sake of professionalism and presentability. Her delicately combed ginger hair is styled with large bow ribbons, and her freckled skin is porcelain smooth thanks to the assistance of alchemical treatments. Her style is defined by sleek modesty, nothing too ostentatious with a preference to follow convention.

She is just a bit above five feet and has some extra weight owed mostly to a stationary lifestyle. Her eyes are light hazel and her facial features are soft, but an analytical or even judgmental resting expression harshens this round visage. She complements her eyes with sharp eyeliner and precisely plucked brows.

Differentiating herself from Ailor, she has feline ears matching her orange hair, and a short-haired tail to match. Naturally, she grows more hair on her limbs than most women would due to her Asha heritage, but prefers to keep this shaven off.


Strength - 0

Constitution - 0

Wisdom - 7
  • Enchant Bolts
  • Enchant Defense
  • Enchant Protect
  • Exorcism
  • Medical Buff
  • Medical Revive
  • Medical Bolster
  • Medical Rescue (Legacy of Loss)
Dexterity - 0

Arcane - 6
  • Chem Endure
  • Chem Feeding
  • Chem - Technique Parry
  • Radiant Push
  • Radiant Relocate
  • Radiant Barrier
  • Radiant Feather
  • Radiant Shield (Legacy of Magic)
Faith - 0

Anglisch (Terrible Calem accent)
Ibeth (Not a fluent speaker, used instead for spellcasting - she is a keen listener though)

Plot Hooks
  • Independent spirit: Around the age of twelve, her seafaring father perished in a shipwreck. As if Engel was doomed for tragedy from the beginning, her mother met her end only a few years later. She spent a year in foster care and found droll work in accounting before she could live on her own.

  • A born mage: Much to her Asha father's dismay, Engel was born occult and never given a chance at true purity. She honed this magical talent with guidance in her late adolescence from one Vannevar Rostwilde, paying him from her own coffers for his tuition costs as well as room and board.

  • Well-studied: Leisure does not come naturally to Engel, taking extreme efforts to ensure she could live a comfortable and fulfilling life. This was recognized by an academy in Anglia who offered her a sizable scholarship for her attendance. She has recently graduated with a doctorate, studying mundane medicine and alchemy- no need to study the occult any longer.

  • Unethical experiments:

  • Anti-elf and anti-Estelley:

  • Tolerant otherwise:
Character Information
  • Full Name: Lotte
  • Heritage: Ailor and Sihndar
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Occult: Fury Arkenborn
Core Concept
Lotta is an adrenaline-driven Furyborn from Lirranna in Drowda. She lunged at the opportunity to see the outside world and spent her adulthood in the nearby Nordskag Kingdom where she converted to Fornoss, naturally favoring the Vola. Although she is impulsively violent and carelessly crass, she is a disciplined warrior and able to endure pain and discomfort beyond the average person's limits.

Appearance Information
Lotte has pale skin prominently scarred by past scuffles but also by acne, with a significant amount of pitting in her cheeks, something she takes less pride in than her healed battle wounds. Her hair is a dusty shade of blonde and her eyes are the blatantly afflicted colors of red and yellow. Though she is athletic in build, it is mostly sinewy muscle and her proportions appear a bit stretched since she stands slightly above six and a half feet. Her appearance isn't her priority, but she dresses sharp enough with a few stolen garments from defeated enemies, namely tailored coats and expensive boots.

She is mostly Ailor in appearance and doesn't seem to have benefited from her Sihndar's half as far as aging goes. If anything, she has aged poorly from her lifestyle and appears older than she really is. Her ears are definitely elven, but she looks about the same as any other half-elf. The only thing that is distinctly Sihndar about her is her accent and attitude.

Combat Style
Warrior (Strength / Constitution)

  • Strength: 7
    • Concussive Blow
    • Diving Tackle
    • Shrug Off
    • Cheap Shot
    • Building Scale
    • Force Toss
    • Gut Punch

  • Constitution: 7
    • Shield Slam
    • Shield Brace
    • Shield Taunt
    • Shield Defect
    • Rage Counter
    • Bulwark
    • Thick Hide

  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 0
  • Common
  • Sinnayed
  • Skodje

Life Story / Plot Hooks
  • Lotte was conceived for the express purpose of slaying the spiderlings infesting her homeland of Liranna- and in fact she did, by the hundreds no less.
  • Bored of doing battle with the same predictable beasts everyday, she began to regularly pick fights with her fellow soldiers instead over petty disputes to satisfy her need for variety.
  • Disruptive enough to interfere with productivity, Lotte was sent to Nordskag for the loose work of "building connections"- essentially sending her off to become the Velheim's problem instead of their own.
  • She found work with an independent Vola mercenary company based in the Cains and was employed to battle on behalf on various factions, some directly at conflict with each other- one job might involve crushing discontents in Hvitskag, while the next would involve tacitly plundering Ithanian ships with the same Hvitsi Velheim she was employed to kill prior.
  • With enough allies established in the Northbelt to 'pay her dues' to Drowda should the need to rally them arise, Lotte set sail to Regalia to broaden her portfolio of conquests and enjoy the regular tournaments and arena fights.
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Character Information
  • Full Name: Febe Sorevaar Lavoc Bel-Saal Macaïaal
    • Febe Lavoc
  • Heritage / Culture: Fin'ullen
  • Age: 180
  • Gender / Pronouns: Feminine
  • Occult: N/A
Core Concept
Appearance Information

Febe is a standard example of a Fin'ullen, athletic and tall with a vain amount of attention taken to presenting herself well. Her build is broad, particularly in her shoulders, thanks to a hearty diet in combination with a thorough regiment of training. Her skin is porcelain pale, smooth and mostly devoid of a rosy flush. Long, straight black hair contrasts starkly with her white complexion, slicked down into a smooth and militaristic ponytail or a compact braid.

Combat Style
Hunter (STR/WIS)

  • Strength: 7
    • Technique Parry
    • Diving Tackle
    • Tangle Strike
    • Building Scale
    • Brawl Stampede
    • Weapon Throw
    • Careful Fighter
  • Constitution: 2
    • Rebound
    • Interception
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 5
    • Chase Command
    • Attack Command
    • Defend Command
    • Shield Command
    • Resist Command
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 0
  • Common
  • Altalar

Life Story / Plot Hooks
Febe is emblematic of the rags-to-riches cliche: born during an era of war and genocide in Macaïaal to a poor family of sailors and teamsters, she escaped to Amontaar and successfully drew the attention of a mentor to hone her combative prowess.

A few decades were spent as his underling, though she was always an independent spirit and he was hardly more than a stepping stone to her. Surpassing her teacher, she found great success in the Regalian Navy and achieved rank as a captain before accepting a well-paying bodyguard position for a Dressolini noble family.

To her annoyance, Febe has recently been forced to put her prestigious career on hold to care for her ailing mother in Regalia. She has very little remaining family due to the wars that ravaged their homeland, with her siblings failing to volunteer themselves for the task or otherwise not in contact, so the responsibility has fallen upon her.
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Character Information
  • Full Name: Gijsberta 'Jip' van Sneek
  • Heritage / Culture: Anglian Ailor
  • Age: 42
  • Gender / Pronouns: She/her
  • Religion: Lip service Unionist
  • Occult: None
  • Character Occupation: Alchemist
Appearance Information:
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Hair: Greying hair dyed brown, long and wavy
  • Height: 5'8
  • Body Type: Average
  • Additional Features: Frequently reddened eye whites
Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents: Alchemy, jewelry, glassblowing
  • Mechanics: 100% Ailor
  • Languages: Common, Anglian

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat:
Defense Stat:
[0/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Constitution: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Intelligence: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Wisdom: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Dexterity: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Faith: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Magic: 0
    • [Ability Name]
Character Information

  • Full Name: Keavy Aldane
  • Heritage: Tierravera/Gallovian Ailor
  • Age: 22 years old
  • Pronouns: She/her
  • Religion: Evolism
  • Occult: Magic
  • Character Occupation: Hooligan
Appearance Information

  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Skin Color: Tan
  • Hair: Medium-length brown hair with a texture somewhere between wavy and curly
  • Height: 5 feet
  • Body Type: Wiry
Skill Information

  • Hobbies and Talents: Mage
    • Teaching origin, mentor training
    • Magic Schools: Elemental, Alteration, Illusion, Luminance
  • Mechanics: Ailor mechanics
  • Languages: Common, Droque
Backstory tidbits
  • Her father is a Gallovian ex-Blackmark who's in hiding on the isle of Eidda.
  • He abandoned Keavy and her brother in Daen after their mother died under suspicious circumstances.
  • Keavy and her brother took care of themselves through thieving and swindling.
  • She fled to Regalia after they were caught betraying their gang.
  • Her older brother lives in Daen and is involved in a new criminal group, her contact in smuggling.
  • Keavy has been in and out of Regalia for the past few years. One of the few people she's been involved with was executed by the Regalian guard.
  • Keavy strongly believes in Daen's independence and has some radical political views, but she is a bit too dull to convey her beliefs in a meaningful way.
  • She used to be Unionist, devout at that, but gave up her religion when she had no one to hold her to a higher standard, and soon fell back into a life of lying, swindling, and smuggling.
  • She learned Magic a while ago from an elf whom she's lost contact with by lying about being Estellian.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat:
Dexterity (7)
Defense Stat: Magic (5)

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Wardrobe Pack
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 7
    • Sharp Reflexes
    • Dirty Fighter
    • Fancy Footwork
    • Flexible Maneuver
    • Cutthroat Bleed
    • Cutthroat Escape
    • Cutthroat Mirror
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 5
    • Arcane Blade
    • Arcane Aura
    • Arcane Snare
    • Arcane Warp
    • Arcane Shove
  • Charisma:1
    • Fiscal Presence