Archived Curiosity With The Free Demons

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Resurrected Pirate Lord
Jun 6, 2016
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So I ran though the new Demons article written up by our staff member MonMarty, and I wound up having thoughts and curiosities so I am bringing my ideas and thoughts here.

One thing I am curious of though is the freed demon's abilities. I imagine it as though when a Void demon takes someone, they are essentially in soldier mode with no sense of self. When a Vice demon splinters them from their host, they absorb a part of the Vice demon's essence. So perhaps the Freed Demon's also gain a form of the Vice Demon's abilities? One way I view it is....

Freed demons are fragments cast off of a whole piece. The Vice that freed them taking a large role in the form the Freed Demon will take, and the effect that demon will have in the presence of other demons, angels, etc, and humans. Then out of an inner devotion/respect for their corresponding vice, perhaps the Freed demons have sanctums, temples, structures, etc, devoted to them and their Vice Trait.

This Idea could lead into the expenditure of races/clans/classification of Freed Demons. Perhaps having the Vices splinter them influenced their demon form/appearances.

i.e. -Fury's Arena and the Fury Demons
Fury's Arena would be a place of constant battle (War Zone), and the Fury Demons would be the most imposing and violent of the seven. Having a more innate combat skill, Wrath Demons lose themselves in combat, growing more ferocious as the battle wears on.
-Greed's Entrapment and the Greed Demons
A place of plenty. Food, drink, and wealth overflow from every wall but all the beings here can never seem to sate their hunger. Never quite quench their thirst. And all the precious gems you could hold wouldn't be enough to satisfy you. The Greed Demons are hoarders to an extreme. If you need something, a Demon of Greed has it, and you are not getting it. Greed Demon's are extremely possessive over whatever they claim as their property. People, lands, items, anything they can get their hands on. And will fight like a maddened beast to keep.
-Pride's Crown and the Pride Demons
Similar in part to Wrath's Arena. Pride is sometimes a place of constant combat, but the arena is forever changing as the Demons of Pride go through constant competition in pursuit of proving themselves. Ever eager to prove their skill against everything that ventures into their presence. They enjoy little as much as proving their skill in any setting.
-Pleasure's Temple and the Pleasure Demons
You're not old enough to go there. And even if you are, you're not. Yeah... you get the point.
Splintering from the Vice's left the Demons who fall into certain categories (Pride Demon, Greed Demon, etc, etc) with a fractioned form of their abilities. Fury having a more innate combat skill, Pleasure being able to enchant/hypnotize their target with their eyes through charm magic, Pride having a better magic ability, etc, etc)
My overall Idea expands on this but this is just a summed up version and curiosity that I am curious what the opinion of will be returned with
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The staff don't like giving only small groups of the community benefits. Having better combat would unbalance the server, it sould only be RP oriented.
That's what I was centralizing this idea on. This all was thought through RP for abilities and things like that. The Fury Vice does have better combat so it makes sense that fracturing off onto their demons. But this all was typed from an RP standpoint because I, personally, dont know how or if they will implement Demons IG. Saying something like the war zone was just for relate-able purposes.
I don't think this is needed, then type of demon will still effect how it will act not the vice who freed it.
Well thank you for your thought on it @Billy Rage , that's why I posted this on here. I'm not putting up suggestions for the server or lore, this is just me venting out a line of thought that I had and wondering what others thought about it. While I could debate that the 'type' of demon is unclear, I am assuming you mean the personality of the demon coming forth after the vice who frees it, which results in the demon having a portion of the vice's personality and the human they were attached with. So on that note what you're saying would make sense.
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