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Crown Declaration On Terrorism

The Archduke Charles Montagaard, Undercrown of the Empire, herein addresses the subjects of the Regalian Empire and issues the following statements to all people residing within its borders.

The Crown is perturbed to witness the growing unrest within all circles of the Empire. There are a great many who would endeavor to bring the Crown to her knees, craven opportunists who in their blind pursuit for power seek to displace Us and bring about an age of decadence in which their cronies might profit off the woes of our Empire.

The scheming of Girobaldin harlots and Northerne screamers cannot, and will not continue.

We have been pushed too far, and there comes a time where a hand must be raised. Before our appointment, the government was completely moribund, advocating for ineffectual policy which served only to feed gold into the coffers of corrupt and self-serving politicians who sat in their cushiony offices and remained otherwise lethargic. There is an innate sign of weakness and inability to fairly govern and dictate policy when a man seeks only to empower himself, and we have done away with this debauched system. Yet, there are those who would accuse the Crown of nepotism and misconduct. These very people who accuse us of bias and greed were both complacent and privy to the inadequacy of the former government, only speaking out against Us simply because we do not capacitate their want for power.

We, the Crown, are especially perturbed by the deplorable actions of the Duke of Eert Locghain, Einarr Norrvakt, who has shown great disrespect towards Our person and the Regalian State. The elevation of standing and station bequeathed unto him by Imperial prerogative has been abused thoroughly and has fallen upon ungrateful shoulders - We condemn this brute, Einarr Norrvakt, whose Northerne savagery has been laid bare.

Furthermore, it is Our policy that in Regalia lives only Regalians. This foolish quest over the question of Drixagh and an attempted preservation of the wildling Skagger culture now threatens the lives and dignity of citizens across the archipelago. They would see Our sacred motherland torn into two that they might perch themselves atop a mound of corpses and proclaim the Skagger horde reborn - to demise Our unparalleled sovereignty in the face of other races, and to threaten the fate of Our people as a whole. This disloyalty within the ranks of Our Empire has been allowed to fester, a fetid pustule which must now be forcibly excised. Therefore;

We, the Crown, commands that any and all subversive elements currently acting against the interests of the state lay down their arms, and its leaders relinquish themselves of this vile plot to set Our land afire, and turn themselves in, lone, for justice.

If this does not occur, then We will assembly a glorious band of loyal and righteous countrymen, and bring these traitorous plotters to light through fire and steel.

We, the Crown, do henceforth declare a war on terror, we shall not relent until Our country is truly safe from traitors and radicals.
Virathus keeps an eye on his peers as the missive circulates, keen to discern the treacherous from the righteous.
With a breath of relief, Amahl reclined back into his seat.
"And for a moment I thought this had to do with us snow-haired Sand-Snakes, phew!"
Baldur takes careful note of the middle section in regards to his liege, not wishing to bastardize it and make a fool of himself. With that he returns to the Steelsong Forge and begins to write an invitation, having it tacked upon the Tavern noticeboard. The man lumbers away, only after looking inside for any potential Jegers.
Conf sighed, muttering "Perhaps one should consider if the cause of radical action now is perhaps related to radical action the Undercrown took when he literally had children put to the blade." He paused, "A good cause can hardly remain such when the one at its helm can't self-reflect and acknowledge he did something f***ing stupid. Especially when those he calls savages are the ones he committed this savage act against." Then he turned, moving to stroll away from the gathering, this was really going to be a long day...
Einarr Norrvakt casually reclines in his room, taking a swig from a fine mug.

Svenrir smiled, true Northerne would rather answer to steel than the crown he thought to himself before going back to his hymn to the old gods.
The northerne bastard scratched her chin, staring up at the notice-board outside of the tavern after she had abruptly stopped before it.
A sense of sudden panic spread over her features, and then she was off out into the night once more, striding through puddles in the many narrow alleys of Regalia. Bad.​