Crookbackian Word Vomit

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by Acosmism, Jan 6, 2021.

  1. Acosmism

    Acosmism Sugar Parental Unit

    May 25, 2020
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    The following documents would only be distributed amongst those dwelling in the Undercity. Ink pressed neatly into the dozens of copies, in stark contrast to its rather messily-slapped-together-fashion. Such indicates that whatever document this is, is most likely irrelevant and mere opinions from a delirious stranger. But, one never knows.
    〚 ❀┇ ═════════════════════ - ‹ •◦ ♡ ◦• › - ════════════════════ ┇❀ 〛​

    The following is a collection of thoughts and ruminations produced from a botanical graveyard at approximately three in the morning pertaining to Crookback.

    5th of January, 309 Years beyond the Cataclysm.

    Updates, whereabouts, concerns, and questions.

    On the subject of vandalism.
    Vandalism, in most cases, proves to be more of an inconvenience than a fear factor or a threat. It is only considered useful in rare scenarios, but these scenarios exist nonetheless. In example, the Estel Statue which was successfully destroyed, it had meaning — albeit, admittedly, the job was done sloppily and proved in the end to provide little efficiency save for providing heresy and a scare to the religion it thus targeted. Through my own personal lessons I have come to realize that most vandalism done on the surface is needless. Namely, Old Towne. They hold poor and helpless citizens who are targeted by the state just as we, and vandalizing and ruining their supplies, public gathering areas, clinics, and more, does nothing but hurt for no reason, and, in turn, waste your forces and tire them out without cause. What the Oracles have done to the local Clinic, for example, was needless — then again, what else may abound besides chaos? You see, it’s a difficult subject to cover — but maybe that is because I only enjoy it when it benefits me or hurts my foe. In the end, that is our goal, as sanguine.

    On the subject of politics.
    Politics in the Undercity are always going to be messy. The majority of the populations are Void Aberrants, and we, as children of the Yawning Black, are ultimately lead to chaos, always. Being anti-state always serves us best and when we try to befriend the enemy we get no benefit, so trying to do so is always pointless. On the subject of more intimate factions, the Athanasia Scion has formally departed from the Twin Flames Alliance in favor of restoring Crookback and providing for its people. The Alliance did not have them in mind. Moreover, they offer their hand in free alliance to any and all vampires, whether they are in a coven or not, for the greater good of the Sanguineous population. Not straying from innate purposes, we hereby intend to upkeep the reputation of proper Dorkarthian rule of government and spread the Sanguineous influence first fully throughout Crookback, and then eventually to Regalia, wholly. The Scion furthermore officially and formally opens its doors to all in need, bar the Exist Aligned.

    On the subject of questions and concerns.
    As of now, I have received lots of feedback from the citizens of Crookback. Before I continue, need I remind you of one thing: despite my obvious wanted position and adamant opposition to the state, I do not oppose the downtrodden, the lonely, and the forgotten. That being said, I still care for the citizens of Crookback wholeheartedly, even if they do not return my graces.

    First point brought up to me was on the matter of Crookback’s still rather burnt state. I am aware Valarosta is working on funding for the restoration, and now realize that she has been doing so fairly alone in it all (as she does most things, I’ve noticed — without help, and not on her own fault), bar people’s donations. Thusly I urge whoever can to help in any way they can, and I do the same. Too long has it been left to ashes, let us rebuild it as soon as possible so that our ill intent may flourish once more.

    Another question brought up to me: what next?
    This question will always be hard, no matter the circumstances pertaining to it. I know people have their own individual plans, and I myself cannot speak for Crookback as a whole, therefor, I do not possess power in this authoritative circle to posit the whereabouts of our futures. However, should you seek purpose, come to me — I can give you purpose, and much more.

    Thus conclusions my rampant word vomit. I suppose the rumors are true. If you made it this far, I applaud you, and give you a gold star. Stay strong, beloved Crookbackians, and as they say in Daen, adios!

    Desprincess Mirabella Wymarc of the Athanasia Scion
    The Dionaea Embrace of the Court of the Solifugae
    Lady of the Gallovian Caves
    Blossom of the Murk
    A concerned mother


    〚 ❀┇ ═════════════════════ - ‹ •◦ ♡ ◦• › - ════════════════════ ┇❀ 〛
    • Powerful Powerful x 12
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    #1 Acosmism, Jan 6, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
  2. BluKnight10

    BluKnight10 Refugee

    Apr 8, 2020
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    A worn out, crumpled piece of paper with slightly torn edges would have been found next to one of the documents! Pinned to the torn paper would have been a strip of writing, originating from the original document
    "Not straying from innate purposes, we hereby intend to upkeep the reputation of proper Dorkarthian rule of government and spread the Sanguineous influence first fully throughout Crookback, and then eventually to Regalia, wholly."

    But wait! There's more! It appears that a message would have been left behind on the worn paper that was put up near the document, which read,

    "Greetings hidden speaker! I a am concerned Crookbackian that want to raise a doubt. For some of us that do not fully understand sangenius politiks, what does the above line mean? Do you plan on simply making sangine well known and plan on gaining power? Do you plan a angry advance? Will I have to move my tent to somewhere else to prevent your people from turning my frends and fameli to your lot? Please, we realy want your reponse
    Karl Rowe"
    The crude grammar, horrible spelling and illegible handwriting indicated to someone perhaps not fully fluent in common nor literate!
    • Like Like x 2
  3. bwmwags3

    bwmwags3 Refugee

    Dec 17, 2019
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    “Really you mention the Scion intimately, you Act with that same arrogance of the Dorkarth born, and you sign concerned mother. I am not even a long time player and even I know that description befits you Mirabella. Stop hiding behind anonymity if you are gonna do all but sign your philosophical ideas. Actually sign them,” notes the bard taking it home to join his collection of philosophy pieces to mull over.
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
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  4. Acosmism

    Acosmism Sugar Parental Unit

    May 25, 2020
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    (( I’ll reply to this tomorrow ))
  5. Acosmism

    Acosmism Sugar Parental Unit

    May 25, 2020
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    Along what notes could be found, one would see that the previous signing was scratched out. In its place, a lengthy list of titles, some of which are most likely made up.
    #5 Acosmism, Jan 6, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
  6. bwmwags3

    bwmwags3 Refugee

    Dec 17, 2019
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    The Bard nodded “Much better” and took a fresh copy for his pile of musing to be re-read later.
    • Powerful Powerful x 2
  7. GRIST_

    GRIST_ The Antagonist Premium

    Aug 8, 2016
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    I still think you write too much.” Muttered a certain demon spawn. “But- vandalism a random building with no connection to anyone is needless. I do agree to that.

    With that they went about their day.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. ImNotRatty

    ImNotRatty Certified Rat Bastard

    Jun 11, 2019
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    "... Mmh." He pointed an elongated finger at a stray paper, littered upon the ground, causing it to float infront of his trio of black-and-blue eyes. He read it over, rodent-esq tail lapping gently across the dusted floor. "Ah, random opinionated propaganda. I'll need to look into this. But firstly, I /Have/ to show this to Mikheal, he'll love it." He crumpled the paper, shoving it into his pocket, walking off.

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