Archived Criminal Version Of Charters.

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What are you going to do? Bleed on me?
Aug 14, 2015
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I think it would be a good idea to have something similar to charters, but for criminals, such as a gang, or guild.

By this, I mean the gang gets recognised by staff as a legitimate RP group, but Regalia doesn't recognise it as legitimate due to the fact that it's illegal.

You already see many Mages, Thieves, Assassins, and more in Regalia, but this would open up a lot of new RP opportunities which I imagine would be welcomed by everyone.


Not only that, but you could give special permissions to let them use a coded language (Basically a prefix similar to normal languages, so if the gang was called something like 'The Panthers' you would put <T.P.C> before the text, meaning 'The Panthers' Code), special permission to lockpick certain doors, have Gang specific lore weapons, or maybe even to put up signs with writing that makes an ascii symbol such as:




And so on.
These can all be different markings for different things, including but not limited to;

Gang: Meaning the building is part of the Gang. (We'll touch on this in a minute.)
Safe: Meaning the area is safe for the Gang. (Such as the sewers)
Danger: Meaning someone nearby or inside does not take kindly to the Gang. (Such as the prison.)
Escape: Meaning that following this marking leads to escape. (Different paths through Regalia)
Protected: Meaning the area or people are under Gang protection. (A good way to RP with non gang members.)
Loot: Meaning valuables or riches are inside or nearby. (RP of course)
Empty: Meaning there is nothing of value inside. (Again, RP)


Now, on the subject of buildings, a gang could also apply for a special Regalian building. Of course, this would be a cheap run down building, or a small place in the sewers, but as long as you have a valid RP reason (Such as a front) you might also be able to apply for a nicer, more luxurious building.

How will this effect other people?

Well, it will open up better RP options for jobs like bounty hunters.
It could be the center of gossip in RP.
Conspiracy theories will get made.
It will flesh out the criminal side of Regalia.
And it will do much, much more.


In conclusion, I think that official criminal versions of charters is a good idea.
Thanks for reading.
If anyone has any questions or anything to add, put it down in the comments below.
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I had a similar idea for this but for crime to be a related alternative to nobility, gangs become families and such. I do personally love your idea. For housing there are many sewer bases and houses in the back areas of the city. I know that this isn't what you had in mind, but gang rp is very below the surface, quite literally. When I began my project for a gang council I had no idea the extensive amount of rp that occurs down there.
In regards to charters, I assume that you mean each individual gang is a charter? I would expand on this though if I knew exactly what you meant, but yeah, I like the idea regardless.
This is what I had came up with about a month or so ago to make gang rp more organized I guess? Frankly they didn't need help and it resulted in many gangs of single individuals being created, but I enjoyed its brief existence:
If you want to follow through with your plan maybe you want to borrow parts of this? Maybe not? This project went dead for me, but you could always revamp it and breathe new life in.
All the yes in the world. We've already seen people try to apply for charters in order to be corrupt, so why not?

It's a perfect way to do as @MonMarty said and make the server/sewers more gang-friendly.

Applying for your gang to be recognized as lore-compliant also keeps it under control.

Disclaimer: I didn't read most of what was said. This is literally based on the title and the lore Q and A thread.
You don't need a government or server recognized gang to do gang activities, the very essence of crime is that it's high risk high reward, and the sewer bases are the crime bases already.
You don't need a government or server recognized gang to do gang activities, the very essence of crime is that it's high risk high reward, and the sewer bases are the crime bases already.

I know you don't need a server recognised gang to do gang activities, but I believe that it would help flesh out the criminal underworld.
Right now, it's hard for a criminal to make a change in the RP world, bar getting caught and having a scenario around that, but even then, it would quickly be forgotten. These gangs could change that.
My logic: People are attracted to pretty colors. They don't deem the gangs worth while because they aren't on the same level as charters, which I can see as your reason for making this thread. The problem comes down to this: No variation. Charters can do different things and carry out other tasks while gangs tend to cross lines with one another. It's why I tried making them like families. I don't see gangs getting a server recognition type deal, we were lucky to get a mini game.
My logic: People are attracted to pretty colors. They don't deem the gangs worth while because they aren't on the same level as charters, which I can see as your reason for making this thread. The problem comes down to this: No variation. Charters can do different things and carry out other tasks while gangs tend to cross lines with one another. It's why I tried making them like families. I don't see gangs getting a server recognition type deal, we were lucky to get a mini game.

Precisely. We would have to find out a way to make each 'Gang' different from the rest, but people are creative. They will think of ways.
Precisely. We would have to find out a way to make each 'Gang' different from the rest, but people are creative. They will think of ways.

My logic: People are attracted to pretty colors.
Obviously the solution is....

Lets give them all different spandex costumes that looked like they were designed on Rupaul's Drag race.

And each gang leader has enough thematics to make art and theater students have anuerysms!
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Obviously the solution is....

Lets give them all different spandex costumes that looked like they were designed on Rupaul's Drag race.

And each gang leader has enough thematics to make art and theater students have anuerysms!
I know you don't need a server recognised gang to do gang activities, but I believe that it would help flesh out the criminal underworld.
Right now, it's hard for a criminal to make a change in the RP world, bar getting caught and having a scenario around that, but even then, it would quickly be forgotten. These gangs could change that.
Ok but you're not really suggesting what criminal scenario's would be possible with staff support. I'm all for providing more support, but I'm not seeing any tangible suggestions that would have roleplay revolve around them.
I understand what you mean by wanting a charter for the criminal organizations but charters are for lawful groups. the definition of criminal is someone who wouldn't want to follow the law. You can really do whatever u want as a criminal organization anyway
Ok but you're not really suggesting what criminal scenario's would be possible with staff support. I'm all for providing more support, but I'm not seeing any tangible suggestions that would have roleplay revolve around them.

A lot of roleplay opportunities could arise.

For example, one such opportunity could start a whole, unforgettable, player based storyline.
Imagine this, one of the gangs have been revealed by some sort of vigilante who is hunting them down, one by one. The vigilante becomes a symbol. A symbol of hope. They become loved by the people, and the gangs become the talk of the city, the Regalian notice boards are filled with posts about them, and people take notice.

Soon, more people follow them in their footsteps, but their methods are different. Where as the original vigilante simply revealed the gang members so that justice could be served by the proper authorities, the impersonators get people killed. Whether it be the gang members, or themselves.

The more this happens, the more people start to turn against the vigilante. Regalia was safer without them. If the vigilante didn't exist, neither would the impersonators. The law enforcement agencies try to hunt them down, with even more force than the force they use to hunt down the gangs and criminals.

Regalia becomes a darker place. Filled with paranoia, suffering, and pain.

The vigilante realises that only one thing can make it stop, the vigilante sacrifices themselves to take down the gang. The vigilante sacrifices themselves in the name of justice. They sacrifice themselves, because it's right.
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