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Corruptions And Payrolls


Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score
It was only hours after Crime Kingpin Edward Jarsdel released his confession and turned himself in, that suddenly, the main district of Regalia would suffer from a pouring of letters. These letters, if inspected further, would show to be Hightower Report documents, with all sorts of reports being written by known individuals of the guard.

The men throwing the papers around were men with shaven heads akin to Jarsdel's, visible members of the crime syndicate. While they were immediately struck and subdued by the guards, they would scream the following;

"Courtesy of Master Jarsdel, you fools! We have your law charters around our fingers! Do you still feel safe?!"
Case: The Fishy Jarsdel
Date: February 2nd, 306 AC
Report by: Benjamin Journey
Description: A Maiar was accused of threatening nobility, Edward Jarsdel to be exact. Once brought in, a piece of evidence was found on the Jarsdel. He claimed it was forgery to attack his family. The pages- although ripped, contained a contract with the instructions to a merc to retrieve a finger and ear of Shane Marth. As not enough evidence was seen, and the Jarsdel being Ailor and noble, this report is unfinished and placed as a bookmark for further 'soft investigating.'

Additional notes: No warrant has been permitted to investigate the Jarsdels, nor has the contract been acted upon, therefore no proof of whether the contract is genuine can be found as of now.

Case: Senobia the Alchemist and the Fruit of Eternal Life
Date: February 21st, 306 AC
Report By: Nikkidroth Bristlemail
Description: The case of Senobia has been dropped, leading us with only the information that the Maraya had contact with an unknown gang. The case of the black magic, however, has not. After a couple days of information gathering, I am under the impression that our mage is likely an Outsider race (or an Elf), a leader or lieutenant of a gang of other Outsider/troublesome racial combinations, and is less likely to be as flashy as previous criminals have been found to be. Unless other leads are found from previous targets (such as Taliandra and the constantly following Ehrendil), it might be unfortunately safe to assume the cunt behind this is deeply burrowed in either the heart of the slums or the Vamperium district. Either one isn't too accessible. Unless you can find a smartass who is willing to talk, take a passive approach, I recommend.
announcement from Edmond du Pont after Benjamins Report:
The investigation involving "Senobia" has been called off due to budget constraints, increasing socio-endangerment within the slums district, elevated risk of damage to personnel and unnecessary equipment risks. All units involved with the investigation are hereby called off the case and will resume standard operating procedure

Case: Arken Death Show Incident
Date: February 20th, 306 AC
Report By: Daniel White
The Idea was to head to the slums with the magic users to set up a checkpoint and proceed to a sting operation, related with Senobia. But the Azures informed our Lord Commander, Edmond du Pont about the Arken threat, changing our mission of the day. We arrived at the church, heavily Guarded by Armoured Cultists. There was at least between 7-8 heavily armoured individuals, these ones guiding us in with the Arken, yet unseen, only her childish voice being heard. We all sat down, some were forced to. Cora, descended from the ceiling and shortly after disarmed us, except our Lord Commander made the sword get stuck, forcing it to use more force and stabbing Cora, sadly it was only act, she was unharmed, although she had a sword in her guts. She spoke about Heresy, and then called out Mae, Valbrand and the Lord Commander, telling them that they were fake heroes and that the had to give her something belonging to them. Valbrand wanted her to remove his fear against her, but she instead just made the opposite. Edmond said she already had his sword, but she wanted more, she chopped his left hand off clean. Then, she seemed to have drained the magic out of the Azure. She then forced out eyes closed giving a sword to different individuals, one being Camilla, she killed the one that seemed to be the Commander of the Cultists. After that, she made a few more stab each other and then it all stopped, she said a few things more and disappeared, all our weapons dropping on our heads, one amputating Benjis finger, and one impaling Camillas Thigh. I was lucky, making me have advantage. As soon as I had control over my eyes, I grabbed the first weapon I could find, attacking the cultist that tried to run. I bashed one with my shield and deflect an attack of a mace, this one hitting a fellow Hightower, a sudden screech flooded my ears, disorienting me, I barely blocked a blow to my head-(edited)
He then retreated and I figured that each time someone tried to hit them, this loud screech flooded our ears. I decided to drag the other Hightower out, to a bed and helped Benji to another bed. We evacuated the rest and that was the end of this horrible event, Spirit protect us all.

Case: Senobia, illegal alchemy
Date: February 20, 306 A.C
Report By: Benjamin Journey
Description: I talked Senobia in coming to Hightower passively, for questioning. She seemed distressed at the accusations against her, however, she had no knowledge of any illegal contraband, nor any possession of it.
She suggests that the accusations pointed towards her are from the gangs within the slums, and that she is targetted being the only alchemist shop within the emporium.
Her character is seemingly kind and good, thus I take her word over the beggers and devout few.
Senobia's alchemy shop is more of a medical clinic within the slums. This can be backed upon witness accounts, and local knowledge.

Senobia is rather frail and vertile, not a figure to do illegal actions.
Senobia pleads not guilty.
Is prepared to let the Hightower search her shop. (She offered to me, without any preparation.)
The contraband is actually pointed towards the Devout Few, a gang within the slums who threatens Senobia's shop, and constantly attacks it. (I myself, have a witness account.)

Case: Queer shite.
Date: February 18, 306 A.C
Report By: Urijah Jamesson
Camilla and I went to check out the slums again, seeing as there was a riot there earlier. We went with no intention of sparking any conflict. However, I saw the Sanguine Shendar who is wanted for assault on guards and innocents, one of those guards being Benjamin Journey. I decided to loose an arrow, with no intention of entering after. However, Benjamin jumped in the way of the Sanguine, purposely taking the arrow and defending the wanted /criminal/. Seeing as Ben was now hurt, we decided to quickly move in and get him out, but the Sanguine Shendar accompanied by none other than the imprisoned guard Shendar Lyiie'le however the fuck you spell his/her name pulled him behind a wall. The Senobia woman then showed up, so I figured I might as well try to get her, so I fired a shot. She went down, and several other slum dwellers came to her aid. Daniel then showed up, and used his baton to try and clear the way to Senobia. The slum dwellers did not let him, and threatened him with obscura and other alchemy substances. I threatened them with another arrow, warning them to back away. However, Ben walked up and started shielding the criminals once again, defending them from Dan and my arrows. I saw a small gap in which I could maybe squeeze a shot through, so I let loose the arrow. However, Ben once again stepped in the way and shielded the criminals by taking the arrow. He then fell, and we moved in to get him out, but he pulled a knife when Camilla attempted to drag him away, and slashed at her, cutting her hands severely. Lyiie Shendar kept the Sanguine out of harms way as well, and he/she also accompanied the earlier riot in the slums. He/she was shot, and taken into custody and ordered to be beaten. I have Warrant Officer Magnus Viduggla as a witness to that ordeal.

"Guard" Lyiie is a rat, and aided criminals as well as a riot.
Ben purposely took arrows defending criminals.

I take full responsibility for the actions of the group present at the second slum ordeal.
Requesting Lyiie guard Shendar be punished, as well as Benjamin.

Case: Slum problems (One of many)
Date: February 19, 306 A.C
Report By: Urijah Jamesson
A woman of the church, known as Mother Prissila, and another man known as Tyrion came to the Black Tower today, with grave need from the slums. Mother Prissila stated that she saw a dangerous fungus, Dulofall, growing all over the place in there. She says that it causes aggression, rashes and many other things, with no cure. She has asked that there be a mass quarantine and that appropriate safety measures be taken. The man then stated the rise of a new and dangerous criminal gang, one that wears dog masks and call themselves the Hounds. Mother Prissila was attacked by them. They are reported to carry out kidnappings all over the city.

New potential disease on the rise.

Case: Velheimer Rats
Date: February 19th, 306 AC
Report by: Lyiie'leina Trae'nne
This is from Lyiie's perspective:
Camilla and Urijah moved out in the slums with no permissions given and started shooting at innocent people with no reason whatsoever, and when asked to state a reason or to stop they refused to listen, resulting in Benjamin jumping in front of a fellow guard (Lyiie) to protect them. All Benjamin did was protecting a fellow guard, with no harm intended. It was Camilla and Urijah handling this situation badly, and later on Daniel joined in - clueless on what actually happened. He only did what thought was right. Urijah wasn't out for Senobia, Senobia happened to be nothing but an innocent bystander who got in the way -- in fact, Urijah wouldn't even have acknowledged Senobia, if Lyiie wouldn't have yelled out her name, he simply went on a rampage shooting at everyone and everything. This isn't the first time Urijah happened to cause a mess, he tortured a guard without permission when they were trapped in a cell.

- Benjamin is innocent and did nothing but protect a fellow guard.
- Urijah & Camilla entered the slums with no permission nor reason and started shooting arrows at guards as well as innocent bystanders.

Requesting Urijah to be suspended instead of Benjamin.
(star) Case: Explosive Results
Date: February 18th, 306 AC
Report By: Hightower
Description: Another Anaflexi explosive was tossed at our regiment while we were trying to stop a bunch of rioters from escaping the slums. Once more, this explosive came from the base of the 'Senobia' lady. Work should be done soon.
(star) Case: The Fruit of Eternal Life
Date: February 17th, 306 AC
Report By: Nikkidroth Bristlemail
Description (UPDATE): A gay boy named Ehrendil (who claims he runs the Talons and is a bartender) has offered us information on the location of Anaflexi providers, one of which was found to give the Maraya his weaponry. A Half-Elf named Senobia, an alchemist who runs an illegal drug store in the slum Emporium, supposedly has been providing this high-risk range of explosives to the highest bidder. Keep an eye out!
Harrison watched from the Jarsdel Estate as reports poured through the streets by their men. He couldn't help but allow a small smile appear over his cracked lips.
"My favorite f**king nephew gets shit done."
Taliandra Jouhari traced her finger down the paper, squinting at the words before she'd pause on her own familiar name..
But she can't read for crap.
EstiƱe took a moment to allow all of the information sink in- it had been her first day back and yet a few hours into it she had news of Jarsdel flooding in quickly. The little woman couldn't help but feel a smile crawling onto her lips- bursting out into a fit of chuckles.

"Spirit- Glory, job well done, Edward f*cking Jarsdel!"
Benjamin Journey peered towards the reports, seeing his name several times. He panicked, looking left and right of himself as others gathered the reports.

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One of these such letters had made it into the dainty, segmented, and hardened hands of a frail old woman. Eight eyes, all dark as pitch, scanned over the paper and golden jewelry jingled upon many dark, twisting and curling horns as she read. These eight eyes scanned over and over the words of the report. Eventually, a smile came over her wrinkled face - a black, forked, and grotesquely long tongue passed over her lips. The Spider gave brief adjustment to the gold, orange and collar she wore just after she finished reading the report for the fifth time.
"So they know,"
The spider mage spoke aloud. Her eight-faceted attention shifted upwards to a towering mushroom - brittle and pale as ash.
"So they know."
She repeated once more to her prized Dulofall. The shendar found no trouble with tossing the paper letter aside. A long hum came from the ancient elf. Perhaps now was the time to act.

The woman's boots clacked to a halt as a few papers landed in her path. Raising both of her brows, Darcie picked up the set of papers and scanned them over quickly before folding them up. The woman would hand them off to a nearby Hightower and continue on her way home, a curious sort of expression upon her features. An expression of distaste and contentment.
"Playing with fire. And not careful enough."
Chairs would be flipped, tables would be turned, and Cadets would be scolded as the Dwarf rummaged around the Hightower. No one was really sure as to whether or not he had accepted cash for his reports, but the only thing that did seem true was that he wasn't happy seeing his name attached to such a case. Nikkidroth Bristlemail spent the next hour shouting at his comrades, the next day weeping in his smithy, and surely was going to spend the next week letting out his pent up anger. He denied each time he was asked for his opinion on the matter, but could he truly be trusted? No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't seem to burn every single paper with his name on it like he wanted in the roaring flames of the iron forge hidden beneath the maw of the Black Tower's rusted gates.

"I want 'is blootdy 'ouse reduced t'rubble," hissed Nikki through his clenched teeth, "'nd I want ever'ne of 'is men thrown in th'cells wit' their most prized heirlooms thrown t'our metal pile!"

But even after all of that, there just couldn't seem to be enough proof to save, or skin, his hide. His fate was teetering on a cliff with opinions being capable of pushing him off balance.
"Funny. I do believe he said in his last public letter he received all reports concerning him, yet I don't see his name mentioned once. Just case reports of petty crimes and Arken attacks."
Merina looked at all the papers in a bit of surprise, scooping up as many as she could as she walked throughout the Main Street only to give a startled gasp as she noticed that the majority of her friends were on multiple pages. The mageling, not quite knowing what the papers meant, hustled to grabbed as many more as possibly and burn them in her home.
"Huh," the Officer commented to his secretary.
"So the city now knows of our thorough documentation efforts." Leaning forth to rummage in the uppermost shelf of his desk, he produced a packet of Siggs. "On the other hand, it seems we've a rat in our ranks." Pausing yet again, this time to light the Sigg, Magnus Viduggla looked up to meet the gaze of his secretary. "Fetch me the roster, will you?"

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Tilburgh Castle, a certain Lord of Calemberg sits wondering what had happened to the Regalian Littering Law.
Otto was thoroughly disgusted by what the guard had turned into, being a former captain, he was ready to knock some heads if he got the chance.
The mock safety of the apothecary counter, is right where they'd stayed while the members of the syndicate threw confetti all about the main street and square. Made a ruckus of the peaceful day they were enjoying without any jarring confusion to deal with.

However, once the guard had removed them all, and nothing but idle chatter of the people clutching the pages thrown about was left, they ventured out of the storefront. Broom in hand to sweep the pages away from the doorways. They couldn't stop their curiosity, though; glancing down to one, a name stuck out. Then another, and another.

Before the Cielothar realized it, the broom was dropped and in its place they had several of the copies. Instead of confusion, there was an array of thoughts, all conflicting with one another on their face.

"He just, cannot stay out of things... Can he?"