~'~ Cookies Christmas Sketch Giveaway ~'~


Ice Elf Simp
Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score

Aatree.gif Aaastanra.gif

Cookies Christmas Sketches

As someone with a heap of free time now and a vague bit of art skill, I have decided to do a little Christmas sketch giveaway. These are /not/ at the standard of other artsy threads but I figured there is little point in not trying. So here it is.

I will be doing the first 5, if I even get that many.



At the moment, I only have one example of this particular sketch style but I guess more can be added as I do 'em.

They will all likely be a tad rough like this, I have the attention span of a spoon and will all be busts. So, shoulders and up, though I could try a body. Perhaps.



Ig Name:
Character name:
Detailed appearance: [Use pictures and stuff please. Not just the skin~]
Background: [Colour and style, only like the one above though not anything detailed. There are also textures I can add, like parchment, metal and light textures~]


To do list~

1. @ObscureKoala [Done!]
2. @_Cyliah_ [Done!]
3. @MatZ598 [Done!]
4. @0romir [Done!]
5. @The_Shadow_King3 [Done!]
6. @Verityg [Done!]
7. @GoldenCoconuts [Done!]
8. @Bioverse [Next]



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Ig Name: ObscureKoala
Character name: A'ishah Zahirah
Gender: Female.
Race: Qadir.
Age: Twenty-four.
Detailed appearance: A'ishah stands at a height of 5'10 with a slender, athletic frame weighing in around 138 pounds. Some would say her hair is the color of the darkest pupil and her iris the color of untouched gold. She is typically found wearing lightweight clothing that allows her to move swiftly in between attacks. The fabric of her clothing is certainly not cheap looking- perhaps a little dusty, but far from peasant-like. Her lips are very defined as much as her collarbones and jawline is. Cheekbones high and prominent, she stands with confidence wherever she goes, arrogance obviously present. Her common expression is a very light smirk.
Picture references: http://imgur.com/a/TR03B
Background: Something similar like the one above perhaps- but blue? :o

Really awesome style, by the way. So simple yet so beautiful. Love it!
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Ig Name: _Cyliah_
Character name: Dorothea Sarvich Powell
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 17
Detailed appearance: http://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/dorothea-sarvich-powell-huge-wip.23688/ this is my character application , there are many description of her and two detailed picture ^.^
Background: A simple white cyan background

Ps: As Koala said your drawing style is amazing , do you use photoshop?

Ig Name: MatZ598
Character name: Yngvild Amelie Bystrom
Gender: Female
Race: Ailor, quart Isldar.
Age: 36, looks like 23.
Detailed appearance: I don't have a picture of sorts, but I guess I can describe.
Stands at 5'8, athletic figure yet not slender, defined curves and such. Light blond hair, almost reaching the shade of white. Her eyes are brown-green, the pupil surrounded with a chocolate brown and rounded with an emerald green. She has light freckles spread across her nose and cheeks, and her cheekbones are not defined. Her nose is slightly flattened, a tad button-like. She has plump lips of a light beige color with a hint of pink in it, and round eyes. She has an uneven scar across the right side of her jaw, stopping almost at the middle of her chin. Her brows are straight, and her hair is long and messy, parted up in the middle and framing her face. Her thick fringe is long and blunt, stopping at where her eyes are.

Background: Ice blue, like the example but more spiky.
Ig Name: 0romir
Character name: Maximilian Caius Typhonus
Gender: Male
Race: Ailor
Age: 27
Detailed appearance: Maximilian Art.png
This is how he appears facially
img-thing (1).jpg
As this is Maximilian in a more /casual/ attire, this'd be the sort of thing he'd wear, albeit in a dark green colour instead of red. Waist-below wise, a simple pair of dark/black trousers and black leather boots will do.

Background: A simple green background will do!

I might add that adding the clothing is up to you, as I'd be more than happy if you just felt like creating a bust sketch of him with your own interpretation of how he'd look like by using Marty's bust sketch above. I would prefer a proper sketch with clothes however, though this is for you to choose given that you're the artist and it's your time you're spending to draw after all. For more information on him, here's his character application!

Best of luck :D
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Fluughdhfhdjdh, I was not expecting so many and so fast.

Thank you~

So one spot left I guess~
Ig Name: The_Shadow_King3
Character name: John Sasindota
Gender: Male
Race: Ailor
Age: 29
Detailed appearance:
(Light) Blue or something, I really am fine with anything
Alrighty, I guess thats the last one~

Thank you all who replied~

Though, I may do more after these, either as more free busts or as a shop if I am up to it~
(if you want money if i've missed the free opening slots, I'll be happy to give some c: )


Ig Name: verityg
Character name: Isabel Kade.
Gender: Female.
Race: Alior human.
Age: Seventeen.
Detailed appearance:
(This totally definitely isn't my face. >_> ohwhymustimakeherlooklikeme).
So, yeah. Basically that face with black, midnight hair. All more information is on her application.
This is her! Here's her application if you want further written detail.~ HERE. Her expression, should you need one, would be a side sort of smirk, a single eyebrow raised. c:
Background: White background is fine. ^-^ If you insist on having a colour for the background, I don't mind a similar blue to the one in my profile picture. c:
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Ig Name: TheBioverse
Character name: Yen Wyman
Gender: Male
Race: Chi'en-Ji
Age: 42
Detailed appearance:
Background: In terms of colour, shades of red would be best, and in terms of texture, whichever you believe as the artist suits it best!~
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Maximilian Caius Typhonus


Since I am still heavily developing styles and such, I am prone to drastic and mostly experimental changes in what I do, especially on quick sketches as this. I am really sorry.

Maximilian Caius Typhonus.jpg
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Maximilian Caius Typhonus


Since I am still heavily developing styles and such, I am prone to drastic and mostly experimental changes in what I do, especially on quick sketches as this. I am really sorry.
View attachment 47120

That's beautifuuuullll.

One slight question, would you mind changing the clothing to a light green colour? It might've been my fault if it didn't come out clearly xD
[QUOTE="0romir, post: 332232, member: 8160
View attachment 46917
As this is Maximilian in a more /casual/ attire, this'd be the sort of thing he'd wear, albeit in a dark green colour instead of red.

Oh I did actually xD
I don't mind if you don't want to change it really, as it's a fabulous piece of art eitherway!
Oooooh My turn!~
I'd love if you'd do one for me, I know you said you'd accept five, if even, and you've done 8 now, but I would loooove one. <3

Ig Name: Mycin_Alchemist
Character name: Mycin Ash
Gender: Male
Race: Talar Elf ~ Seraph Blessed
Age: 31
Detailed appearance:
Ghost White Hair, Large Golden Eyes, Pale Skin, Thin Lips,
Braided Hair Along The Left Side Of His Face,
Primarily Dark Cool Colored Coats With Light Undershirts,
(If you need more tell me, I can provide more pictures)

Background: Not too sure, maybe snow? Not too picky, go with what you want.
Oooooh My turn!~
I'd love if you'd do one for me, I know you said you'd accept five, if even, and you've done 8 now, but I would loooove one. <3

Ig Name: Mycin_Alchemist
Character name: Mycin Ash
Gender: Male
Race: Talar Elf ~ Seraph Blessed
Age: 31
Detailed appearance:
Ghost White Hair, Large Golden Eyes, Pale Skin, Thin Lips,
Braided Hair Along The Left Side Of His Face,
Primarily Dark Cool Colored Coats With Light Undershirts,
(If you need more tell me, I can provide more pictures)

View attachment 47156
Background: Not too sure, maybe snow? Not too picky, go with what you want.