Constitution Of The Honorable South Calemberg Company

Nov 30, 2016
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Article I: Purpose

  1. Company Mission

    1. To engage in the lawful and reasonable importation of fine goods throughout Aloria.

    2. To conform to Regalian Trade Law .

    3. To serve imperial trade by stimulating the market growth and development.

    4. To provide fine goods to the people of Regalia.

  1. Merchant Fleets

    1. The Merchant Fleet of the Honorable South Calemberg Company shall operate regular trade and negotiation with suppliers both foreign and domestic.

    2. The fleet will recruit and train officers of character and honor into the fleet with intention of carrying out shipments of fine goods at regular intervals in a timely manner.

    3. The fleet and all members will be obligated to preserve and protect all goods under their jurisdiction, obey regulations set forth by superior officers and the Court of Supervisors (see S.C.C. Merchant Fleet Code).

  1. Domestic Employees

    1. A Sector Trade Officer shall be named for each branch of the Honorable South Calemberg Company by the Board of Directors. This Officer shall have full power and control over their respective regional branch of the company and shall answer only to the Board of Directors.

    2. All dock workers and cargo loaders currently under the employ of the Honorable South Calemberg Company will fall under the jurisdiction of the Dockers Guild, who summarily will be responsible for worker rights and safety. Respective chapters will report directly to their respective Sector Trade Officer.

Article II: Board of Directors

  1. Formation and Structure

    1. Under the direction of the company chairman and the joint shareholders, there shall be appointed a Board of Directors whose general purpose shall be to govern, command, and guide the policies of the Honorable South Calemberg Company.

    2. The Chairman will have power to call together regular meetings of the Board of Directors and the Shareholders respectively and will have power to enforce the policies of the Honorable South Calemberg Company (See Powers of the Chairman).

  1. Powers of the Board

    1. The board and it's respective members shall have it within their power to propose, present, and vote upon Resolutions, Acts, and Proclamations which may affect the policies and operating regulations of the Honorable South Calemberg Company. Likewise, they may also vote to repeal any Resolutions, Acts, or Proclamations currently in effect.

    2. Upon passing a Resolution, the board may issue a direct instruction to a specific branch or individual of the South Calemberg Company. In order for a resolution to pass, a majority vote of the Joint Shareholders and Board of Directors is required.

    3. Upon passing an Act, the Company and it's employed members will be required to obey said act within its operating standards. An Act may alter, edit, or outline the operating standards and policies of the Honorable South Calemberg Company provided that it does not interfere or contradict the Constitution or any other Act currently in effect.

    4. A Proclamation shall have the power to announce company change or policy to the public, but is required to have an Act or Resolution backing it.

    5. An Amendment to the Company Constitution may be proposed and voted upon. The Amendment will only carry with a vote of 3/5ths or greater.

  1. Powers of the Chairman

    1. The chairman may enforce company policies through Executive Acts which shall carry with a vote of 1/2 or greater by the Board of Directors.

    2. If the board or one of its directors is deemed corrupt, or unfit for their duties, the Chairman may call for a vote of no confidence among the Shareholders. If this vote carries with a majority, then the respective member(s) may be impeached from their position on the board for the duration of an official inquest.

    3. In a state of emergency, the Chairman may call to order an emergency meeting of the Board of Directors and shareholders respectively.

Article III: Rights of the Shareholder

  1. Voting Rights

    1. A shareholder may vote on issues of importance within the company, including the following: The election of proposed members of the Board of Directors, the veto of an act, resolution or proclamation made by the board, the proposal of Sector Trade Officers, and requests of regals for company ventures proposed by the Board.
  2. Ownership Rights

    1. A shareholder has rights to a 3% share of all company profits and income made per share owned.
  3. Transfer Rights

    1. At any time, a shareholder may transfer or sell their shares at any time and may not have them removed by any member of the company or the chairman.