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Conclusion Of The Vaedra Honor Trial


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score

An announcement pinned to all relevant announcement boards

To the Odious and Sanctimonious Viridian Knights, and other would-be allies who have deemed themselves within rights to judge their righteous superiors. Your requests to have a Lothar Knight crippled, and also expelled have been received. The Lothar Order hereby announces its denunciation of the judgement rendered, of the completely baseless, and fundamentally clownish Honor Trial of the Lord Protector Vaedra. The Lothar Order rejects any attempt to punish a righteous soldier of the Faith and Purity of the Empire.

Vaedra's only crime, was not aiming higher, in relieving the freak Emile Velkov of their head, to be turned into the same undead and death-addled shrunken idol that this mongrel undoubtedly sleeps with like a macabre teddy bear, to soothe its corrupted conscience for the daily fantasies of killing and murder inflicted on the innocent. Vaedra's only crime, was not aiming higher, in ending the life of the Vampire-supporting Lykke, whose short stint of service to barbarian heretics does not wash the stain on their soul from the Sanguine blight both infected, and protected, a few months of fake-service in the Metropolitan Guard, itself known as a bastion of moral and debased corruption, combined with a lifetime of debauchery.

Your cloddish trial was finished the moment Vaedra spoke the only truth that mattered then and there, that the Truth Minister has acquired an illicit and Occult lover. No doubt soon, the Truth Ministry shall ordain a new "Truth" for the Empire, one Freakish Occult lover for all flavors and persons, for every citizen of the Empire, to share the corrupted example of one who has fallen so far from their divine purpose. May the traitors to the Everwatcher all suffer in the purging fires that follow their re-enactment of the legacy of the Allorn Empire, the pleasures of the flesh corrupted by the vices of the Occult until the penultimate doom comes as demons feasting on their souls. The Lothar Order spits on the grace of the Truth Minister's soul, for corruption has reached far up the government. Vampire lovers in office, Knife ears with Allorn loyalties. It is pure miracle that the Banner in Blue does not yet taint the sky over the Imperial Palace.

Magic is a disease, the Occult is a sickness, complacency to this malady is the cancer that is killing the Empire. The march of "Mage-Appeasement" has now seemingly also reached the Viridian Order, which did not deign to act on the numerous revelations of magical infestation and Occult corruption in the ruling classes, instead concerning itself more with the moral qualm of removing a limb from a death-cultist, a heretic, and other traitors and wastrels. It did not expend its efforts in trying to detain one Reimar Falkreich ex-Typhonus, instead trying to cripple one of the few people who is.

The Lothar Order demands that all Viridian Knights submit to Occult testing, to curing in the curing chamber, and an exorcism to ensure none of them are mind controlled. The Lothar Order shall also begin the 3,000 mile ride.

We ride for the Imperial Palace, all of us. Mage-Appeasement will end. We have had enough.
Signed, Grand Vigil Felix Valdemar Vítek.​
Slay Felix :wrist:

(epic read, can't wait :])
Volkner von Karlisle perused the statement from his knightly order, almost overcome with excitement with mention of the incoming Lothar Host.

"Bless us all, salvation approaches."
Velryn read over the note quietly. He had taken a small trip from the city to take a break from it all. He read over the note, balled his fists, and shook his head before walking off to find Zolo- and his armor.
Alicia Davenmont squinted as she read the announcement, "How in Aloria did they get this news in less then a few hours from over three thousand miles away. Perhaps a forgery?" She took up one of the announcements and tucked it into a satchel to share with others of the Viridian Order most likely.
A bloody bullet casing pinned equally bloody parchment to the woodwork.

The Truth Minister, Terrence Ausgestoßener, has accepted an ultimatum presented to him by Erwin Braunschweiger.

His Eminence, Ausgestoßener, will no longer:
Be permitted to bear the surname Braunschweiger for the duration of his disownment.
Be permitted to speak to Gwenfrewi Marth in any circumstance save life-or-death for the duration of his disownment. Gwenfrewi Marth has also been reported to the Lothar Order to be properly hunted down.
Be the sole caretaker of his current children, who belong to his late-husband and fortunately not to Marth.
Be permitted, ever, to physically strike a member of the family Braunschweiger.
Be permitted to leave his House Arrest (detailed below) without Ardhund, Lothar or Braunschweiger escort, with the sole exception of work related incidences.
His Eminence Ausgestoßener will be placed under House Arrest (which holds no legal bearing, and is upheld by family ruling rather than city law) for the time of his disownment, where he will be seen to by Lothar-approved clinicans and exorcists.
(This is agreement is legal, as his Eminence has personally agreed and consented to it.)

On a final note, Erwin Braunschweiger apologizes to the public for not having acted sooner. An ultimatum was previously presented in order to have Gwenfrewi Marth purged, although a grace period was provided to consider the matter.
Clearly, the grace period was a mercy too far extended.

Long Live the Empire.
((tl;dr - erwin's taking the kids))
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A young Yanar mage, of Exist Occult, pauses to read the flier while on their daily stroll. They take their time reading it over, as Common isn't their first language, with an increasingly worried expression on their face.
" 'Mage-Appeasement will end...?' ...What's that supposed to mean?"

An announcement pinned to all relevant announcement boards

To the Odious and Sanctimonious Viridian Knights, and other would-be allies who have deemed themselves within rights to judge their righteous superiors. Your requests to have a Lothar Knight crippled, and also expelled have been received. The Lothar Order hereby announces its denunciation of the judgement rendered, of the completely baseless, and fundamentally clownish Honor Trial of the Lord Protector Vaedra. The Lothar Order rejects any attempt to punish a righteous soldier of the Faith and Purity of the Empire.

Vaedra's only crime, was not aiming higher, in relieving the freak Emile Velkov of their head, to be turned into the same undead and death-addled shrunken idol that this mongrel undoubtedly sleeps with like a macabre teddy bear, to soothe its corrupted conscience for the daily fantasies of killing and murder inflicted on the innocent. Vaedra's only crime, was not aiming higher, in ending the life of the Vampire-supporting Lykke, whose short stint of service to barbarian heretics does not wash the stain on their soul from the Sanguine blight both infected, and protected, a few months of fake-service in the Metropolitan Guard, itself known as a bastion of moral and debased corruption, combined with a lifetime of debauchery.

Your cloddish trial was finished the moment Vaedra spoke the only truth that mattered then and there, that the Truth Minister has acquired an illicit and Occult lover. No doubt soon, the Truth Ministry shall ordain a new "Truth" for the Empire, one Freakish Occult lover for all flavors and persons, for every citizen of the Empire, to share the corrupted example of one who has fallen so far from their divine purpose. May the traitors to the Everwatcher all suffer in the purging fires that follow their re-enactment of the legacy of the Allorn Empire, the pleasures of the flesh corrupted by the vices of the Occult until the penultimate doom comes as demons feasting on their souls. The Lothar Order spits on the grace of the Truth Minister's soul, for corruption has reached far up the government. Vampire lovers in office, Knife ears with Allorn loyalties. It is pure miracle that the Banner in Blue does not yet taint the sky over the Imperial Palace.

Magic is a disease, the Occult is a sickness, complacency to this malady is the cancer that is killing the Empire. The march of "Mage-Appeasement" has now seemingly also reached the Viridian Order, which did not deign to act on the numerous revelations of magical infestation and Occult corruption in the ruling classes, instead concerning itself more with the moral qualm of removing a limb from a death-cultist, a heretic, and other traitors and wastrels. It did not expend its efforts in trying to detain one Reimar Falkreich ex-Typhonus, instead trying to cripple one of the few people who is.

The Lothar Order demands that all Viridian Knights submit to Occult testing, to curing in the curing chamber, and an exorcism to ensure none of them are mind controlled. The Lothar Order shall also begin the 3,000 mile ride.

We ride for the Imperial Palace, all of us. Mage-Appeasement will end. We have had enough.
Signed, Grand Vigil Felix Valdemar Vítek.​
The one eyed Fin'ullen simply graffiti's the words "Kill yourselves before someone else does" on every copy he finds, visibly and openly, before spitting on the floor at the base of each. Clearly this man is unhappy with the Lothar /for some reason/.
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Vaedra's only crime, was not aiming higher, in relieving the freak Emile Velkov of their head, to be turned into the same undead and death-addled shrunken idol that this mongrel undoubtedly sleeps with like a macabre teddy bear, to soothe its corrupted conscience for the daily fantasies of killing and murder inflicted on the innocent.
A certain Death Mage ripped one of the notices off the wall and read through, cheeks burning red with rage at only one of its first paragraphs. They held their emotions at bay until their eyes met the very bottom of the notice, eyes narrowing into a squint as they read that same line over and over again.

The Lothar Order demands that all Viridian Knights submit to Occult testing, to curing in the curing chamber, and an exorcism to ensure none of them are mind controlled. The Lothar Order shall also begin the 3,000 mile ride.
We ride for the Imperial Palace, all of us. Mage-Appeasement will end. We have had enough.
Signed, Grand Vigil Felix Valdemar Vítek.

Those, unfortunately, surrounding the notice board that Emile was standing at could hear a monstrous tantrum brewing. The notice they held would be crumbled up, stomped on, and then uncrumpled to be stowed away. Only after they had punched the board once or twice and complained of the pain in their knuckles thereafter.
An annoyed hiss left them as they stared at the blank spot where the notice once was, itching to claw words of malice and threats to the Order on their own accord. Just as they were about to make that decision, Emile set their eyes on Erwin's notice and scowled. Doing such would not be safe play for them, especially with -him- in the middle of everything.

With their anger unquenched and the Terror unfed, Emile kicked at the ground and stomped off. Those who spotted them could see their skin pale and their claws break through their fingertips as they argued back and forth with themselves in a whisper.

"<Kriv> Down with the Opprichnny. Down with the Lothar Order. To hell with them all."

Note: Harbinger will be on [WARNING STATUS] until further notice. : )
An Archon named Yalaune read the notice with incedingly narrow eyes, scanning the pages at the words 'Not guilty' and 'marching toward the Capital'. A fearful hiss of breath escaped her as she crumbled the notice, purple eyes welling with tears as she walked off.
"Oh no..." uttered Ealireleia upon reading the 'marching toward the capital' part in a worred tone.

Wisteria sat hunched over the announcement, her gaze fixated on the black-inked words that seemed to mock her very existence. With a heavy heart, she let out a long and mournful sigh, running her delicate fingers over the soft petals that adorned her face, she spoke softly, almost to herself.

"How my heart bleeds for us...for our kind. We are but mere beings burdened with gifts beyond our control. And now, they call us diseased, sick."
Her voice cracked, betraying the tears that welled up in her eyes. "But I shant give in to hate... I won't fight fire with fire. May Mana save us from judgement.."