Concerning Etiquette; Respect For The Recruits

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  • Only slightly?

    Votes: 13 50.0%
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    Votes: 8 30.8%

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No Rest For The Wicked
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
These are also statistics that I, a single individual, have gotten. This is to be taken as a very broad setup, as results may vary immensely.

So I noticed recently that after I changed my username and RP character to a new one, which is a lesser known Isldar seedling, people began to start ignoring me. I do not like to toot my own horn, but I am not too bad of a role-player, but according that some people did not recognize me out of character, I looked a lot like one. All I did was look new, and people began to stop listening to me? Don't players say they help who they can? After an immense amount of cynical thoughts, I requested a staff member if I am able to perform a social experiment. This experiment: Are players really being nicer to new, learning players?

During this, I had three individual tests. Each test represented things that often are stereotyped to happen to role-players or to come from them.

This is my current main skin to reference the top -
This is the skin that the 'noob' used during the tests -

Test 1 - I don't know the lore.
Test 2 - I totally know the lore after a 15 minute read, but in reality, I don't.
Test 3 - While my alt was doing test 2, I used my main account to insult him and see who joins me.

teh whole time i talked to them i used improper typing skills and somtimes misspelled letters or names.

Red text means players handled it poorly. Black means it was handled, not badly, but could be better. Green is done well.

Test 1 Data - 15 players were visited. 7 during the day {EST}, 8 during the night {EST}.

  • 3 people faked being AFK, which was the whole first group I approached. What a bad start.
  • 2 people ignored me.
  • 1 person laughed at me.
  • 5 people gave me the wiki page and let me to do my own thing.
  • 3 people simply corrected me and did nothing more.
  • 1 gave a wiki page and gave full descriptions.
Test 2 Data - 16 players were visited. 10 during the day {EST}, 6 during the night {EST}.
  • 5 players somewhat infuriatingly debated (with occasional swearing), but still supplied corrections (to be fair, this was made to test patience).
  • 1 player brought me to the wiki page and let me do my own thing.
  • 6 players calmly debated with me, supplying corrections.
  • 4 players laughed at me and told me to grow up, or something along the lines of such implications by either insulting my typing capabilities, or knack to say 'i thought this did this'.
Test 3 Data - 15-20 players were visited. This all occurred during noon and around any group that formulated.
  • None of the players joined in insulting the 'new' player.
  • 12 / 14 players calmly tried to defuse the situation.
  • 4 players threatened to ticket, though didn't as I stopped.
  • 1 player PM'd me 'f*** you for saying that to him'. Woopsies.
End Result; People were generally mixed about how they behaved. People were willing to protect me against an individual person, but groups were the ones who insulted me the most. The overall issue is not really individuals being fools, but a clique being mean to the individual.

TL;DR - Bandwagons are bad, but you guys did a pretty okay job at 'helping this new player'.
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I'll be honest. I generally assume the worst of people so I'm less disappointed, so I'm not at all surprised by the more negative results. Then again, I'd be a hypocrite if I said I was nice and helpful to all noobs. That being said, we all have a lot to learn about being good people.
Not very surprising. Although test number two's results were rather unexpected as the role-play community is notorious for it's toxicity and stigmatization towards incorrect lore.
I'm impressed that you managed to collect this much data. It certainly shows a few things. I believe that in general, most people don't help out simply because they don't know how to, which isn't a bad thing: They just need to learn, which takes time. Otherwise, this is quite interesting!
Guys, keep in mind when you go 'someone else is toxic', we are all 'someone else' to someone else at some point. >.< If that helps produce a less cynical opinion. This thread is not here to say 'the role-play community is super tox on this, man', but to give information about how it acts according to what I collected. Nothing more, nothing less.
I remember I had a hard time getting into the lore when I started in November. Even now I still classify myself as a newer player as I try to broaden my experience in all of the server's categories.

I remember my first day I was walking around in one of my old skins, which was more or less a red-eyed elf. (you can now see where this is going) Basically, I ended up in a short vampire test by the Violets. All in all the Guard RP made me learn fast how to emote and such, and I was then corrected about the whole eye business. My experience was very situational, since I don't see most new players getting into Guard RP their first day. But I was very glad that I was stopped by guards, since I never knew about the lore and wiki then. Without their helpfulness OOC, I probably would've just passed the server by.

I'm not that surprised about these results, since I also have a hard time helping new players, being still a novice myself. I try to give them the same help I received, but it's definitely hard to do.
I go through long term or short term breaks in Roleplay. And almost always when I return I get ignored. Although after a bit of immersing myself in the current Roleplay time period, I do get known to some extent, I always advise that starting to Roleplay with "noobies" is always good, because they can gain high experience from it. Though I am the type of person; if being ignored I will speak up about it.
I, unfortunately, tend to ignore new roleplayers if they approach me (sometimes I am actually just busy or half-afk though >-<). If they are just asking for help, I do what I can, but I don't have enough patience built up yet to guide a person who is oblivious to lore. I'm trying to work on that though.
I happen to disagree with this statement. Nobles tend to tell other characters to screw off, not other players.
No some are just Elitists. Both OOC & IC. The IC attitude can get slipped into their OOC.

I have to rephrase myself because fear of not understanding; I don't mean their character I mean the players OOC'ly who make Noble Characters and strictly Nobility can sometimes get altered. Not saying this is all Nobles but there are certainly heavily elite Noble players who immerse themselves so much to get obsessed to a point that it slips into their OOC attitudes. It's just like me w/ magic characters, I know a great deal and I do admit I am obsessed with that aspect, but I question why they would have this attitude slipped into their OOC as I have been a witness to some of it.

Maybe just habits? Or trying to Roleplay better? Either way I find this attitude promotes the sole reason of ignoring newer players. So I find that would be a high target, Did you try this experiment with any Nobles? @Earth_Abaddon
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@MorningDoves Sorry I had to double post but I just read your addition and I have a question for you.
I am very familiar with the Magic area and General Lore rather than the more nimble things like Flora & Fauna. Dog breeds and such because I don't always have the time, as well as the Vampire lore, I know some basic stuff like Qul'Ess and Chyga Bloodline (some Oggressor) but beyond that I am not very informed, would you consider me a new roleplayer? Because sometimes people like you I find ignoring people like me for not knowing everything about the Lore. I also find that I am sometimes ignored for not being very 'seen' in roleplay, so I truly question this, I anticipate your answer/reaction.
Celt's lil' two cents:
On a first hand account it isn't really hard for me to be surprised by this. I've seen the results you've displayed happen a lot no matter what anyone else may say to oppose the findings. I'm semi-back into role-play but the thing is.. I can't. I find it hard with my social anxiety, general anxiety & the amount of people remaining in groups to even role-play with anyone. (Now I also know what the general pop. will say, 'Just go ahead & talk'. I'm sick of hearing that, it may be easy for you but for others it is like diving into dark water)

Any who, the effort we all need to put in is to actually talk to the newer people & guide them (even a little bit) to the correct path. That or they'll be a walking a straight line to no where- people will laugh at them because they know nothing & you as players aren't willing to give them that little bit of guidance they need.
Open up a bit please to newer players. Have you seen a person looking a bit lost, lonely? Go up to them! Role-play! Guide them so they get to know the community/server more.

I tend to get lost & often go away from keyboard in the tavern. I always return a few moments later, though.
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Celt's lil' two cents:
On a first hand account it isn't really hard for me to be surprised by this. I've seen the results you've displayed happen a lot no matter what anyone else may say to oppose the findings. I'm semi-back into role-play but the thing is.. I can't. I find it hard with both my social anxiety & the amount of people remaining in groups to even role-play with anyone. (Now I also know what the general pop. will say, 'Just go ahead & talk'. I'm sick of hearing that, it may be easy for you but for others it is like diving into dark water)

Any who, the effort we all need to put in is to actually talk to the newer people & guide them (even a little bit) to the correct path. That or they'll be a walking a straight line to no where- people will laugh at them because they know nothing & you as players aren't willing to give them that little bit of guidance they need.
Open up a bit please to newer players. Have you seen a person looking a bit lost, lonely? Go up to them! Role-play! Guide them so they get to know the community/server more.

I tend to get lost & often go away from keyboard in the tavern. I always return a few moments later, though.
Literally. My life. Right now.
@MorningDoves Sorry I had to double post but I just read your addition and I have a question for you.
I am very familiar with the Magic area and General Lore rather than the more nimble things like Flora & Fauna. Dog breeds and such because I don't always have the time, as well as the Vampire lore, I know some basic stuff like Qul'Ess and Chyga Bloodline (some Oggressor) but beyond that I am not very informed, would you consider me a new roleplayer? Because sometimes people like you I find ignoring people like me for not knowing everything about the Lore. I also find that I am sometimes ignored for not being very 'seen' in roleplay, so I truly question this, I anticipate your answer/reaction.
No, I wouldn't consider you a new roleplayer. I don't even know much of the smaller, "detail" lore. When a player doesn't know about races, and maybe some basics about vampires, that is when I consider them "new".
I feel like this thread loses a lot of credibility when we're given descriptions of the scenario without any empirical logs of what was actually being said. So far, we only have vague descriptions of what each test was meant to portray and what you perceived from it without any factual evidence of what happened. After all, scientists don't publish their findings and discoveries by simply stating the result without the explanation of the proper means of reaching it.
No, I wouldn't consider you a new roleplayer. I don't even know much of the smaller, "detail" lore. When a player doesn't know about races, and maybe some basics about vampires, that is when I consider them "new".
Okay thank you because I have been role playing for quite a bit of time <3
I have this problem where I want to help people who don't know the lore or who are god RPing but I don't want to seem like a nit picker or that if I am coming off rude to them so I tend to just let them get on with their own thing. I won't ignore people. I will happily RP with new people. I just won't point out something if they are doing it wrong.
I feel like this thread loses a lot of credibility when we're given descriptions of the scenario without any empirical logs of what was actually being said. So far, we only have vague descriptions of what each test was meant to portray and what you perceived from it without any factual evidence of what happened. After all, scientists don't publish their findings and discoveries by simply stating the result without the explanation of the proper means of reaching it.
I was told not to post screenshots of it from who I asked what was legal and what was not, as even when blurred it, it could be connected to people and used as a band-wagon. If you still hold disbelief, I could try and redo it (though after making this thread the results now might be screwed due to everyone now expecting a noob) with a different skin and 'character' and send screenshots independent for you if you wish to use it for purposes I am unaware of. People are currently still unaware of what the account is. Until then, I unfortunately really can just hope people believe it... >.> It is a twinge saddening.
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No some are just Elitists. Both OOC & IC. The IC attitude can get slipped into their OOC.

I have to rephrase myself because fear of not understanding; I don't mean their character I mean the players OOC'ly who make Noble Characters and strictly Nobility can sometimes get altered. Not saying this is all Nobles but there are certainly heavily elite Noble players who immerse themselves so much to get obsessed to a point that it slips into their OOC attitudes. It's just like me w/ magic characters, I know a great deal and I do admit I am obsessed with that aspect, but I question why they would have this attitude slipped into their OOC as I have been a witness to some of it.

Maybe just habits? Or trying to Roleplay better? Either way I find this attitude promotes the sole reason of ignoring newer players. So I find that would be a high target, Did you try this experiment with any Nobles? @Earth_Abaddon
I did not, but I am not going to really acknowledge your statement. I am here to throw statistics of what I collected, not point fingers. That is the opposite of what I want this thread to do. I certainly am no inspiring figure, but the point of the thread is to try and educate with what I have to who wishes to believe it. Take it as you will.
To answer your question: nobles were never present in this experiment. I never found any of those figures during my testing. My response to you before is through my experiences with roleplay with them.
I feel like this thread loses a lot of credibility when we're given descriptions of the scenario without any empirical logs of what was actually being said. So far, we only have vague descriptions of what each test was meant to portray and what you perceived from it without any factual evidence of what happened. After all, scientists don't publish their findings and discoveries by simply stating the result without the explanation of the proper means of reaching it.

We requested him not to post direct logs or to release names from whom he interacted with. We did not want the players involved to be "called out" or to become targets for negativity.
I did not, but I am not going to really acknowledge your statement. I am here to throw statistics of what I collected, not point fingers. That is the opposite of what I want this thread to do. I certainly am no inspiring figure, but the point of the thread is to try and educate with what I have to who wishes to believe it. Take it as you will.
To answer your question: nobles were never present in this experiment. I never found any of those figures during my testing. My response to you before is through my experiences with roleplay with them.
To clarify; my intent was not to point any fingers but just note out my personal experience.
No some are just Elitists. Both OOC & IC. The IC attitude can get slipped into their OOC.

I have to rephrase myself because fear of not understanding; I don't mean their character I mean the players OOC'ly who make Noble Characters and strictly Nobility can sometimes get altered. Not saying this is all Nobles but there are certainly heavily elite Noble players who immerse themselves so much to get obsessed to a point that it slips into their OOC attitudes. It's just like me w/ magic characters, I know a great deal and I do admit I am obsessed with that aspect, but I question why they would have this attitude slipped into their OOC as I have been a witness to some of it.

Maybe just habits? Or trying to Roleplay better? Either way I find this attitude promotes the sole reason of ignoring newer players. So I find that would be a high target, Did you try this experiment with any Nobles? @Earth_Abaddon

"Powerful" noble characters tend to give off this unapproachable vibe, which is perhaps why they (and sometimes the player) are considered the elite. Some players feel discouraged to roleplay with nobles due to the belief that the noble will want nothing to do with the commoner because, say, they're a peasant. When a person has a character who is, for example, the cold and powerful noble type, others can start to associate the character with the player. It's not the player acting like the character (if so, it's rare).

I have two noble characters (who incidentally are not that powerful), but they are not remotely intimidating and defy the stereotype. I hope I do not give off that elitist vibe.
I'm probably one of the -

Group, sadly :(

Making an active effort to be nicer though, it's mainly the ones who refuse to accept lore after you tell them about it that I tend to not have a lot of patience for.
Guess I'll try be nicer o:
Regarding the noble part, guess it's time to make some conscious attempts to 'invade' cliques and randomly join groups for RP. Let's start today :D
When it comes to know Rp-ers, I am generally happy to help them, should they actually have joined the server for Rp and not Pvp or Factions. As for some new players, they can be downright rude when they join- (Interrupting, swearing, calling names etc...) However, when it comes down to the occasional player who wants to actually take the time to learn, read, and pay attention, I do what I can to point them toward the website/wiki, and answer their questions.
As far as the cliques go... yeah. Many of them ignore anyone else who wishes to Rp with them. I Rp with my own group of peeps too, but we don't ignore or act rudely toward those who wish to join our Rp. Our chars might be a bit 'unsociable' at first (considering we're all somewhat awkward irl as well...), but OOC we do our best to be nice.
I feel like people should put more effort into their patience, especially when a newbie wishes to learn, or when an experienced Rp-er want to join in. Not everyone will know the lore perfectly upside down, inside out, and backwards. Not everyone is a world class spelling bee champion. Not every one has a degree in English grammar. And before long, if they don't learn some patience, some people are gonna have to figure that out the hard way.
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Regarding the noble part, guess it's time to make some conscious attempts to 'invade' cliques and randomly join groups for RP. Let's start today :D
Don't even just invade cliques. Approach the people who are all alone. Often it is those who are the most nervous, and I can speak from personal experiance.
I usually help people, but sometimes I can be a impatient with grammar and lore. And if I know that person IRL. However, I get easily mad and threaten to make a ticket when people refuse to listen OOC when they break the rules.
My favorite thing about this is how quick people are to defend their actions.
True, but at least now we know not everyone is rude to the newbies. Although, the newbies wouldn't have nearly as much trouble if they would go to the websites that the server tells them to go to in the tutorial/Rp hub/lobby before you tp to Regalia/thingy...
I was not suprised by these results. I have experienced this tormentment from veteran roleplayers. OF COURSE I know there are good people out there and help new people but why do the veterans (some of them) have to be so rude? They are new players and need to be helped and respected. People are complaining that players are leaving because of the PvP Issue but one of the issues lies with the manners of the ROLEPLAYERS. I hope everyone sees this social experiment and learns from it
Well with the Noble Programme all gone, maybe some of the player's elitist attitudes will be toned down as they don't have as much to claim superiority over.
well, from my experience, i would geuss that people who left you to do your own thing only did that because they where in the middle of role playing, and that groups pretended to be AFK cause they wherent interested in rping with you.
just a thought, but if you encounter a newbie why not say: "do the starter quest at /tp (wherever it is), it gives you a bunch of rewards" cause im pretty sure that it gives you pretty good stuff. just a thought
i agree with what the mod said. no offense but this experiment is full of holes. for an experiment about being against bandwagons, its pretty one-sided. Experiments are supposed to be objective and unbiased. how do you know you didnt misinterpret things because you wanted to see it that way. it sounds like that was what you were trying to do.

Plus you cant tell peoples intentions so how do you know whats black and whats green? Maybe some people want you to learn to help yourself instead of giving all the answers. are you going to fault them for that? maybe they were waiting for you to ask questions (did you?) Maybe the people who told you the answers just wanted you to shut up. maybe they did it to make themselves feel superior. would you encourage insincerity?

Plus theres a lot of things you dont tell us either Did you visit the same people or different ones? did you say the same things every time? obviously different people will give different results in different situations and thats not gonna be consistent enough to mean anything.
and we dont know what you said either. Were you being stubborn? cooperative? What do you mean "i didnt know the lore" for all we know you couldve been swearing at everyone or disrupting them and deserved to be insulted.

Plus how do you know the people in test 1 arent just assholes all the time and the people in test 3 are nice all the time? that's not people picking on the new guy or forming cliques, it's just assholes being assholes and nice guys being nice guys, nothing special about that.

Plus how do you know if these groups were friends or strangers? if its a group of friends that wouldnt be a bandwagon either, it would just be friends sticking together, nothing special, doesnt mean anything.

or maybe all of these were just isolated incidents. maybe someone was just having bad day. you never know, theres a lot you cant be aware of.