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Played Character Concepción De Milagros Altagracia

This character is actively played.


Jun 28, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Concepción de Milagros la Espada Dorada de Navarra y Altagracia
    • Goes by: Concepción Altagracia or Milagros Altagracia
  • Heritage: Tierraveran Ailor
  • Age: 25
  • Gender / Pronouns: Nonbinary, Pronouns depend on form/presentation but otherwise indifferent
  • Religion: Unionist
  • Occult: Unionist Nolvan Godborn & God Mage
  • Character Occupation: Unionist Bodyguard & Artist
Appearance Information:
  • Eye Color: Glowing gold irises
  • Skin Color: Warm brown ochre
  • Hair: Long loosely curly auburn hair in War Form | Cropped curls in Art Form
  • Height: Taller in War Form | Average in Art Form
  • Body Type: Athletic in War Form | Average in Art Form
  • Additional Features: A set of golden glowing Unionist styled tattoos going from their forearms upwards to their neck and back of head, much like their Father Nolvan, can be occasionally seen on them.
Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents:
    • Athletic Hobby
    • Cleric Talent
  • Mechanics
-Ailor are masters of many languages. Even for languages they do not speak, if someone insults them in their native tongue, they will know what was said.

-Ailor are the preferential lords of the Regalian Empire, Ailor are by nature always considered more seriously for job applications and positions of authority.

-Ailor have preferential treatment by the Knight Orders (excepting Argentum/Senleya), giving them more leeway to break their Code (within reason).

-Ailor may spontaneously generate Divinium (either alone or shared with other Ailor) during Staff Events if they act within the ideology of their faith.

-Ailor willingly can close their heart and mind to certain emotions or their conscience, allowing them to commit acts of great evil without feeling bad.
Unionist Nolvan Godborn
-Nolvan Godborn can have 2 distinct Proficiency sets and appearances that they can swap between, featuring different Proficiency Packs, Body Shape, or even Gender Presentation. The idea is that they embody the contrast between the values of Nolvan and Neall, and can swap between these two distinct Forms (Art and War) so long as they are outside of Combat, and do not currently have any Abilities on active Cooldown.

-Nolvan Godborn can will anyone to not die. They can sustain a person through mortal wounds, and can even reach into their chest to re-start their heart if they have died in the last hour and their soul has not yet passed on (this may not work on Event Characters). Additionally, Nolvan Godborn themselves, if they die in Battle, do not pass on to to the Afterlife, but instead become Burning Choir Undead.

-Nolvan Godborn gain access to the Solvaan Mist Forms, except they only have two variants, the black with golden glowing Divine Mist Form, and the white with golden glowing Doubt Mist Form. When they are secure in their mission and faith, they can produce a black-golden glowing Mist, but if they waiver from Unionism or their purpose, this Mist is white to indicate their aimlessness
  • Languages: Common, Droque, d'Ithanie, Lëtz
  • Concepción's mother, Dolores, is the daughter of a previous marriage, and once her father remarried, her unremarkable background left her shunned by her new aristocratic extended family. As a result, Dolores chose to devote herself to her faith and came upon a chance encounter with Nolven and produced Concepción.
  • As a Godborn of Nolvan, Concepción was welcomed by their Unionist-devout family but they refused any opportunities that wouldn't include Dolores, despite her insistence. Concepción begrudgingly enrolled into Rosaria's School for the Magically Gifted where after a chance encounter with their cousin Francisca, who had heard of both Concepción & Dolores' struggles, opened doors that could benefit them both.
  • Concepción would then go on to became an attendant and bodyguard to an older local Everian and retired knight. Concepción gained most of their combat knowledge from them, as well as further expanding their Unionist devotion and duties while Dolores became a Silent Sister. Concepción on occasion took up Francisca's offers on learning proper aristocratic etiquette, inadvertently becoming intimately aware of the ins and outs of Girobalda's noble scene.
  • After the passing of the Everian that Concepción served, they now struggle to find a new purpose and have opted to join Francisca and the few of their family members in Regalia to see what the city may offer.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

War Form
Attack Stat: Faith
Defense Stat: Constitution
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 1
    • Break Down
  • Constitution: 5
    • Rebound
    • Debuff Endurance
    • Rage Counter
    • Breather
    • Bulwark
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Safeguard Pack (Magical Variant)
    • Familiar Disrupt (Free, Ailor)
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 7
    • Divine Stance (Free, Paladin)
    • Divine Antimagi
    • Divine Aura
    • Divine Burn
    • Divine Smite
    • Divine Rescue
    • Sacred Rebuke
    • Sacred Bleed
  • Magic: 0
    Magic Spell
    • Magic Summon (Free, Ailor)
Art Form
Attack Stat: Magic
Defense Stat: Faith
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 0
    • Familiar Disrupt (Free, Ailor)
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 7
    • Sacred Healing
    • Sacred Gear
    • Sacred Rebuke
    • Sacred Revive
    • Sacred Judgement
    • Sacred Portent
    • Sacred Circle
  • Magic: 7
    • Safeguard Pack (Magical Variant)
    Magic Spell
    • Magic Bolts
    • Magic Snare
    • Magic Barrier
    • Magic Warp
    • Magic Isolate (Free, Ailor)
    • Magic Summon
    • Magic Revenge
tysm @Amores for formatting help ^^
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