Complaint About The Real Estate Market


I Like Boxes
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
Let me begin by saying I think the market as a whole is the best industry on the server. Shows off capitalism at its finest, and find it to be a great thing for Regalian economy.

However, an issue I have found is many houses are owned by people that are now inactive. For example:
The main square outside the harbour has 4 houses on it, plus my tower. Three of these houses, owned by milvor, eramag, and Karl550, all have inactive users. It has been 2 months since eramag has been on, yet he owns one of the most sought after houses in Regalia! I believe reform/housekeeping need to be done to keep the industry flourishing.
I have other prominent houses I found under inactive users, or not being used by the owner, yet they rent them. I ask people this, PLEASE USE YOUR HOUSE OR SELL IT!
If that is true. We have a problem. But a few extra house in regalia wouldn't hurt either. (Yes i finally got a house. SO i don't say this just so i can get a house.)
I believe that tracking this will be hell for the staff. Eventually Regalia will expand and more housing will be available. It takes a considerable amount of work to program new homes so the delay is reasonable. The turn around market is live too so for the mean time we can use this. We know that homes are in demand, but this method of tracking is the wrong way to deal with this issue.
Some people do not play in summer such as eramag, I feel selling his house when he is just taking a summer break from MC would annoy him/anyone else who doesn't play much during the summer months, yet owns a house they want to keep in Regalia.
My complaint is that we don't,t have access to the very top portions of our houses. It annoys me. I would at least like to be able to keep stuff up there. I also with that we had access to the front wall. I would like to put signs there.