Is this a good type of thing to do for the community?

  • Yes, you're on the right track!

  • Maybe you should do commissions again instead.

  • No, I don't think you should continue. It's not very interesting.

  • Maybe, but only to further your own skills.

  • meme

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Mistress of the Beneath
Mar 13, 2014
Reaction score

Greetings, everybody!

As some of you may know, if having
followed me recently (or for around
the past six months) on the server,
I'm usually a rather avid artist and
love drawing for the community.
Sadly, I've recently had a reasonably
obvious decline in how much art I've
produced; I've even had to cancel
several private commissions which I
otherwise never do. That's why I've
finally decided to try and get out of
that hideous art slump a sad lot of
artists get into over time, and offer a
different sort of deal than I usually
do; namely, I'm going to start filling
up a page with headshots of Massive
characters and go from there! That's
why I offer to you my "doodles and
dabbles galore" thread, where none
of my art will cost anything, and
everyone* can get their character
drawn! It's simply a doodle, so don't
expect too much; I'm also doing this
without profits, so if I don't pick
your request, don't kill me or bug
me to finish a doodle I never did.

*unless the character is part of the list of races I don't draw, or the player is currently banned on the server.

Doing free art (Only doodles! Nothing will be coloured, and everything will be rough) to get myself out and into the MassiveCraft art community again. Everything will be completely free, but it's also for my own practice and study; so take this as a privilege, not as a right.

How This is Going to Work:
You'll have to fill in a little application. Keep in mind that this is a request, not a commission. I don't have to draw any character I don't want to draw. The character pieces will only be head-shots until I get very inspired and love your character so much I decide to do more. Expect nothing than a possible headshot, though. For now, I will only accept one request per person, and will pick them as I see fit. This is not a first-come first-serve service, this is me picking what I find interesting. All you'll have to do is fill in the little template I'm going to post below, and you also have to acknowledge that you read the rules, which are also a little below.

- I only draw Human and Nelfin races. Do not apply if your character isn't such.
- I have the right to discontinue a sketch at any time; do not demand a doodle.
- This service is a privilege to the players, not a right to free art at any time. If you apply for something that I deem as inappropriate or if you're rude in your phrasing, there's a lower chance I'll pick you to doodle.
- Please only submit characters from MassiveCraft who are currently played.
-Please provide adequate image-based references of your character. I don't want a link to your character application. I just want an imgur (or gyazo, or any image sharing service= link of your character's appearance, and then I'll work from that. Please give me as little references as possible, but make the ones you give me be as accurate as possible. Previously drawn art is obviously best.
- Stick to the guideline I've given. You're welcome to add on to it, but stick to the fundamentals.
- Be aware that you won't be given an individual image of your character. Every drawing is combined onto the same painting; it basically looks like a huge crowd of people. I think it motivates me more that way.
- Only submit one character proposal. It would be greatly preferred if it was approved.
- It may take weeks for me to get around to drawing your character, if ever.
- Keep in mind the artwork may be published on sites like Tumblr once it's done. Of course also here.
- I will only accept requests until I am done filling in this current page. That means maybe estimatedly 25 more people can get art, as I've already done around 12-14 characters on the page. I'll link the page.
- The only image you will get of your character is a screenshot of the place where your character is on the drawing. This means you shouldn't expect more than a screenshot. No big HD files. But free art!​

Application format:
Forums Name: (this is what I will tag and show if I do the request)
Character Name: (this is what the character will be titled as on the page)
Character Race: (please also name subrace or culture if applicable)
Image References: (if you do not have any images, please reconsider applying)
Character Sheet: (if available, if not you can still try apply)
Acknowledgement: (did you read the rules or not?)

thank you for applying!


This is reserved for the final product! Please come back later.

Update! This is the current WIP:
Last edited:
Forums Name: Serpent_
Character Name: Lotte Borgen
Character Race: Northerne Ailor
Image References: Click (Note: Not my art but this is exactly what I'm going for on my character. Also some freckles on her face.)
Character Sheet: It's a work in progress. Click
Acknowledgement: I did read the rules.
Forums Name: The_Shadow_King3
Character Name: Enok Santorski
Character Race: Northern Ailor
Image References: (Note: If possible, I'd like for whatever image you create of him to have the sides of his head shaved, leaving his top head of waved hair intact but removing that on both sides of his head. Again, only if possible/if you feel like it)
Character Sheet:
Acknowledgement: I did indeed.
Forums Name: Stannerys
Character Name: Llytaei Velulaei'eyha
Character Race: Saivalthar.
Image References: Here!
Character Sheet: Here!
Acknowledgement: I acknowledge.
Forums Name: SpamanoTomato
Character Name: Marisa Grimaldi
Character Race: Half Dressolini Ailor, Quarter Claith, Quarter Ithanian
Image References: Reference dump below in a spoiler.
Character Sheet: Boop.
Acknowledgement: I acknowledge.

aaa betterer artttt.png

The fullbody reference does not have the correct hair colour. The art by Betterer is much better(er) (Pun maybe intended.)
I lack the correct coloured pencils lmao.
Forums Name: ShipIt.
Character Name: Aeandir Yaeano.
Character Race: Nelfin - Shendar.
Image References:

Character Sheet: In progress, very close to finishing.
Acknowledgement: I do acknowledge these rules.
Forums Name: EnderTheMad
Character Name: Gochnipunchni
Character Race: Dwarf seedling
Image References: Look at the sheet
Character Sheet: here
Acknowledgement: Ye!

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