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Combat System Report #1


Pizza the Hutt
Jun 13, 2017
Reaction score

The first week of the combat system has passed, and we're happy to report that we're very glad to see the activity you've all shown. Knights and warrior lodges of all sorts of cultures have come to live in the city, making your faces known and your honour felt. Keep up the good work and we'll be able to provide you just as much fun as you provide to your fellow players. With all that said and done, there are some news you all ought to hear.


The Skaggers showed true prowess and hardiness in the face of danger as they liberated the village of Vekkerud from a band of dwarven mercenaries. Though the village might not be the same again as it once was, they are reported to have slowly but surely gotten back on their feet. The fishermen have brought word of the Skaggers' deeds to the major cities of Drixagh, where impressed merchants and sailors shared the stories with all the people of the Archipelago. Granted, the stories have been twisted and turned as it went further south. According to the dockworkers of Regalia the Skaggers have fended off sixty dwarves, who caught them off-guard in the middle of the night! And the thieves stuck at Greygate mutter between eachother about how the Skaggers turned into bears and tore the brigands into pieces. Needless to say, the fame of the Skagger Order in the streets of Regalia has grown.

The presence of Pavisa and Bloodcast Knights is nothing to scoff at. It is difficult to observe the recent conflicts in the city without hearing, or if you're fortunate, seeing the deeds of these excellent warriors. With the outlaws of Oldtown threatening the lives of the innocents that some of them swore to protect, it is heartening for the poorer classes of Regalia to see that the knights under Lazarus Lupenzi and Corjah dei Vinicii always strive to protect them. The valour and activity of these orders are so well documented that they've even garnered the affirmation of Regalian Law Enforcement. Both the Violet Order and the Crimson Inquisition's official spokespeople have told Regalian newspapers that the knights are of great help to the city, and that their service will not easily be forgotten.

Other news

Coming all the way from the nightmarish lands of Drowda the warriors of the School of Esa-Ajo have established themselves in the Empire's heart. The Void's grip on the Crown Isle's underbelly simply couldn't be ignored by these fervent enemies of evil. The Sihndar have sharpened their Khoptars and made ready for war. How the old and established Ailor orders will take to these emotionless killers being seen as their equals will be very interesting to see. Very interesting, indeed.

You're all doing great and we can't wait to see what else you guys will do in the months to come. Plan events, provide RP, stay cool, but most importantly have fun! If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions don't be shy to PM @BillyTheScroofy or @Jonificus