Archived Co-leader In Faction Plugin

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


ex-ceo of Lyrah
Jun 24, 2015
Reaction score
Hey all,

Had this idea for a while and I think it's been brought up in the past? In many active factions often one or two officers distinguish themselves in a faction leadership structure, they pretty much take on as much work and responsibility as the actual faction leader. But it's hard to give these officers the tools they need to maximise their potential. Obviously, some permissions shouldn't be in the hands of regular officers - however, these 'outstanding officers' have shown that they are capable of having more responsibility than regular officers.

My idea would include an extra rank in the faction rank system, that would be able to assume extra permissions and commands. I believe that this rank should only be able to be given to one or two members of a single faction that way the title is one of prestige.

With only 4 current ranks it's kinda hard to give permissions to those who truly deserve them, without sacrificing security or effective leadership. I think it also would give an incentive to "co-leaders' to improve their faction beyond what they did as an officer, this could be a healthy boost to the faction environment. It could also help solve some faction succession issues, obviously giving priority to co-leaders over officers. All aside, It would another dynamic to factions that I think could make them a bit more interesting as there have been few real changes to this plugin in recent history.

I can't really see a downside to this expansion, other than actually implementing into the faction plugin.


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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Its a great idea, one that also has been proposed 12815723725 times and everybody wants it and nobody has ever said "boy more faction ranks sure would HURT the server"

But i think its being worked on?

A while ago the @Game staff mentioned that there was an upcomming faction expansion that the techstaff were working on (@ulumulu1510 @Madus @TheComputerGeek2 @Cayorion) and im tagging them all because we havent heard hide or hair of them in months about anything, let alone this. And it was confusing because we were getting lots of updates at first...
last I heard ranks were being reworked as part of the pre-empires factions rework but not really 100% sure and not gonna go look right now
last I heard ranks were being reworked as part of the pre-empires factions rework but not really 100% sure and not gonna go look right now

ye I remember hearing something bout' dat too. its been pretty quite.
Ranks are being reworked in the Empires update for the factions plugin. We have been low on Tech staff power the past few months so there isn't much progress to report at this time. They did finish all their base factions plugin maintenance/reworking that needed to be done before coding any new features, though.