Climbing To The Top

There was once talks of my faction Hakeyama joining the Edosaku Empire.

That broke down when Confusius blessed be his soul called me a piece of dirt, and called my faction trash.

A week later when I became staff he was suddenly really nice to me.

Oh and in spirit of becoming famous:

15. Be a hot shot back in the days' be feared back in the days' but be the laughing stock as you fail to let go of your glorious past and come to realize you mean nothing in today's politics, but still act like you do.
Oh, I've met Confucious too. He told me I was leading his old faction into ruin and so to help me run Zion he declared war on me and started raiding and killing the inhabitants of Zion. Oh, how I love his logic.
17. Spend 200 RL American dollars on a sketchy minecraft deal for 20,000 silver
Wow, OctoberGwen, you are either the luckiest Massivecraft player ever, or the opposite. I know people (my siblings) who would love to have that happen to them. I would have been baffled and bewildered the first week, then led Hisoka to a glorious destiny including ships, an army that could kill 9th Legion through tactics, and lotsa elves that declare war on vampires and the Crimson Inquisition both, had that happened to me within my first 2 weeks of joining Massive. Note, only half of that was joking. :) It didn't, so we can all be very grateful.
By the way, I think that might be the number 17. to get famous on Massive. :D
And kudos to you, Gwen, for succeeding through all the adversity Mech put you through! Now you are stronger then ever for it!
Mech, if you ever do that to me, give me all your stuff and a year of premium first. :D (note that this is about the third time I've heard about this happening.)
Hmmz... yes, yes you are. I wuv you favoured (H)

1 year and 5 months (MasterMachine100 was my original account, but it migrated). That's as long as Igel_Son, longer then Tom1804 and MonMarty and Wessexstock. I'm far older then McMuffin, Dam94, and SoTotallyAce. I'm old enough to remember when the expansion of Ceardia was the big thing to look forward to, back in the days when Deandroc wasn't even a concept and the big hitters were the First Pristina Empire and Alamut. I remember really early on in my time I gave Cowboys loads of cobble so he could build a wall somewhere. Hell, I remember when SilverEdge was small and clean looking!

Haha, bummer. I have to pass by... whatevertheirnamewas's base to get to Seacrest. Ugly ass wall -_-
Dammit Mech, now I feel old -_- I remember the golden days too xD
More unorthodox ways to get famous on Massivecraft-
9. Make a plan to wall off half of Ellador for your empire
10.Attempt to enslave all of Aloria
11.Create a meme about a giant statue with cannon eyes
12.Become that one staff member that acts like a jerk but is somehow likable because of that
13.Be an egotistical jerk
14.Make Massivecraft
Be obsessed with kittens ^-^
Hmmz... yes, yes you are. I wuv you favoured (H)

1 year and 5 months (MasterMachine100 was my original account, but it migrated). That's as long as Igel_Son, longer then Tom1804 and MonMarty and Wessexstock. I'm far older then McMuffin, Dam94, and SoTotallyAce. I'm old enough to remember when the expansion of Ceardia was the big thing to look forward to, back in the days when Deandroc wasn't even a concept and the big hitters were the First Pristina Empire and Alamut. I remember really early on in my time I gave Cowboys loads of cobble so he could build a wall somewhere. Hell, I remember when SilverEdge was small and clean looking!

1 year 4 months. When Aloria was the only world, the release of Ceardia, when dias were 7 silver, when there was huge mushroom biomes, when prems were OP, when people cried cause they got infected, when x_sam_boi_x, was a admin, when god armor never existed and where mctop axes was 200. Those were the days.
1 year 4 months. When Aloria was the only world, the release of Ceardia, when dias were 7 silver, when there was huge mushroom biomes, when prems were OP, when people cried cause they got infected, when x_sam_boi_x, was a admin, when god armor never existed and where mctop axes was 200. Those were the days.[/quote]
Hmmz... yes, yes you are. I wuv you favoured (H)

1 year and 5 months (MasterMachine100 was my original account, but it migrated). That's as long as Igel_Son, longer then Tom1804 and MonMarty and Wessexstock. I'm far older then McMuffin, Dam94, and SoTotallyAce. I'm old enough to remember when the expansion of Ceardia was the big thing to look forward to, back in the days when Deandroc wasn't even a concept and the big hitters were the First Pristina Empire and Alamut. I remember really early on in my time I gave Cowboys loads of cobble so he could build a wall somewhere. Hell, I remember when SilverEdge was small and clean looking!

Haha, bummer. I have to pass by... whatevertheirnamewas's base to get to Seacrest. Ugly ass wall -_-
Hey! I remember the name MasterMachine100 from seeing it in the chat occasionally.
I've been on massivecraft for a bit more than 1 year and 6 months (early November 2012 was when i joined). This was a few weeks before Aloria was deleted. :P

I dont remember the enderdragon bit about NickBarry. I thought he just spawned ghasts.

My timeline:
-be welcomed by igel_son in a very, very small SilverEdge
-join Pinkcraft (igel's faction) for about 5 minutes
-Then I joined Serenum (Owned by Eletricity23 at the time). messed around on their island (at the time their base was a little island with a bit of farmland) for a week or so, then left.
-Next, I joined Darkness (owned by Wistaf) as a vampire. I was interested in vampirism at the time, because they could fly. We were raided by Pristina very often, and I remember Kapry coming to raid us with them. He may have been in Pristina, but I don't know. In late December 2012, I quit Darkness because it was kind of inactive.
-Then, I joined Deldrimor. I don't remember who owned it at first, but I stayed there for several weeks (I had been cured of vampirism at this point). Bsavs was the leader when I left. Actually, I didn't leave. I think it disbanded suddenly.
-This is pretty much one of the best times I had on Massivecraft. I joined igel's faction again (now called Magenta) and I loved it. :) I don't remember how log I was in Magenta, but when Daendroc came out the majority of Magenta left for Cerise, the empire's jungle colony. I stayed there for about a month, and then everyone left to go back to Magenta. I don't know exactly where, but Cerise still exists a a permanent faction somewhere in Daendroc.
-Magenta was fun, but when faction prices were lowered to 75s I took my chance. I started the infamously small subfaction Cyan. Not only was it just across the border from Magenta, but it was also just across the border from Cerise, in Daendroc. While in Cyan, I made some of the best friends I'll ever have on Massivecraft. I'd like to say thanks to a few people for helping me get the good experiences I've had on Massivecraft, particularly in Cyan.
First - Voracious. I only knew him for about a month (he left without a trace and was never heard from again) but he was a great friend and farmer. Teseran - an amazing friend and architect. And, of course, crazyme1999 - who continues to be semi-active but lives as a loner.
-I don't really remember what happened next, but I was inactive for some time. A month, maybe? Anyway, when I came back - to my amazement - Ellador, the world I had heard much about before I went inactive, had finally released! I decided to look for some of my old friends in Magenta, and I found that the majority of them were in Fuschia - the capital of the Pinkcraftian empire. Igel owned this faction as well. I enjoyed my stay in Fushia, but then I went inactive for a couple more months.
-When I came back, I looked for Teseran, Voracious and crazyme1999, but Voracious was sill inactive. Crazyme was factionless, and Teseran was in Algaron. I immediately joined Algaron and I have been a part of the faction for the past two months or so.
1 year 4 months. When Aloria was the only world, the release of Ceardia, when dias were 7 silver, when there was huge mushroom biomes, when prems were OP, when people cried cause they got infected, when x_sam_boi_x, was a admin, when god armor never existed and where mctop axes was 200. Those were the days.
What happened to x_sam_boi_x, anyway? And karibu?
Oh my... I still remember some of this...

-joins server, I remember when it said "welcome Im00ownu to the server"
-Join a faction (dont remember name) for like a day
-Joined Batallion (yes I know it's spelled wrong)
-stayed in Batallion, until raided by TaxConsumptions faction
-left, and joined Utopia
-stayed in utopia and met Gamingdude000 and surprised Rosapudel, almost killed her :P
-Became an officer in Utopia, became known on the server.
-Begged Gamingdude000 to start a sub-faction, and make me leader
-Created Sub-Utopia
-Became a decent faction, until Rooseus killed us over and over
-met long_live_HIM (you da best!)
-left the Utopian Empire
-Became TheCreed (stupid idea that was)
-decent faction again
-Changed name to Dauntless, and declared war on half the server
-crushed be said half of server
-met rwood1170, best builder I have ever seen. He went inactive :'(
-Moved to Ellador, creating a small place (now our massive /f home)
-had my friends join the server (cccrew28 and thoresen3)
-Became the small faction of Dawn, made the Dawn Alliance
-got a few new members
-became friends (kinda) with Mecharic and a few others
-improved the /f home and set up outpost in Ithania
-bought a horse from long_live_HIM (cheap!!!)
Present Im00ownu
My time line-

-Leave last old server after base got griefed by corrupt admin and said corrupt admin banned half the people in my faction.
-Find a Factions wiki, start reading it out of interest.
-Find it the wiki was on a website called Massivecraft, where other plugins were shown too.
-Get completely blown away by vampire plugin.
-Find out Massivecraft is an actual server.
-join Massivecraft in hopes of starting an epic saga
-Get lost in Silveredge
-Jump off harbor in silveredge, ignoring boats... well they only went to Deandroc anyway
-Swim for 15 minute aimlessly
-Find random stone fort in the sea, find it was made by inactive members of the server.
-Plans to make the stone fort my permanent home are aborted when I realize I have no seeds and the fort has no farm.
-swim aimlessly for another 5 minutes
-Find griefed land, wonder why there was griefing on a server where griefing wasn't allowed
- Become relieved when I don't see any major grief (back then my idea of major grief was the aftermath of letting 100 TNT blocks explode on wilderness)
-Learn how to join into global chat
-msg someone asking him how to talk in global chat
-Say "Erm Hello, I'm new" in global chat
-Get randomly invited by Mech to Osion
-Join faction, talk in local chat for 20 minutes while mech says about 5 words in total.
-Get my brother, davidr64ytfan100, to join the server and join's Osion
-David figures out how to use faction chat, Mech finally starts talking.
-Build tiny house in Osion
- Find out Osion has 35 members and is completely blown away (back then the biggest faction I'd ever saw was a 10 member one).
-Meet other members
-Fight in Osion's personal arena with other members.
-Get tricked by STven1234 and killed by him
-Forgive Stven1234 when he says it was just a prank.
-Get griefed by STven1234 and get him banned
-Make huge 50 block deep moat around my house
-Moat is sealed up due to other new recruits falling in and dying
-Remake moat with flaming netherrack
-More recruits fall in and die, Mech covers it up once more.
Yeah... I'll just stop here, this is getting a bit long.
My time line-

-Leave last old server after base got griefed by corrupt admin and said corrupt admin banned half the people in my faction.
-Find a Factions wiki, start reading it out of interest.
-Find it the wiki was on a website called Massivecraft, where other plugins were shown too.
-Get completely blown away by vampire plugin.
-Find out Massivecraft is an actual server.
-join Massivecraft in hopes of starting an epic saga
-Get lost in Silveredge
-Jump off harbor in silveredge, ignoring boats... well they only went to Deandroc anyway
-Swim for 15 minute aimlessly
-Find random stone fort in the sea, find it was made by inactive members of the server.
-Plans to make the stone fort my permanent home are aborted when I realize I have no seeds and the fort has no farm.
-swim aimlessly for another 5 minutes
-Find griefed land, wonder why there was griefing on a server where griefing wasn't allowed
- Become relieved when I don't see any major grief (back then my idea of major grief was the aftermath of letting 100 TNT blocks explode on wilderness)
-Learn how to join into global chat
-msg someone asking him how to talk in global chat
-Say "Erm Hello, I'm new" in global chat
-Get randomly invited by Mech to Osion
-Join faction, talk in local chat for 20 minutes while mech says about 5 words in total.
-Get my brother, davidr64ytfan100, to join the server and join's Osion
-David figures out how to use faction chat, Mech finally starts talking.
-Build tiny house in Osion
- Find out Osion has 35 members and is completely blown away (back then the biggest faction I'd ever saw was a 10 member one).
-Meet other members
-Fight in Osion's personal arena with other members.
-Get tricked by STven1234 and killed by him
-Forgive Stven1234 when he says it was just a prank.
-Get griefed by STven1234 and get him banned
-Make huge 50 block deep moat around my house
-Moat is sealed up due to other new recruits falling in and dying
-Remake moat with flaming netherrack
-More recruits fall in and die, Mech covers it up once more.
Yeah... I'll just stop here, this is getting a bit long.

Oh, so that is what that flaming netherrack ditch was that almost (but not quite) killed me when I was exploring the ruins of Osion and Pristina.
I remember the first person I ever met. His name was krasi2405, and he sold me some stuff. This was when I had no faction and was surviving in an abandoned house in Ceardia. I wish I could go take a picture of that house now.