Archived Cleaning Up Worlds

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Feb 2, 2013
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Ok from what I know now is that World that is Greifted very badly and is messy E.C.T is being Deleted or Removed, so here's my Idea on cleaning them up!
(haters gonna hate Potato gonna potate so yea :/ )
So,for the cleaning up group,I think we should create a group for cleaning those build that is griefted or Maybe we won't get Banned for Greifting but instead we Punish Those who greifter and their punishment is to clean up their Greif and also others.

And I think we should give suggestion on those places that needs to be cleaned on the forum or on Regalia which most people goes there. The prizes the people get when they cleaned those area will be Silvers and they are given depending on the size of the greifted place, but the Silvers may or may not be donated by Rich people's
(This is getting more and more like "World Recycling but you get what I mean")

So yea
#Save our World
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Admins can use /restore or something in certain places. (Don't quote me on this)
There is already a thread about Landscape Defacement.
Put your heads together and make things happen. It's a lot of work, but I'm sure it's possible if a lot of players work together. :)
I have yet to see a "griefed" world. Well, the only one I can think off the top of my head is Ceardia. All the worlds seem to be ok.
Other than fixing up the ugly parts and breaking down cobble structures in my area, there isn't really much else you could do to improve the landscape as a whole :( other than wasting tons of bone meal to plant trees haha
At the moment, there are no "griefed" worlds. Sure, there's the occasional abandoned noob village, or maybe a small lava grief, but that's not much. The best that we as players can do is just make the ruins look nicer. Besides, as Melford said, there is a thread very much like this one calls Landscape Defacement.
At the moment, there are no "griefed" worlds. Sure, there's the occasional abandoned noob village, or maybe a small lava grief, but that's not much. The best that we as players can do is just make the ruins look nicer. Besides, as Melford said, there is a thread very much like this one calls Landscape Defacement.
#Kelmoria spawn area, 2 parts of Ellador (as I know there is atleast 2)
I honestly like wandering the older worlds and exploring the partially griefed ruins. Cerdia was my favorite place to explore because of that very reason. Some of it can be horrible aesthetically but some of it looks pretty neat in ruins. Maybe we as players can start to clean up the greif a tad if we find a place we like. Giving them more of the ruins feels. And by grief I mean random lava pouring from towers and buildings that obviously wouldn't be able to stand.

Perhaps even a staff task force in creative that cleans up forgotten area's randomly. Adding vines,tall grass and such to them depending on the location. I think that would really help improve immersion while creating some beautiful ruins.
I honestly like wandering the older worlds and exploring the partially griefed ruins. Cerdia was my favorite place to explore because of that very reason. Some of it can be horrible aesthetically but some of it looks pretty neat in ruins. Maybe we as players can start to clean up the greif a tad if we find a place we like. Giving them more of the ruins feels. And by grief I mean random lava pouring from tours and buildings that obviously wouldn't be able to stand.

Perhaps even a staff task force in creative that cleans up forgotten area's randomly. Adding vines,tall grass and such to them depending on the location. I think that would really help improve immersion while creating some beautiful ruins.
Or even we can block those lava and make it seems like a Small Volcano?
Admins can use /restore or something in certain places. (Don't quote me on this)

Actually, a W/E command actually can create the landscape back to what it originally was, if it even is from W/E. However again, it is certain spots, from what I remember of the plugins.
Actually, a W/E command actually can create the landscape back to what it originally was, if it even is from W/E. However again, it is certain spots, from what I remember of the plugins.
Remember the old days when it use to reload the server? It saves the world so that even if you use WorldEdit you can't change it back
(I think this is how the WorldEdits Work)
Remember the old days when it use to reload the server? It saves the world so that even if you use WorldEdit you can't change it back
(I think this is how the WorldEdits Work)
I don't really know what you're trying to say in that post, but the //regen command will revert any selected area back to the state it was in when the world was created.

EDIT: I know I've said this already, but there's another thread with this same topic. It's called Landscape Defacement.
At the moment my faction (TheDragonsMug) and Avallone are in a alliance called keep Kelmoria beautiful We claim land then try to clean up the griefed areas we do need help getting dirt because we dont want to just replace dirt with other dirt from Kelmoria so if you could please donate dirt so we can clean, replant trees, and fix the waterways of Kelmoria. Thanks in advance
At the moment my faction (TheDragonsMug) and Avallone are in a alliance called keep Kelmoria beautiful We claim land then try to clean up the griefed areas we do need help getting dirt because we dont want to just replace dirt with other dirt from Kelmoria so if you could please donate dirt so we can clean, replant trees, and fix the waterways of Kelmoria. Thanks in advance
There is a useful recipe for this: 1 dirt + 1 seeds = 3 grass. This multiplies the amount of fill you have, allowing for much better grief fixing. All it takes is some wheat farming.
The 9th Legion will be happy to join in any large scale repair parties should it become organized. :)
Only just noticed this tread after i posten mine dispite checking :(
I posted about making a cleanup crew with ranks.. based on trust... This will atleast keep the higher staff members (admins)
from having to consern.
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