Claude D’aboville

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by abberants, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. abberants

    abberants hater of men

    Jan 30, 2019
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    Claude D’Aboville


    Music | Skin


    Basic Information (Required)

    • Full Name: Claude Daniel D’Aboville II (Named after Father, Claude the Crazy.)
    • Age: 32 | 18 May 275
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Ailor Ithanian
    • Sexuality: Bisexual
    Skill Information (Required)

    • 32 points from age
    • +10 Bodycare Training | From Race
    • +10 Thread arts | Invested
    • +6 Literary Arts | Invested
    • +6 Musical Arts | Invested

    Body Stat of 3

    Athletic Body Shape

    Muscle Definition


    • Ithanian | Learned from Mother and Father
    • Common | Learned in Adulthood


    • Eye Color: Blue
    • Hair Color: Blonde
    • Hair Style: Swept to the right
    • Skin Color: Fair
    • Clothing: Stylish in Claude's own way, he wears a lot of colorful outfits. Reds, Oranges, you name it, he's probably worn it!
    • Height: 5'7"


    Personality and Abilities (Required)

    How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    Claude would rather hide than fight when he is in fear, If insults are involved he will throw them back faster than you can say the letter H. If there is physical action involved Claude will run away from the situation, as he does not feel it is appropriate to fight.

    How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?

    Claude would try and stay calm, breathing in and out, but usually freaks out. He doesn’t work well under stress, he works best when he is calmer than a lamb.

    How would your character express feeling Happy?
    Claude expresses Happiness by staying calm, being nice, showing kindness to others. Although, throughout his life he had trouble containing his excitement.

    How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    Claude respects the Law, but will challenge it if he sees it unfair. He respects them, but wants almost nothing to do with it. He feels this way because he is not a fighter, and believes many crimes mankind commits are just mistakes.

    How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    Claude doesn’t immediately distaste anyone, of any race. Anyone is able to earn his respect. He wouldn’t purposely go out of his way to insult any of race.

    How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    Claude is very big in religion, he finds it appropriate and needed. He regularly attends Masses, and is a Unionist. Although, he is tolerant in people who believe in other faiths, unlike some people.

    How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    Claude has never really considered the pros and cons of the Arcane and the Magical in the world before, although recent events have made him consider otherwise.

    How does your character feel towards their family?
    Claude is very supportive of his family, except his father who he rather distastes. He thinks that he is insane and will not talk to him, nor visit him, but he will visit his mother -- who he adores. Although, Claude will occasionally write to his father since he does miss him a bit.

    What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    His biggest insecurity is being seen as lazy, stupid, lame etc. He will do anything to prove that he is hardworking.

    What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    He is most proud of his sewing skills, which he learned from his mother. Although he doesn’t own a shop, he’ll sew for friends or commissioners.

    What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    What motivates Claude to move forward and better his life is the idea of having a family. He lives for the one day he’ll be able to start a family.

    What is your character's biggest fear?
    Claude’s biggest fear is loss of a close companion, no matter if it’s Ailor or Qadir or whatever. He’d go insane to lose a close companion.

    Life Story

    Prologue: Before Claude was even born, his father, Adam, met a young woman named Blanchefleur, she was beautiful and found Adam handsome too. Blanchefleur and Adam moved into a home in La Porte du Paradis, not too far away from his childhood home. They wed and had two kids, Juliette and Claude.

    Claude was born in 275, on May 18th, at 12 am. He was a healthy young baby. He was gifted blonde hair and blue eyes, His mother was a sewer, and his father was a person who told lies to people, for a fee, of course. He grew up with his younger sister, Juliette, they played games and whatnot. Their father decided it was time to start new, and they moved to Regalia.

    His mother opened up a sewing shop, and his father decided to make a new job and became a Mercenary, although he never trained his kids in it. But, Blanchefleur did teach her kids how to sew and make clothes. A few years later in his teenhood, Claude met a young woman named Adele, he tried courting Adele. Giving her presents like rings and jewelry. Although Adele was flattered, she wasn’t interested. And Claude was heartbroken, he never experienced pain like this before. Sadly, at this time his father’s social skills and memory became incoherent and greatly faltered, he was showing signs of what we now know of as dementia. He was going insane, almost. And nothing he said made sense to any of his family members, making his mother retired and closed down her shop to take care of Adam.

    When Claude became old enough to move out, he got a job as a barkeeper, although he didn’t like this job he kept it due to him needing the regals. Sadly, during this time his Grandma suddenly passed away. This sent him into a deep spiral of depression, he felt alone and wanted to die. He was scared and anxious, he didn't know what to do. It felt like he was being held back, he wanted to do everything but also wanted to do nothing at the same time. It was this feeling of loathing and hating everything, but he had to make a choice to get up every day and go to work. He started pushing himself to do the stuff he loved and went out for a walk every day. Claude started to feel happy for the first time in months.

    He quit his job as a Barkeep several years later and started making clothes for people he knew. Claude got in contact with his mother, writing her letters every week, and occasionally will write to his father.
    #1 abberants, Apr 6, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2019
  2. Goldifish

    Goldifish texan (derogatory)

    Jul 27, 2016
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    If there is one thing I have learned, cultural bonus doesn't actually count towards your body shape.
  3. abberants

    abberants hater of men

    Jan 30, 2019
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    oh! could you tell me how they work then?
  4. Goldifish

    Goldifish texan (derogatory)

    Jul 27, 2016
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    from how i've been told, you can only count actual points you put in to a skill that can contribute to calculating body shape.
  5. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Claimed for review.
  6. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Please make the following edits:
    • Put athletic points in the skill information section
    • The body shape section doesn't abide to the template. It should add the appropriate sum first, then list the resulting body build, then the body fat. There is no '+5 muscle definition' proficiency.
    • Be more descriptive on the clothing section. 'Claudes own way' is vague.
    • Expand on the fear section.
    • Ithanian Ailor height limit is 6'-0
    • Add a sentence or two the Law and Authorities personality section.
    • Under Life Story, explain what happened to the father that made him incoherent and forgetful.
    • Add more to the depression phase in his life story, a sentence or two is applicable.
    • Remove the last sentence, 'and here we are now...' as it is not pertinent to the characters personality and life story.
    • In the life story section you state Claude occasionally writes to his father, however in the "How does your character feel towards their family?" personality section you state that Claude doesn't talk or visit his father. Rephrase one of the instances for lack of confusion.
    Grammatical Errors:
    • How would your character feel when experiencing stress? Shouldn't be in a bullet.
    • First sentence, change meet to met.
    • Second sentence, 'not to far' - change 'to' to too.
    • Third paragraph 'he never experience pain' change experience to experienced.
    Make the following edits and highlight them in blue, then tag me once done.
  7. abberants

    abberants hater of men

    Jan 30, 2019
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    @JarrettdaCarrot I don't plan on playing this character again, should I still make the edits?
  8. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
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  9. abberants

    abberants hater of men

    Jan 30, 2019
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    @JarrettdaCarrot I plan on playing this character again, edits are being made!
  10. abberants

    abberants hater of men

    Jan 30, 2019
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    @JarrettdaCarrot edits made in blue! I'm still not sure how the body shape works, could you please explain that to me?
  11. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
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    All edits are fine, on the aspect of proficiency points however, you have 32 total points due to age. +10 bodycare is free because it is a cultural boost. You therefore have 10 left over points to spend in whatever you like, though it isn't required.

    Body stat is gained from specific proficiencies.
    • Athletic training = multiplied by 2
    • Extra Heavy Combat skill = multiplied by 2
    • Heavy Bow Combat skill = multiplied by 2
    • unarmed combat skill = multiplied by 2
    • metallurgy arts = points invested
    • sailing = points invested
    • Literary arts = divided by 2
    • Bodycare training = divided by 2 (However culture/race boost doesn't contribute to the body care stat, therefore the free +10 bodycare for ithanian ailor is not added unless you put more points into bodycare)
    • All other combat proficiencies = points invested
    Here is an example:
    Total age: 38
    • +10 Fast Blades Combat Skill (from Race Boost)

    • +10 Athletic Training (from Race Boost)

    • +15 Pole Combat Skill (from points)

    • +8 Alchemy Sciences (from points)

    • +5 Shielding Combat Skill (from points)

    • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill (from points)

    • +5 Bodycare Skill (from points)
    +5 Bodycare Skill / 2 + 15 Pole Combat + 5 Shielding Combat + 2 x 5 Unarmed Combat = 32.5 Physical Stat.

    32.5 = Muscular Body Shape

    Notice how the race boosts fast blades and athletic training are not included.
  12. abberants

    abberants hater of men

    Jan 30, 2019
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    @JarrettdaCarrot I think I fixed it? I'm not sure, the last post was very confusing.
  13. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
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    No. Your body stat should be 3, unsure of where you go 15 from. You also have 10 proficiency points to spend from if you so choose.
  14. abberants

    abberants hater of men

    Jan 30, 2019
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    @JarrettdaCarrot fixed (hopefully, and sorry!) I think I got it from reading the proficiencies wrong.
  15. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
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