Clan Uruk | Orc Tribe

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Phsycotic Horse Rider
Sep 21, 2017
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Race: Orc
Motto: "Don't die while doing it" Bra'ak Uruk
Colors: Green, brown, and yellow
Religion: The Call of Vakgar
Business: Beast trading, Beast taming, war-machine making
Fauna: Greater Wooly Narggoth
Crest: Boar head with a sword down the middle
Typical Schools of Family: School of Graklak, School of Hitlok

The Uruks were started in 90 A.C by Grungar Uruk. Grungar was part of a different tribe before that tribe's rules got seemingly unfair to Grungar and lots of other orcs that felt the same about it. This resulted in half of them from the previous tribe (Tribe Uur) and forming there own tribe, Uruk. This resulted in a small civil war between the tribes, the Uruks coming up on top and claiming all of its conquered land in Daendroc (Which is all it had then). Grungar was established Warchief after he had executed most of the orc survivors through gladiator fights against animals. The some that did survive were made whores and slaves for Grungars, in which he found his main wife, Rukla. This is where the bloodline started, they Had one child, Juurg, who went over and conquered land in Jorrhildr, building Fort Bluurg, training new recruits to raid and kill local Url tribes. While Grungar was back in Daendroc, he conquered most of the Avanthar tribes, where he got materials to build Fort Urok. Grungar had a very prosperous reign for twenty seven years, where he went missing and is now presumed dead, seeing he was fairly old when he disappeared. Juurg was made Warchief at the age of 30, which he went on various campaigns against Daendroc and sometimes Hadar. He built multiple villages in Daendroc, though they were mostly small and for soldiers and their family's use. He then started breeding Narggoths and other assorted beasts, before having a craze for power and wanting more and more, stealing animals from Hadar, Jorrhildr, and Daendroc that he could tame. He was the one that decided every Warchief after him should always have the title Beastmaster along with their own personal ones. He had a reign of 50 years before dying in a campaign mission in Ellador (Which was only somewhat successful, yet no major forts built, yet). His son had a rather short reign of five years, starting at age 20, having one female heir. He died of lung failure and never really did anything in his reign besides successfully doing one raid in Ellador, taming the First Frost Wyvern in Clan Uruk, which his daughter would use in other raids. Her Reign lasted twenty-four years, the longest and most prosperous years of the Uruk tribe. She was killed after a Wooly Narggoth herding period, where she was trampled by multiple Greater Narrgoths, trampled into the ground where her spirit is still haunting there, killing any Narggoth that attends her grave. She gave birth to a son (Who was eventually the father of Bra'ak) who was twenty-four at the time (Ironically) and gave birth to three children, Ruka, Bra'ak and Tuk. He changed the Religion of the Uruk tribe to solely worship Yazgash, starting civil war amongst the Uruks until Bra'ak killed him in a Warchief battle, reverting the Clan to the original traditions and ending the war in peace with minimal blood shed. Bra'ak had four kids, all of which are assumed to be living. He married Krukla Uruk first, as his main wife. Then moved to Ovani shortly after in which she had the Current Warchief, Yazgash Uruk. So far she has invested all loot into raiding and very minimal amount of attention to animal breeding and clockwork products. Recently, she has conquered a Maiar tribe in which she has made her building/raiding slaves, even establishing a Maiar Warchief to keep them in check while they build her an underwater fort. Currently the tribe is very happy and at peace with her, but that could change at any time.


Blue: Played
Red: Deceased
Green: Available
Purple: NPC
Bra'ak the Beastmaster,
@Nidakk, Bra'ak is said to be the most brutal orc in the entire clan, killing the previous Warchief in a very long and well fought battle. He is to be held with utmost respect. Age: 40

Yazgash Uruk, @Nidakk, Yazgash, the daughter of Bra'ak and Ovani Uruk, is a very sassy yet humbling soul, have her trusty Narggoth at her side at all times. Age: 25

Enele Fi'Uruk, Enele is the Maiar Warchief of Clan Uruk, having less power than the Orcish but lots of power of the rest of them. He has three bloodline, all having to be Fi'Uruk Age: 36
Krukla the Harmless, @avemechanicus Krukla is the secondary wife to Bra'ak. She was the first one in the tribe to suggest making war-machines as a business. Not very respected but defended fiercely by Bra'ak. Age: 37

Gruklak and Uklak, Twin sons of Bra'ak and Krukla. They are only toddlers but Uklak already shows signs of mental illness while Gruklak appears perfectly fine. Age: 5

Tuk the Terrible, Tuk has not followed his family business at all, instead aspiring to do guard work, although through much of Bra'ak's protesting and lectures. One day he aspires to be Warchief. Age: 35

Ukkrash the Unkillable, @Elbrus_Withengar Ukkrash is a very peculiar old man, he is the uncle to Bra'ak and he has a missing hand, leg, eye, and tusk. And still has never died. Also has a good sense of humor. Age: 60

Hrasha the Harlot, @coolcameron717 Hrasha is the disappointment of Bra'ak. She is his daughter and chose to be a harlot instead of doing her dad's wishes. Often she can be found at brothels or other places of that sort. Age: 20

Mruk the Misleading, Mruk has no blood-ties to the Uruks, he is simply one of those that bowed down to Bra'ak and accepted him as leader. He got his title from always being wrong about most things. Age: 30

Ovani Uruk-Rog-Vota, @SpoopMelon Ovani is a very small pygmy orc that Bra'ak has fallen in love with. She is due to be his second wife and typically picks up odd jobs but as of now is Bra'ak's assistant. Age: 35

Grouk Uruk, @Mojaven Grouk is one of the head chefs and favored by Bra'ak because Bra'ak likes food and stuff, although Bra'ak does consider him a bit young he respects the young man. Age: 23

Kaimana Fi'Uruk, Kaimana is the sister of Enele and a trusted advisor and architect, gaining the trust of Yazgash after offering to draw the plans of the Underwater Fort. Age: 40

Kaleo Fi'Uruk, Kaleo is a Melaak Slaver and raider that aspires to be one of Yazgash's Captains through raiding and giving up all of his loot to her. Age: 39

Kai Fi'Uruk, Kai is the eldest and most lethal of the Fi'Uruks. He is a completely feral Maiar which Yazgash likes to bring on raidings to shake up their enemy, he is kept on tight chain. Age: 45

Character Creation Notice: You can make your own characters although they will have to be like Mruk seeing that orc blood-families are particularly small, other than that be creative!


Males: Male Uruks are very strong and tall. They are typically never below Muscular and are almost always above 7.3. There hair fades to grey a little quicker than most, typically going gray at about 40-45 years old. Not to mention most of the Male Uruks will bald as they get older to. The real noticeable thing about them is that they have extremely long tusks, even for orc standards.

Females: Female Uruks are almost the opposite of their Male counterparts. They will likely never bald but instead grow long luscious hair that will always be surprisingly well maintained for an orc. They do gray as fast as males but typically they look good with grey hair. They are a good deal smaller than males, typically only really making it to Athletic, Ripped, or Toned. They have rather stubby tusks unlike they're male counterparts.


Clan Uruk has multiple holdings throughout Daendroc, Jorrhildr, and Hadar, here are a few of the more notable ones.

Fort Urgraag, Daendroc; This massive fort is one of the main breeding grounds for Narggoths that the Uruks posses, it also has multiple sparring pits and has a mentor of both Graklak and Hitlok in it's premises at all times. It has very high and thick walls to keep out predators, humans, and elves wanting some of its riches

Fort Bluurg, Jorrhildr; Fort Bluurg is a very important place for young Uruks. This is the main training grounds for Uruk family units that cannot afford an expensive school for their children but still see potential for them to fight. This is one of the oldest forts owned by the Uruks and is kept as a sacred tie to ancestors for Bloodline Uruks.

Urok, Daendroc; Urok was one of the first big towns built by the Uruks in Daendroc. It was build by the first Warchief, Grungar, to establish a rich and powerful place for orcs, under him, to reside and raise families, now it is used as a general meeting place for the Warchief and his Council of Captains (Advisors/War-leaders).

Bliingurk, Hadar; Bliingurk is a very recently establish village by Krukla Uruk. This is the village where most war machines and clockwork weapons are made for the clan. Enslaved Allar scientists (Mostly Al-Allar) Work on the bombs and clockworks here under orcish eye, Krukla maintains this village.


Tribal Beliefs are beliefs that the Uruks have come up with during centuries of them bring a tribe, most of them being add ons to already made beliefs.

  • If a Warchief's heart cannot be eaten for whatever reason it is customary that his favorite pet is sacrificed and feasted upon in his place.
  • Hunting and sparring should always be fought in the name of Vakgar or Yazgar, even if you don't say it, you should always mean it.
  • Weapons are to be held with great respect, instead of buying new ones, fix old ones, weapons are typically given names to support their value.
  • Ro-Allars are given as medals of honor from the warchief to anyone he so chooses for whatever reason, this is because they believe that Ro-Allar are special in the Animal kingdom.
  • Narrgoth distreatment by any Uruk will result in a tusk removing and possible castration by the Warchief.
  • All Uruks are required to learn at least some skill of animal care and taming, if not it is considered pointless to have them in the tribe and they will likely face rejection by others


Character you're applying for:
Description of Character:
Race (Optional for making, only accepting Orcs or Half-Orcs)
Character Profession:
Reason for Applying:

Staff Application
Character Name:
Character Race:
Character Gender:
Character Work Field:
Brief Letter the Warchief Thark:

Note: This family will likely not make it to any political standpoint in Regalia. However, shops and bars around the slums and city are appreciated! Also, I would like at least 50% of your time playing this character.
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IGN: Mojaven
Discord: idk
Skype: mojaveboogieman i think
Jails/Mutes/Bans?: nope
Character you're applying for: Trying to get Grouk in it
Description of Character: wears a skull on his belt. sharp teeth. ready to fight. Very dumb
Race: fully orc
Character Profession: Pizza/soup
Reason for Applying: Wanna be the head chef
IGN: Mojaven
Discord: idk
Skype: mojaveboogieman i think
Jails/Mutes/Bans?: nope
Character you're applying for: Trying to get Grouk in it
Description of Character: wears a skull on his belt. sharp teeth. ready to fight. Very dumb
Race: fully orc
Character Profession: Pizza/soup
Reason for Applying: Wanna be the head chef
Accepted Nerdo
IGN: CoolCameron717
Discord: You have it
Skype: Nope
No Jails mutes or Bans
Character name: S'alyysa Peirce
Character Race: Lampar
Character Gender: Female
Work field: Maid
Short Letter: I want to help people no matter what their race or culture I just like to help.
IGN: CoolCameron717
Discord: You have it
Skype: Nope
No Jails mutes or Bans
Character name: S'alyysa Peirce
Character Race: Lampar
Character Gender: Female
Work field: Maid
Short Letter: I want to help people no matter what their race or culture I just like to help.
Accepted because why not
IGN: Vorenthul
Discord: Vorenthul#2203
Skype: N/A
Jails/Mutes/Bans?: N/A
Character you're applying for: Tuk the Terrible (But I'd like to change the name)
Description of Character: Tuk is a Hitlok warrior, specializing in the use of the Morning Star. He has trained mainly as a warrior due to the constant pushing of him to conform to the family trade by his father and Bra'ak. This has garnered a love/hate relations ship from him towards the both of them.
Race: Orc
Character Profession: Hitlok warrior, possible city guard
Reason for Applying: New to the RP Side of things and want to progress
IGN: Vorenthul
Discord: Vorenthul#2203
Skype: N/A
Jails/Mutes/Bans?: N/A
Character you're applying for: Tuk the Terrible (But I'd like to change the name)
Description of Character: Tuk is a Hitlok warrior, specializing in the use of the Morning Star. He has trained mainly as a warrior due to the constant pushing of him to conform to the family trade by his father and Bra'ak. This has garnered a love/hate relations ship from him towards the both of them.
Race: Orc
Character Profession: Hitlok warrior, possible city guard
Reason for Applying: New to the RP Side of things and want to progress
Trial period, 1 week, also Tuk is not Bra'aks son, he is his brother
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IGN: CrookedChrona
Discord: Chrona#2816
Skype: Rory Birdie (I think...)
Jails/Mutes/Bans?: Nope, nein, нет
Character you're applying for/New Character Name: Durz Gijak
Description of Character: A tan colored half-Orc with his tusk ground down to stubs (think of a Hellboy look but tusk). He prefers animals over other people and has problems with focusing, as all half-Orcs do. Once he has one on one with someone he can get chatty but is often the quiet of the bunch in groups.
Race: Half-Orc
Character Profession: Animal handling and care.
Reason for Applying: Someone suggested I join and it's been a while since I've roleplayed on this server. So time to get into the swing of things. [IC Reason] : He wishes to restore honor to himself after being shamed for being a half breed, and he just likes animals.
IGN: CrookedChrona
Discord: Chrona#2816
Skype: Rory Birdie (I think...)
Jails/Mutes/Bans?: Nope, nein, нет
Character you're applying for/New Character Name: Durz Gijak
Description of Character: A tan colored half-Orc with his tusk ground down to stubs (think of a Hellboy look but tusk). He prefers animals over other people and has problems with focusing, as all half-Orcs do. Once he has one on one with someone he can get chatty but is often the quiet of the bunch in groups.
Race: Half-Orc
Character Profession: Animal handling and care.
Reason for Applying: Someone suggested I join and it's been a while since I've roleplayed on this server. So time to get into the swing of things. [IC Reason] : He wishes to restore honor to himself after being shamed for being a half breed, and he just likes animals.
Accepted, just be prepared to get sh*t though for being a half orc, otherwise I quite like this char!
IGN: Elbrus_Withengar
Jails/Mutes/Bans?: No
Character you're applying for: Ukkrash the Unkillable
Description of Character:Ukkrash is a very peculiar old man, he is the uncle to Bra'ak and he has a missing hand, leg, eye, and tusk. And still has never died. Also has a good sense of humor. Age: 60
Ukkrash is sort of that weird uncle that the family sometimes enjoys, but sometimes just wishes that he would go away. He is constantly joking with people, and it gets rather annoying at times. He is old enough that some would wish that he would just hurry up and die already, though it doesn't look like its going to happen soon.
Character Profession: The family business, if he decides to show up.
Reason for Applying:
I was invited to.
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IGN: Elbrus_Withengar
Jails/Mutes/Bans?: No
Character you're applying for: Ukkrash the Unkillable
Description of Character:Ukkrash is a very peculiar old man, he is the uncle to Bra'ak and he has a missing hand, leg, eye, and tusk. And still has never died. Also has a good sense of humor. Age: 60
Ukkrash is sort of that weird uncle that the family sometimes enjoys, but sometimes just wishes that he would go away. He is constantly joking with people, and it gets rather annoying at times. He is old enough that some would wish that he would just hurry up and die already, though it doesn't look like its going to happen soon.
Character Profession: The family business, if he decides to show up.
Reason for Applying: I was invited to.
Accepted because I live you <3
IGN: avemechanicus
Discord: given
Skype: can be given privately
Jails/Mutes/Bans?: No
Character you're applying for: The Harmless
Description of Character: Being negotiated and defined
Race (Optional for making, only accepting Orcs or Half-Orcs) True Born of Guldar
Character Profession: Matron, Powdermaker, Chattel Master
Reason for Applying: Boredom, vague interest, invitation, hard alcohol.
IGN: avemechanicus
Discord: given
Skype: can be given privately
Jails/Mutes/Bans?: No
Character you're applying for: The Harmless
Description of Character: Being negotiated and defined
Race (Optional for making, only accepting Orcs or Half-Orcs) True Born of Guldar
Character Profession: Matron, Powdermaker, Chattel Master
Reason for Applying: Boredom, vague interest, invitation, hard alcohol.
Accepted because your face is pretty
IGN: avemechanicus
Discord: given
Skype: can be given privately
Jails/Mutes/Bans?: No
Character you're applying for: The Harmless
Description of Character: Being negotiated and defined
Race (Optional for making, only accepting Orcs or Half-Orcs) True Born of Guldar
Character Profession: Matron, Powdermaker, Chattel Master
Reason for Applying: Boredom, vague interest, invitation, hard alcohol.
omg we have the same husband but he loves me more
IGN: SyrupSandwiches_
Discord: You have me
Skype: N/A
Jails/Mutes/Bans?: One Jail and One Mute. R/ Controversial topics in public chats.
Character you're applying for: Ruka Uruk, Bra'aks older half-sister.
Description of Character:
Race: Orc
Age: 45
Gender: Female
Height: 6'5
Body-Build: Muscular
Sexuality: Bi
Main-Ambition: Gore Glory
To Strangers: Aggressive, offensive, unfriendly.
To Family: Aggressive, offensive, friendly.
Morality: Chaotic-Evil
Character Profession: Sell Sword.
Reason for Applying: Doing as Nidakk commands.
IGN: SyrupSandwiches_
Discord: You have me
Skype: N/A
Jails/Mutes/Bans?: One Jail and One Mute. R/ Controversial topics in public chats.
Character you're applying for: Ruka Uruk, Bra'aks older half-sister.
Description of Character:
Race: Orc
Age: 45
Gender: Female
Height: 6'5
Body-Build: Muscular
Sexuality: Bi
Main-Ambition: Gore Glory
To Strangers: Aggressive, offensive, unfriendly.
To Family: Aggressive, offensive, friendly.
Morality: Chaotic-Evil
Character Profession: Sell Sword.
Reason for Applying: Doing as Nidakk commands.
Accepted cause you gonna be a pretty gorl
  • Added history! Read through it if you like
  • Added Maiars! Check the end of History for more detail
  • Added Traditions! (A while ago) Read through those
  • Added a list of Family Holdings! Uruks can come to me to own some of those, although Urok will always be owned by Warchief!
More to come!
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