Archived Claim-to-edit. A Radical New World Type!

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Keeper of the Forest
Jul 24, 2012
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Claim-To-Edit. A Radical New World Type

I just had to spend over 4000 Regals putting LWC onto chests in a Daendroc Castle. A castle that will go 'up in smoke' if the cancer of persistent noob 'landscaping' continues and the Daendroc map goes the way of Old Ceardia.

I really don't understand why people would click "Disagree" with this 'claim-to-build' concept when they themselves can go on living in the existing wilderness worlds and any new ones that are planned. By clicking Disagree you are effectively removing any chance for us builders to get a more 'persistent' place to build... while you still get to go on playing the way you want.

@Cayorian is trying to attract new players but what's the point if a percentage of those he has leave in disgust each time a map gets retired?

The Solution? A world where you have to faction claim an area to build in it.

OK firstly don't panic - the other 'free for all' maps with wilderness remain as they are… but… one new map is introduced where you can build / dig / edit the landscape only in areas that your faction claims - the rest is protected (until of course someone claims a bit).

You might say "No Thanks - I'm happy with it the way it is"

Great! You should vote "yes" to it then. You still get your wilderness worlds - I'm not suggesting they go anywhere… you wouldn't deny others the chance to give it a try - it won't affect you at all so that's a yes from you ;)

"But I like to be able to dig and chop and stuff"

As I said the other 'free for all' maps with wilderness stay. Chop and dig all you like.

"My faction wouldn't have enough power to claim land to build all of the stuff I want"

This is actually a benefit. Games like Skyrim are engaging for longer because new features become available as you level up. In the same way here it gives you something to aspire to.

We've all been there:
  • discover Massive
  • build a little hut somewhere
  • get powned by some god armored punk
  • make enough money to claim a little plot
  • build your first castle/tower
  • find others to join you
  • make a bigger 'village'
  • etc etc etc…
…but now you have something more to aspire to after that.
The 'claim-to-edit' world becomes a safe haven for the bigger more mature factions who are tired of losing their builds as each map succumbs to the continual rampant erosion of small griefing and is deleted. Build build build and then you too can look down your nose at the worthless ants toiling in the squalor of the 'wilderness' worlds.

"It's extra time the Admins have to spend"

Well yes and no. They add new worlds regularly - a new map already takes a large amount of time & effort - in the scheme of things the additional permissions required for 'claim-to-edit' are not that much extra work.

Also In this new 'claim-to-edit' world there will be much less griefing - hence less they have to clean up.

And… Cay wants more players. The introduction of a 'claim-to-edit' map means a feature rich product that is more competitive with other servers. The player numbers will also be healthier due to longevity and loyalty. You can't tell me that players haven't left the server in disgust each time a world has needed to be deleted and they lost their precious base (e.g. Old Ceardia). Anyone who's been in business understands that removing a client frustration with a small change that doesn't affect the larger client base is good sense.

"How will my faction get resources in this new world if it's all locked?"

Go grab your resources from one of the remaining 'wilderness' worlds. And don't tell me it's too far. Put a bed there and /cprivate it and use /home and /f home to journey from one to the other…or… If you haven't discovered the joys of portals/gates yet that's your problem. Go read the massive website. There will always be a need for wilderness worlds for resources. I have an idea for a resetting random resources world but that's for another thread and another day.

On a side note - The suggestion of a well known and well publicised disposable random resetting world has been put forward by many (myself included) for some time now. This would relieve pressure on the existing 'wild' worlds and give those in the 'claim-to-edit' worlds somewhere to dig.

"Worlds will always be deleted eventually - it's a fact of life"

Really? How do you know until we trial a 'claim-to-edit' world? Cab't we give it a try?

"What's the benefit?"

Yes we now have worlds where Admins can 'restore' areas that are griefed. But due to limited time they're always going to restrict their efforts to large areas of griefed landscape. The little stuff is the slow rot that eventually makes a map go the way of Old Ceardia.

Every hour of every day a noob comes on for the first time and:
  • Cobble 'ladders' up a hillside
  • Chops down a tree (and doesn't replace it)
  • Digs up the topsoil
  • Builds a quick vamp sun-hut
  • Cobbles across a lake
Even long standing members do stuff like this:

Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 4.47.20 pm.jpg

The big stuff gets fixed. The small stuff ignored until such a time as the small stuff has all added up, there are no trees left, the landscape looks like something out of the Lorax and eventually the admins go "gee that map is all decrepit now, what a surprise. I wonder how that happened! Time to delete it"

It is irrefutable that eventually each map in turn will go this way.

The restore system is slightly flawed - If some poor bugger has a secret underground storage room and someone griefs the surface above it - bye bye underground storage room when the admin restores the surface.

It also relies on players reporting areas that need cleanup - again the small stuff won't be reported.

"If the maps never get 'retired' there will be no server space for new worlds which utilise new blocks"

True if all of the maps were 'preserved' we'd never get to try out the new updates. That's why there will always be a need for a mix of wilderness worlds and 'claim-to-edit'. The wilderness worlds are eventually replaced with new stuff. If players are informed regularly of this they can make informed choices about their stay and either acknowledge the fleeting nature of the wilderness worlds or move to a 'claim-to-edit'.
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No, since the Roleplay of making colonies and camps wouldn't be possible.
No support for you baby </3
I love it.
It's fairly simple in the grand scheme of things, and I think it'd make a big change. The only thing- what about chest permissions and suchlike that are left behind after a faction moves/leaves?
I wouldn't mind this idea much either although I must admit it took me far too long to understand what a "claim-to-edit" world was.
Either way I think it sounds like a fun idea, and it kind of reminds me of Regalia somewhat, having to sort of buy an area/house that you can only edit once you've bought/claimed it. Maybe it could be themed as a sub-dimensional megacity don't quote me as being serious here?
Oh, and another thing I just noticed- I don't think that title conforms to the rules of the forum…
No, since the Roleplay of making colonies and camps wouldn't be possible.
No support for you baby </3

Thorgar - I'm not suggesting that there are no more new 'wilderness' worlds released - just one single solitary 'claim-to-edit' world as just one of the new worlds. There should still be plenty of new 'wild' worlds. Can't the colonisation role-play continue on the wilderness worlds? I don't understand.
To need to ask a mod to change it for you. I'll let you tag one in with what you want to change it to.
on flaw would be all the massive lag of people claiming and claiming land to gather from it.
If you were to turn this into a Siege Battle where Factions become a Kingdom and for land superiority. If some of you haven't known which I don't know if Massivecrafts faction plugin has this but you can claim another factions land if they are underpowered. But in the "Free for all" Map as Des stated, doing so would be griefing, but if there was 1 map that wasn't in the Medieval World but rather another portal that allowed you to do so, I think it would be quite popular.

Personal Experience - I've played on a server that is no longer around many years ago that was like that, it made battles interesting and the map was always changing.
All in all, I don't like the sound of this idea. I personally like roaming the world for resources, though I take care not to make it all look derpy.
I hope you get an outcome that you like, but you'll find no support from me.
Personaly I think the idea has potential. I mean it would certainly be a very long lasting world and nature would stay (mostly) untouched. Personaly I would give it a shot and if it doesn´t work out, then fine, but at least we tried.

No, since the Roleplay of making colonies and camps wouldn't be possible.
No support for you baby </3

What do you mean? You could still claim an area temporary , build , and then unclaim if it doesn´t have to be actively edited (like for example a RP village, you only need to built it once).

Oops - I don't seem to be able to [EDIT] the post title - anyone?

Imboring56 is needed since this is the feature and idea subforum and I am a mere peasant mod while he is a super mod.
Imboring56 is needed since this is the feature and idea subforum and I am a mere peasant mod while he is a super mod.

don't be so sad, a mod is a mod, you have as much to say as him [for me at least coz i don't care about subranks, i only look tothe rank iteslf (mod/trusted/admind/owner)]
All in all, I don't like the sound of this idea. I personally like roaming the world for resources, though I take care not to make it all look derpy.
I hope you get an outcome that you like, but you'll find no support from me.

So in other words you support it Thalan? We aint taking away the freedom you already enjoy. You can roam the 'wild' continents that already exist (and the planned new continents) to your hearts content. We are simply suggesting an alternative for those who prefer another way. It won't affect you at all so please change yours to a vote of support.

By voicing your non-support you are effectively condemning the rest of us to play the way YOU prefer... rather than giving us a choice.
Getting a lot of Non-supporters who aren't even taking the time to explain why. Come on you cowards - step up to the plate and stop being so lazy. Give me the right of reply.
Imboring56 is needed since this is the feature and idea subforum and I am a mere peasant mod while he is a super mod.[/quote]

Imboring56 Please change thread title to "A Radical? New World Type?"
I really like it! A world that you can walk around without passing griefs all the time..
no. constantly when people claim and unclaimed land to exploit the rules and gather it.

Gather what? Sorry Grailen I'm trying to understand the intent of your post but it's brevity (and missing words) make it just a bit too ambiguous. Could you please explain in slightly more detail what you mean?

In practice people don't go around rampantly rapidly claiming and un-claiming chunks, at least not to the degree you are describing. Have you ever run a faction? If you're constantly claiming and un-claiming I think you may be going about this all wrong?
Gather what? Sorry Grailen I'm trying to understand the intent of your post but it's brevity (and missing words) make it just a bit too ambiguous. Could you please explain in slightly more detail what you mean?
I think he means: people will claim chunks only to gather ressources from it and unclaim them afterards. According to this some people will build and terraform really nice places and other one just dig up holes and destroy the landscape. After some month the map will look like a chessboard or a swiss cheese.

This won't solve your problem at all. The landscape will always get "ugly" sooner or later.
I think he means: people will claim chunks only to gather ressources from it and unclaim them afterards. According to this some people will build and terraform really nice places and other one just dig up holes and destroy the landscape. After some month the map will look like a chessboard or a swiss cheese.

Melford - to claim an area just to gather resources will cost them 2000R (like any other faction). They're not about to spend money on such when they could simply go grab resources from a neighbouring 'free-to-edit' map for no outlay. In fact - this is why we need an expendable 'resources' world that can get trashed - like I suggested months ago.

This won't solve your problem at all. The landscape will always get "ugly" sooner or later.

I'm not trying to prevent it completely - just slow the process and make it easier to keep up with. Currently I spend A LOT of time cleaning up Daendroc but jerks come on constantly and dig it all up.

I also suspect that because faction land is hard to come by (recruiting is a bitch) faction owners will tend to build stuff topside in any land they claim and then be resistant to dumping it later. Sure a few will make monstrosities but they will be the exception - not the rule.

Sound feasible?
Melford - to claim an area just to gather resources will cost them 2000R (like any other faction). They're not about to spend money on such when they could simply go grab resources from a neighbouring 'free-to-edit' map for no outlay. In fact - this is why we need an expendable 'resources' world that can get trashed - like I suggested months ago.
So every chunk you want to claim will cost 2000R? If that's the case your idea might work, but most players won't be able to claim any chunk there or not very much and the map will become very very lonely.

If you just mean people need a faction to claim I said; they'll claim and unclaim chunks at their will to dig up holes. There are way too many Trolls out there.

I'm not trying to prevent it completely - just slow the process and make it easier to keep up with. Currently I spend A LOT of time cleaning up Daendroc but jerks come on constantly and dig it all up.

I also suspect that because faction land is hard to come by (recruiting is a bitch) faction owners will tend to build stuff topside in any land they claim and then be resistant to dumping it later. Sure a few will make monstrosities but they will be the exception - not the rule.
There are many ugly factions and some of them only build huge stone forts/castles, because they don't know what to do else. I've seen many of them and it's ridiculous what some people are able to do.

And yes, it's hard to recruit good players, but some people recruit everyone they can get. ;)
So every chunk you want to claim will cost 2000R? If that's the case your idea might work, but most players won't be able to claim any chunk there or not very much and the map will become very very lonely.

If you just mean people need a faction to claim I said; they'll claim and unclaim chunks at their will to dig up holes. There are way too many Trolls out there.

There are many ugly factions and some of them only build huge stone forts/castles, because they don't know what to do else. I've seen many of them and it's ridiculous what some people are able to do.

And yes, it's hard to recruit good players, but some people recruit everyone they can get. ;)

Granted - these are all valid points - but is there any reason we couldn't give it a go and see how it pans out? After all we're just speculating about what 'might' happen. Do you think it's at least worth a try? What have we got to lose? We just might be pleasantly surprised - nothing ventured nothing gained yes?
here's the flaw no one mentioned yet:

Why do the staff make new worlds? Is it because they're fun to make, because it will make the players happy, or because they need a new one. It's all of these reasons, but, there are lots of other reasons that new worlds are made, and one of them is so players can stop griefing the old worlds and move on to a new one. No, I'm not saying that we all grief things, but everyone needs resources and destroying blocks is one of the ways to get them. I mean, take Danedroc for example, it's badly griefed, but the newer worlds have resources, and people can go there. Now I know it will only be one world that has claim to build, but worlds take a while to make. And if new players are stuck waiting for a world where they can build where they please, they may grief the pre-existing worlds majorly.
desmonster Thread title changed
Overall it's a good idea, however would be hard to both implement and manage on a server of our size, overall I like it, but not sure it would work.
Granted - these are all valid points - but is there any reason we couldn't give it a go and see how it pans out? After all we're just speculating about what 'might' happen. Do you think it's at least worth a try? What have we got to lose? We just might be pleasantly surprised - nothing ventured nothing gained yes?
You don't have to convince me, I'm not the server admin and not even staff member.^^
But yes, there is nothing we can lose according to the facts already stated. But there may be much more things to think about if you look at the server mechanics. I don't think it's hard to code, but it may cause more bugs and bug abuse. The servers are shared and this "new land claim plugin" might interfer with the existing faction plugin. Besides this I don't know if the admins plan to create new worlds in the near future.
I don't like the idea of each claim costing 2000 regals. You need to claim a LOT to build a decently sized faction, such as Algaron. But being able to claim once and having that one claim cost 2000 regals? That money adds up pretty darn fast, and the only factions in this map will be made by the newbies who don't know any better. Sure, the map might stay looking pretty good, but is it really worth writing up the lore and taking all that time to custom create a map that almost no one will end up using, except the newbies who didn't know about how it'd be so much cheaper just to claim in an older world? It's like how kids beg their parents to buy them a 50$ toy, and when they end up buying it for them, they play with it for 5 minutes and never touch it again.

Sorry guys - let me clear up this 2000R thing. That's not what I meant. The 2000R is just referring to the current standard rate for a faction claim - not per 2000R chunk. 2000R per claimed chunk is excessive. I am suggesting the landscape is locked until you faction claim an area as you would in any other world.
What have we got to lose?

We have nothing to lose. Cayorion has money to lose. Now I may well be incorrect in what I say, but I'm fairly certain that this new world would require server space. Servers are expensive, and I don't believe Cayorion is all that wealthy. This new world would require time to develop and resources to publish. Time could well be diverted; Resources however, I'm not so sure.

EDIT: This seems like an overtly negative post. However, I think that the benefits are clear to see, and I do quite like the idea. Might I suggest that it be free of resources, to prevent the occurences suggested by Grailen.
Jamescl and Melford

Out of genuine interest: Are you guessing that the coding would be difficult or are you speaking from experience of having written similar code.

I'd be guessing myself... but... consider that the concept is not too much different to what we already have. There are already large protected regions around each spawn for each map. You could effectively use the same architecture to protect the entire continent. At the risk of oversimplifying - the only extra code required is to allow a faction claim to happen within that protected zone.

The architecture to have protected areas already exists.

The architecture for factions to claim an area already exists.

Currently there would be an listing/line of code that prevents a faction claim from happening in a protected area. Amend that code to allow it on certain maps and we're good to go. Forgive me if I'm oversimplifying - I know nothing of JavaScript.
I see no reason that this can't be done - in one world that caters towards nature-lovers rather than pvpers or builders like me. I believe that everyone should have the chance to play in a location they enjoy and a manner they enjoy. PvPers should be able to pvp, builders should be able to build, roleplayers should be able to roleplay. This idea doesn't get in the way of any of these people since it is talking about only adding to the server, not taking away or altering existing worlds. If this helps prevent mass world grief then it can be implemented in some (but never all) of the future worlds. Staff put lots of effort into these maps, I rather doubt they enjoy watching them get ruined by players. I also remember what Daendroc was like when the map first came out - aka, the most beautiful map I'd ever seen at the time. If this had been found back then vast parts of Daendroc would still be intact and undamaged.

+1 Support for all the blocks griefed in Daendroc.
We have nothing to lose. Cayorion has money to lose. Now I may well be incorrect in what I say, but I'm fairly certain that this new world would require server space. Servers are expensive, and I don't believe Cayorion is all that wealthy. This new world would require time to develop and resources to publish. Time could well be diverted; Resources however, I'm not so sure.

EDIT: This seems like an overtly negative post. However, I think that the benefits are clear to see, and I do quite like the idea. Might I suggest that it be free of resources, to prevent the occurences suggested by Grailen.

Oxo - there are already many new worlds planned - Farah'deen, Hadar, Jorrhildr, Lerina Basa to name those I know of.

Can't just we spare just one single solitary map to try this out? It might be one of the best things that ever happened to the server but we won't know until we give it a try.

And if it turns out to be a selling point for the server Cay gets more players hence more money. You're possibly too young to have any experience at running a business (or Marketing) but maximising your businesses point of difference (otherwise known as Unique Selling Proposition) is a very wise move.

Would you agree?
here's the flaw no one mentioned yet:

Why do the staff make new worlds? Is it because they're fun to make, because it will make the players happy, or because they need a new one. It's all of these reasons, but, there are lots of other reasons that new worlds are made, and one of them is so players can stop griefing the old worlds and move on to a new one. No, I'm not saying that we all grief things, but everyone needs resources and destroying blocks is one of the ways to get them. I mean, take Danedroc for example, it's badly griefed, but the newer worlds have resources, and people can go there. Now I know it will only be one world that has claim to build, but worlds take a while to make. And if new players are stuck waiting for a world where they can build where they please, they may grief the pre-existing worlds majorly.

I agree that on release day there would be massive disappointment and grievances over the fact that people without the money needed to faction claim effectively couldn't take up residence. Even many of those who did have the money would still bitch and moan.


If it were a scenario where a regular 'wild' map and a 'claim-to-edit' map were simultaneously released would you mind so much?

People will still complain about something - but that's human nature. You can hand out free choccies but there's always some poor bugger who's allergic and asks why you couldn't have had some skittles for him - for Christ's sake you were just trying to do a nice thing and hand out some free chocolates.
I like this a lot. I hate having to patrol the boarders around my faction land to make sure random noobs don't leave floating trees or create cobblestone abominations. I think this should at least be given a shot. Plenty of older worlds to gather ore from still and the factions could still mine below them if they so desired.
Sorry guys - let me clear up this 2000R thing. That's not what I meant. The 2000R is just referring to the current standard rate for a faction claim - not per 2000R chunk. 2000R per claimed chunk is excessive. I am suggesting the landscape is locked until you faction claim an area as you would in any other world.

Oh okay, sorry. I'll delete that post.
I appreciate that there are a few more worlds planned, and I do love this idea. If at all possible I would love to try this out. I was simply trying to put forward as many possible viewpoints as possible.

It does make sense, however; we've had some major RP updates, we've got PvP to come, why not something for the builders? Perhaps, particularly if we could restrict access here, this could be a world for only competent builders. There could be a staff member or two who look over applications for this world on the forums and evaluate whether their faction may be granted access. On the other hand, this would greatly limit the widespread appeal of the new world and make it less cost efficient if you like.

Right now, MassiveCraft is going through growth and development. It's almost as if MassiveCraft is still going through research and production of its final product. I think that until it has become a little more stable, additions like this are best left.

One slight problem about this being put forward on the forums is that we're missing out a whole sector of the MassiveCraft community. Perhaps 1/5 of the MassiveCraft community actively use the forums and in the other 4/5ths lie those factionless who like to spend their nights in wilderness. Perhaps they'd rather an unravaged new world that they can reside in than an unravaged new world in which they cannot. Then again, there are strong reccomendations that people join a faction.

All in all, I think that Cayorion himself needs to make a decision on its feasibility resource-wise and the player base should be asked, totally in their self interest, "Would they like this to be added?".
Please change this user's thread title to "A Radical New World Type?" as requested by the user.
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