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Citywide Corruption


May 10, 2020
Reaction score
A few pieces of parchment would be scattered across the Animosity Bridge and nearby the entrance to the Arena District's sewer system. Bits of ink were scattered across by the 'writs', dazzled over and dripping across the nearby walkways to where they could be found. Holes and other forms of batter to the papers were evident, decorating each like bits of swiss-cheese. They read;

Corruption Spawns in Pathetic Orders

It remains an utter, deplorable crime that the quality of knights whom reign in the now dominating orders of faux-Metropolitan shall stand. Whether it be that of the deranged Lotharians, hired Viridians, false militants masquerading, and other manners of bewilderment, all remains clear; A poison lurks beneath the surface of our modern city.

Anarchism reigns in the streets, so much that both the Crookback and our city's branches have united in secrecy. The dead and the afflicted walk so freely amongst their compatriots. The butchery of the Metropolitan has been laid to rest. The laws are now closer than ever to be enforced by true, free will. It seems that only the power of individuals and their wily militias rule for any semblance of common decency or law.

Yet, what these organizations lack is simply framework. Power in sheer magnitude and indoctrination is necessary to control the capital beneath shadowy forces. Shadowy forces which have been used to produce a new era of the 'knight', an era which has been poised by worsened 'products'. Though unripened cicadas crawling too early from their earth, the new Orders remain fresh for the picking of hardened jays to snag.

I say this moreso as a challenge than anything of a threat. I understand your allegiances shall not feel any fragment of caution nor the effort to proceed with mercy until a blade is forced down your gullet. You are animals lurking beneath skin suits, waiting only to hunt without any form of mercy beyond your sublime vision of an impossible paradise. I speak candidly of you, the Lotharian Order, whom scourged my presence so effortlessly.

The entirety of these new pieces of 'meat' sent to deter my presence from the city and thus my action of true creed has been pathetic. Especially from those so intrigued by my presence within the Institute by Norinn or the jests I've made through my pseudonym as 'Tony'. Imagine the utter shame to say the words 'Tony' so seriously, knowing that the entirety of this city believes you are a chimpanzee clapping cymbals until I eventually escape into mere mirages once more.

I've had enough of this tomfoolery, to say the least. To those associated with whatever fringe groups of the Lotharian Order exist now, I answer that you pardon my dispelling for being too devoted to your creed and decide to banish yourselves from stepping a singular foot in what remains my freedom to enact revenge. If you shall so 'bravely' ignore these words and declare my writing as something of another erratic tangent, it is quite the tragedy you do not enjoy any form of theatre.

That being said, for those associated with any of the Lotharian Order, in particular two Houses beginning with a 'V' and a 'K', let's talk. Maybe not face to face, until you've mettled yourself enough not to bring weaponry out of a recurring fear, but on these pamphlets I dragged cheaply from drain pipes. I am surprised they continue to allow cowards to survive in the Order, especially those so blindfolded by ego to ignore any challenge in their city. A fantasy formed by utter ignorance.

Fortune Strikes The Bold

I am fairly impressed by the corruption found within so many households to parade as enforcers of nonexistent law. Now, as a man of my revenge, I am coming for you. All these matters of extending their hands to capture and meddle in cosplays of true soldiers will not be tolerated. Especially towards the little 'uniforms' certain sects of the Lotharians have donned or the militants calling themselves 'Orders', I am going to deter you. I lack a face and I lack a name publicly, beyond any matter of games to play around. Myself and my acts are beyond any fabric of construction that you can physically grasp.

Foremost, for those that still have my bones in your possession, I am on route to retake what is rightfully mine.

For the so-called 'knights' that've left matters of scarring to my physicality, I am going to butcher you to ashes beyond even your deadliest graves.

For the Houses that continue to play dress up amongst the streets, I recommend you understand your position in affairs as I shift into a new form each time we speak.

The most beautiful aspect of it all is a sense of acceptance. Many believe I am lunatic, to which they are fundamentally correct. That is why I'm offering to have all of these independent 'factions' bring their doubloons to me. Send your apologies, publicly, before I force them down with flesh and steel, especially those concerning the Consulian Order.

The Lotharian Order? Perchance I expect a hint of civility, yet I am not one to undertake much for the fiends whom so carelessly attempt to end my life and rip my flesh to shreds. If you wish to live your lives in fret of your greatest error pushed to the world, go right on ahead, but I am no longer in need of your services. Consider this a bit of revenge to claim for all those efforts made against myself. I want you all to pay your tolls, whether it be via peace or by the lords of blood.

Sera Roinval Aretinescua
A badger Asha's lonely evening walk was punctuated by the haphazard presence of these notices. He wrote his reply shortly after and pinned the note into the masonry of the Animosity Bridge with a thin spike of golden Living Metal.




You wish to mete out vengeance? Do not write fancy letters and scatter them to the wind.

Draw your hatred and your righteous fury into a blade, former Knight, and strike at those who have wronged you.

Anything short of that and you are irrelevant.

This city has too many real problems to listen to you whine.

Harsiese of Akhiza

A terse reply finds itself tacked at the bottom of this parchment:

"I do not know you as an individual, but the apology you are seeking will not be received.

Do try regardless. It will only make it easier.

Confidant-Knight of the Lothar Order"
Mister Aretinescua,

Your Knight status was revoked and the Lothar order reserved you for the sewers to die in service of what you claimed to hold dear after repeated barbarous acts. There is no meeting; you are designated "kill on sight" by your order. Be silent and fulfill your last service to the Crown as ordered.

In His Service,
Revna Hjortsund,
Holyarm Reliquary-Valldal
Countess of Fornhavn, Drixagh
"Ah so this is the truth of that scrapped together little shit who threatened Naviri. Perhaps we should all carry out that Crown and the Lothar Order's wish for them if this purist insect continues to roam Crookback!" Selthas called into the sucker punch handing around the responses to their patrons, "Purists don't belong here, let this disgraced one find no shelter amongst those he hunted!"
A response was made, posted right on top of the entire notice. Upon it was the stamp of the von Karlisle family.
Good day,

I have some corrections, comments, and concerns with this notice. For once in my existence, I am agreeing with Holyarm Hjortsund. I'm shocked she chose to be a Reliquary. She sounded more like a Viridian than anything. Perhaps this is a gentle nudge and warning to her so that she doesn't overextend her authority and boundaries.

Secondly, this is for you, Mr. Artinescua, I wish to correct your usage of titles. You are expelled from the Lothar Order, and should refer to yourself as such. Mister, is your prefix, not Sera. If you wish to be recognized in this city for anything other than a giant buffoon, and embarrassment to the Lothar Order, I highly recommend you start gaining more respect for the city in which you reside, less you wish to be buried here.

Thirdly, the mass layoffs of the Metropolitan was done by the Order of the Crown. Your open opposition of the Crown's decision to have Knights step up more, is very anti-State. You should hold faith in the governing body we hold today. Especially since the Lothar Order resides in the palace. Unless… That's why you're so opposed to it. This reminds me of Hinterberg, where Knights oversaw the city and protected the public, enforcing Law. I agree that the Militia that has formed is an utter failure. I would much prefer to have Knights who devote their lives to the Empire watch over me than some army constructed by a power-hungry member of the peerage.

If you want to meet with Lord-Protector Volkner von Karlisle, Lord-Protector Konrad von Kepler, and Lord-Protector Riftan Vaedra, I'd be more than happy to arrange a meeting for you as a middleman. If so, I pray it is a productive meeting, and that I do not need to clean my brother's blade of your blood for a second time.


Lady Rhiannon von Karlisle

Tags: @Iyyiushi @DocterDuck @Greenie @PaladinoGui @AlienDark12
A small notice would be pinned below the missive of Sera Roinval Aretinescua. Its contents would read:

The highly embellished and self-righteous ramblings of one FORMER Sera Roinval Aretinescua do not reflect the views, actions, nor reality of the Consulian Order. The FORMER Sera Roinval Aretinescua's transgressions stemmed from his relentless efforts to ally with one Count Norinn of Penfork. After many unsolicited meetings and confrontations with one FORMER Sera Roinval Aretinescua, His Lordship of Penfork denounced their propositions of combatting the Lothar Order and issued The Consulian Order to restrain him given if any further disturbance were to occur.

If you, an upstanding citizen of Regalia, bear the misfortune of witnessing FORMER Sera Roinval Aretinescua commit yet another egregious act, do not hesitate to call on the services of the Consulian Order.

May he watch over you,

Lord Aldane Gwentyr of the Consulians
'The Disgraced that speaks of Corrupt'

Good Afternoon, Roinval.

Imagine my surprise, today, as I was going through my post and answering letters from Knights and Imperial Citizens alike, that a soggy, mildew-covered mess of bound papers were dropped upon my desk. Imagine my intrigue, when the house staff that brought them to me said that they were penned by a Knight. Now, given my standing and position, I consider myself well versed when it comes to the actions and status of all Knights in the city, even more-so to their feelings about certain subject matters. So why is it that I've only heard of you once? When you were disgraced and expelled?

So, Roinval, I paused my actions, my investigation into the recent Murder, my duties to the citizenry, and read through your postings, wondering if maybe, a fallen Knight had learnt from his mistakes, and therefore wished to make some grand corruption scheme known. Perhaps a plot from the underground to bore a hole into the great prison, or an attempt to overthrow the nobility. Instead, what I find is a verbose, self-righteous and ignorant ramble of a man clinging to something he once was. In all truthfulness, it's entirely evident that your issues reside with your former comrades. Concerning, sad, and simply disappointing, is how quickly you seem to have forgotten the tenets of Illarion, and his teachings about betrayal; but that is a topic for another time. I do wish to make it known that I hadn't intended to reply, but you've now dragged the Viridian Order into this discourse, and so I shall answer in return.

Knights of quality. Your first point, and I shall counter it with such. The Reliquary are a group who have, by all accounts, been doing their duty without complaint, hiccup or a single report being levied against them. They're courteous, kind, and above all, freely serving with their protection. Quality. The Bloodcasts. Champions of the people, I've heard naught but one step out of line, and the issue was rectified without much fanfare from either side. Aside from that, I've had good conversations, and seen them eager to serve the citizenry in even mundane tasks like picking up groceries from the morning market. Quality. Aelrrigan, who I constantly see in droves standing in public areas to educate and debate, and rarely draw a blade to enforce their code. Quality. Lothar, who are open to discussion and do their jobs with grace and dignity shown to themselves, and the subject of their ire. Quality. It feels to me that you are entirely disconnected from the reality of this city, and the quality of Knights that reside within.

So I shall move on to the rest of your incessant insistence for pardonship to do as you wish. Unlike the anarchy of the sewers you so-freely admit to, unlike your companions that you make in the darkened holes of rot and filth, the City above remains rather well-off. The Metropolitian, though smaller, does their diligence. The Knights, though scattered, are combined on efforts that benefit us all. Order, 'framework', is established and working thusly. If you are beginning to notice a trend with my writing, it's because every point you've made has been, simply put, delusional.

You admit to lunacy, you admit to intent to murder, dissent, actions of brutality and carelessness. Your expulsion was warranted, needed, and rightful. It is with this, that I shall simply make the Lotharian Duty known. Expelled Lothar, are to be removed from service. Permanently. You have been given a chance to leave, Roinval, but you've instead decided to linger. Perhaps out of a sense of duty, perhaps part of the aforementioned lunacy, but it shall be your mistake, and from what I've gathered, your final one. So, going forward, there's a few points that stand out. Given your lack of preservation, and your blatant call to violence, I'm requesting that anyone who finds this man, bind him in chains and deliver him to the nearest Lothar for summary execution. For the betterment of the Empire. Knightly Records state he is an Urlan.

A note to the many non-knights I perceive will be reading these words, wondering about the complicated ins and outs of Knightly Culture. Expelled Lothar are executed, without mercy or care. A punishment to betrayal of Order, but it's their prerogative all the same. Do not attempt to set up a meeting. Do not attempt to speak for this man, or smooth over his actions. He was expelled. He will be removed. It's his duty to the crown, and the Lothar's to fulfill.

In his Light we serve.
Reik-Knight Llorvaie Oribekian
Viridian Order

Lady von Karlisle,

With this letter, I am sharing a free copy of "Commoner's Guide To Law." We gave these out quite frequently to those that kept misunderstanding their role in the Imperial Machine and, more so, the function of the different executive hands of the Crown's Justice. You will hopefully learn that reiterating the commands of the palace and the Crown is not the sole responsibility of the Viridian Order.

I will break it down even further for you. We are on a road wide enough for two side-by-side carriages. The carriage on the right ferries Knights, and the carriage on the left transports the citizenry. To which lane do you think you belong?

In His Service,
Revna Hjortsund,
Holyarm Reliquary-Valldal
Countess of Fornhavn, Drixagh
Andrelle's brow perked, wrinkled, and repeated the process several times as she read through the paper, the hanging silence only broken by the scribbling of a Viridian across the room.

"I have to wonder if he's upset that he's not been put to the block yet, writing all this so proudly," the Twindivine muttered with a sigh as she set the thing down, walking to peer over Llorvaie's shoulder and scan the written lines.

".. I'll.. Get some of the stress tea going."
A small notice would be pinned below the notice written by the Lord Aldane Gwentyr. Even overlapping it a little bit. With the following words written:
"You'll get your apology if you can beat me in the game of cards you were too scared to face me in.

- Lord Lieven Gwentyr"

Threats. Disinformation. Disgrace.

For his crimes and attacks against the nobility and continued disturbance of the peace, this vermin shall be apprehended and punished posthaste.

The Consulian Order is charged with bringing the slanderer, imposter, and self-professed lunatic Roinval Aretinescua to swift justice. By order of the Proconsul.
Signed and Stamped,
His Lordship Lamont Norinn
Count of Penfork
Proconsul of the Consulian Order​
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A paper was pinned underneath each of the notices, marked with the House Vaedra Symbol.

—═════════════════════-‹ •◦ ◦• ›-═════════════════════—
With your open threats of violence against our family, House Vaedra declines any meeting or dialog other than one swords and gunpowder with the dishonored Lothar.


Lady Protector Catherine Vaedra
Confidant-Knight of the Lothar Order.
View attachment 181464

Threats. Disinformation. Disgrace.

For his crimes and attacks against the nobility and continued disturbance of the peace, this vermin shall be apprehended and punished posthaste.

The Consulian Order is charged with bringing the slanderer, imposter, and self-professed lunatic Roinval Aretinescua to swift justice. By order of the Proconsul.
Signed and Stamped,
His Lordship Lamont Norinn
Count of Penfork
Proconsul of the Consulian Order​

A brief, straight, and to the point piece was stapled below. A document of events regarding this warrant it seemed to be.


On the late hours of July 10th, to the early morning hours of July 11th Consulian Captain Lord Lieven of the Gwentyr Chapter accompanied I, Sera Novak of the Bloodcast Order into Crookback to enact justice upon the wrongdoer who is the Ex-Lothar Roinval. After the briefest and wildly enjoyable (and according to Crookback Law, 100% legal) takedown of the Lothar and Aelrrigan Knights who were doing their evening attack on the poor and destitute of the borough we have successfully apprehended the Ex-Lothar and dragged him to the Sucker Punch for judgement. The Captain offered the Ex-Lothar Roinval a duel to clear his name. Not a duel with swords and shields, but a duel of wit, and luck.

The Captain, Lord Lieven produced a deck of cards, and offered a game of 'go-fish'. After half an hour of mutual recollecting of just exactly how the game was played, with the last time they played it when they were mere children, and the pondering of bringing a local homeless man to act as Lord Lievens champion for this duel the duo then faced off in a fiery bout of passionate gambling. Best two out of three, the Captain won twice, with the Ex-Lothar only winning once. The duel was completed, and the Captain deemed the superior player, with Roinval losing his status as a good duelist. According to the Captain, the punishment was just, and as the Bloodcast who oversaw the duel to ensure there was no foul play between the two, and to ensure that the Captain can't enact an excessive, and tyrannical punishment on the other agreed in the affirmative.

Sera Novak,

Swordsworn of the Bloodcast Order
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To which lane do you think you belong?

The noblewoman awaited the witty response, expecting it entirely. She would cackle upon reading it, before writing in red ink, as if a teacher in school.

To think there are only two tiers within our Empire is a fallacy greater than my own misidentification of your duties.