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[ City Council ] The Rations Act [on Hold]


catgirl enthusiast
Nov 11, 2017
Reaction score



Ordinance CR-30610-24.a, henceforth known as the 'Rations Act', is in immediately in effect.​

The private sale of the following goods within Regalia is temporary restricted:
  • Alchemical Substances*
  • Arms (Weapons), of all materials
  • Armor, of all materials
  • Coal, and all products thereof
  • Grain, and all products thereof**
  • Meat, and all products thereof
  • Metals, and all products thereof
  • Sugar, and all products thereof
*The following healing poultices are exempt from this ordinance: Forest Remedy/Cealle's Remedy, Vocadine, Gluant
**Alcohol Products exempt.

Any trader seeking to vend these goods within the boundaries of the City of Regalia must sell them directly to the City Government at fixed price for fair and conservative distribution. Any trader, whether they be individual or organization, seeking exception to the ordinance must receive a permit from the City Government. Permits shall be distributed on a need and usefulness basis.

Furthermore, the Regalian City Council has elected to form the City Rations Bureau to oversee conservation efforts. Elaboration upon their duties shall occur posthaste.

Direct all inquiries by private letter to Councilor Greyhorn [ @Duwuterte ]

Ordinance approved by the honorable,
@seoulmate Noble Representative Amelina Peirgarten
@Walnoodle Councilor Seraphina von der Ebene
@Duwuterte Councilor Greyhorn
@Bersagliere Councilor Castellucci "Lucci" Malafronte
@Yigit Councilor Judas Riviere
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A letter arrived from a teashop owner to the good Councilor:

To the Honorable Councilor Greyhorn:

My products do fall in limbo according to your rations act. When ye restrict the sale of sugar, do ye also restrict the sale of honey? And when ye restrict the sale of grain, do ye also restrict the sale of alcoholls and products thusly and therein related? It does fall in the publick interest that this matter be clarified.

With much respect,

Wait, can an alchemist still make alchemical substances than be paid to use them on someone? For instance I have a freelance alchemist medicine woman, can I still legally help others?
Wait, can an alchemist still make alchemical substances than be paid to use them on someone? For instance I have a freelance alchemist medicine woman, can I still legally help others?

The sale of services is not restricted, the sale of goods is. Strictly from a legal perspective, an alchemist could help a person and be paid for their services, but they could not sell medicine to the individual for their own private consumption.]]
A middle aged Alt Regalian man frowns upon reading the restriction of grain like material. After someone with better eyes reads the exemption clause, he loosens his frown and walks away contently.
Not long after the notice was posted, an army of working began slapping 'ON HOLD' onto the various fliers throughout the cities. It seemed Regalia would escape the clutches of bureaucratic meddling. For now.
Not long after the notice was posted, an army of working began slapping 'ON HOLD' onto the various fliers throughout the cities. It seemed Regalia would escape the clutches of bureaucratic meddling. For now.
"Oh! Thank goodness. If they actually passed that act right now the Vampire population would go berserk. I'd rather not be terrorized by Vampires." Said Beni as he read this.