Ciaran Ulfblod

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Henck, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. Henck

    Henck Your Friendly Neighbourhood Blacksmith

    Nov 17, 2013
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    Basic Information

    Full Name: Ciaran Ulfblod
    Age: Fourty
    Gender: Male
    Race: Haak Ailor
    Main Ambition: Prestige and honour for his family through his duty to the Empire.
    Special Permission: Expert Level Viridian Knight
    Position in Regalia
    The Freiherr has been in Regalia since 299 and resides with the Norrvakt Family in their Castle.
    He can often be found doing his duty to the Chapter Theomar's Lances, the Guard Chapter of his brother, Einarr Norrvakt. Most of his time is spent training and helping around the Viridian Order, however. He can also be found spending time with acquaintances, friends and family.
    Ciaran was born to his parents, Vendrik and Roeanna Ulfblod in the family lands. He has one brother and a sister, but also sees Einarr and Gough as his brothers due to their close bond and their family's loyalty. The Norrvakt and the Ulfblods are these days seen as one.
    Secondary Ambitions
    To aid himself in making his main ambition truth, Ciaran has taken it to himself to recieve a respected position in Regalian society. Be that commander of the guard, well known citizen or any other, he feels that this would do good for his family's reputation. Ciaran follows his own interpretation of the Code of Hohe Ehre strictly, himself knowing this is one of his duties as Knight.
    Mance Blackwater.png

    Visual Information
    Eye Color: Greyish Green
    Hair Color: Dark Brown
    Hair Style: Lightly curled - Middle parting - Shoulder length
    Skin Color: Regalian White

    Ciaran can often be found sporting darker clothing, with hints to the colours of House Norrvakt. This usually consits of seperate, blackened legwear along with dark leather boots. On his torso, he dons a brownish undershirt with over this a blackened jerkin. Around his shoulders lie a finely crafted decorative cloth, edged with pelt.
    Other clothing Ciaran can be seen in are a green and white gambeson, the armour of the Bluesteel Order or that of the Viridian Order.
    Height: 6’2"
    Weight: 217lb
    Body Build: Broad-Athletic
    Weapon of Choice: An under average length longsword, comfortable to use with one hand and a shield.
    Facial Description
    Ciaran's dark brown hair reaches slightly further down than his shoulders, and although it curls slightly, it is combed straight to the sides of his head, showing a part of his broad forehead. Further down, his face becomes more slim, not having very broad jaws, and his chin ends in a slight point. On these jaws, a neatly maintained goatee holds place, extending less than an inch from under his chin. Lightly colored, narrow lips are set beneath his narrow nose, which' bridge extends to almost above his green-grey eyes.
    Physical Description
    Ciaran stands as 6'2" with 210lbs, a good balance of muscle and fat. The loose clothing or the constricting armour around his torso makes it so that he looks to have less fat than he actually does, helped by the fact that all of this fat is on the torso and not anywhere else on the body. He overall is muscular, combined with the weight giving him an advantage against lighter opponents. Several minor scars can be found on him, mostly on the arms.
    Clothing Description
    Ciaran at all times carries on his clothing a long, narrow leather belt, with on it a sheathed blacksteel longsword and a rondel dagger of the same metal. Along this hangs a black leather pouch, in which a wooden spoon and a metal knife for dining can be found, as well as coin and an ivory comb. He prefers to wear darkened clothing or those sporting colours of his loyalties.
    Vocal Description
    Ciaran has learned to speak multiple languages through his upbringing, even though he himself is not interested in language. Those which he speaks fluently are Common, Tunge and Alt-Regalian. He speaks with an accent of Tunge around those which speak the language too, most being his family, yet with those who do not and in formal situations he speaks with little to no accent.
    Skill Information
    School of Viridian
    Viridian Order

    Personality and Abilities
    Personality Traits

    [=] Disciplinary [=]
    From a young age, Ciaran was heavily disciplined out of his childish and immature ways. This gave light to a new persona, following the rules and laws set in front of him and also enforcing them on his fellow students. Ciaran is one to correct and discipline those who act against his morals (which is essentially a form of the code of Hohe Ehren), keeping order under his strict manner. Ciaran is both disliked and praised for his upholding of manners and disapproval of misbehaviour throughout Regalia, by people of varying class and wealth.

    [+] Charitable [+]
    Ciaran has a heart for helping others, offering his services to those in need and often putting these needs before his own. Ciaran will almost always toss a regal to nearby beggars, watching for those trying to harm or steal from those in squalor and upholding justice in the name of the emperor and the divine spirit respectively. Ciaran's need to help others is only comparable to his fellow brethren who uphold the others who follow the same code as he. Ciaran often finds himself gaining the love and adoration of many in his valiant efforts to aid the poor.

    [+] Organised [+]
    Due to his training within the Viridian order, Ciaran has followed a powerful sense of order. Through a respect of organisation Ciaran dutifully cares for his weaponry and armour, often keeping his quarters in a state of order and discipline, everything in it’s place and rarely will it leave it. Ciaran utilises this in many ways, his organisation allows him to plan and plot attacks and strategies at a much easier rate, and have allowed him to create his own personalised training regimen to better suit his needs in both battle and fitness.

    [+] Loyal [+]
    Ciaran has always been one to stick with those he loves and cares for, alongside those who he's obliged to serve and protect. Ciaran has an unwavering sense of loyalty that has developed because of this, causing him to be unwavering in this dedication to the Viridian Order and his family. Since Ciaran was a boy the necessity of loyalty became apparent and was reinforced tenfold by his education within the Viridian Order. Overall Ciaran's loyalty lies with the emperor and the empire, though on a smaller scale he is loyal to those close to him, protecting them with similar ferocity as he would Regalian Royalty.

    [+] Courageous [+]
    Ciaran is well known for his courage in the face of adversity, chiefly in battle. He has embraced the idea that you can still be in fear and brave, learning that you can only be brave when you're in fear. Ciaran is one to push his fears back, facing them with the adrenaline they provide. Ciaran will often throw himself at possibly scary tasks and even into unequal fights, just to face the fears that present themselves to him during these activities.

    [-] Chauvinistic [-]
    Ciaran is somewhat a Chauvinist, manifesting his patriotism and religious beliefs in an aggressive manner. Ciaran will often argue with people of differing faiths, if they're respected, if they're not respected however, Ciaran will lash out in a very hostile slew of insults. Ciaran is particularly insensitive with his views on non-Ailor based religions, believing them to be lesser, just like the races that created them. Ciaran often berates those who are against or opposing the Regalian state, even if it's just a mild complaint, Ciaran enjoys reminded them of their place and the protection the state provides.

    [-] Reckless [-]
    Ciaran is an extremely reckless individual, often mistaken as bravery. He often jumps into danger with little thought about his own or others safety, all in the name of showing how brave he is. Ciaran often rushes into situations both combative and mundane, again with little knowledge or foresight of the consequences. Throughout his life Ciaran has constantly thrown himself into danger, alongside his companions, it's likely this will never change.

    [-] Uncompromising [-]
    With an outright refusal to change his opinions, Ciaran is thoroughly uncompromising. His knowledge on combat, his country and faith are all things he prides himself on, any who oppose or attempt to change his understanding of these things are met with a thorough distaste. Ciaran will not enjoy any form of mentoring or teaching where in which he is the student, any who try will often be met with a rather grumpy reception and an outright refusal to learn. Ciaran has developed this as a side effect of the process in which the Code of Hohe Ehren was imprinted on him, thus never letting his understanding be compromised.

    [-] Prideful [-]
    Humility is the polar opposite to Ciaran's usual likeness. Often he’ll take immense pride in his stature and position, enforcing himself as the beacon on superiority that a knight should be. However this goes to Ciaran's head just a little too much than he'd like to admit, often an inner monologue is narrating his every action and questioning whether said action will make people look more favourably upon him. Ciaran will often do things just to boost his ego, allowing himself to be more prideful and boisterous about his achievements.


    Trained Knight
    There is no doubting how well trained and physically capable Ciaran is. He is skilled in the use of varying weapons, though predominantly crossbows, lances and most prominently longswords. Ciaran's training and constant competition with his peers has made him into a warrior of great esteem. His musculature suits this greatly, allowing him to be at both peak physique and skill. He is accustomed to heavy armour and utilises it with much more ease than someone barely wearing it, he dominates most opponents through his expertise though often does not kill or maim unless his life or the lives of others are at risk.

    Ciaran is the model example of how a knight, following the code of Hohe Ehren, should act. He upholds the imperial spirit, the emperor's law and his motives throughout his duty and day to day activities. This feature has shown itself time and time again to give people's views towards Ciaran a bias, one heavily revolving around his morality and just attitude, his position as a knight further increases his popularity and makes him a person of interest for nobles and aspiring commoners.

    Ciaran has been heavily disciplined from a young age, crafting him into the well organised man he is today. He follows routines with precision and dedication, working soundly at a steady pace. He keeps his belongings uniform and generally appears smart. This trait gives many the right impression, that Ciaran is a better man, one of order and authority to be awed by.


    Ciaran is fairly set in his methods and morals, often refusing harsh realities no matter how much evidence stacks against his view. Ciaran will argue his cause to great success, often bullying those around him into a state of understanding. He is often secretly despised for his argumentative nature, his stubborn ways make him a prime target for ridicule and often get him labelled by the more observant of scum as a ‘Oxen-sized fool, with grape sized mind.’ Ciaran doesn't take debates well, spiralling them into arguments and often bringing totally irrelevant (but wholly unnecessary) personal truths about his debating opponent.

    Glory Seeker
    Ciaran relishes in personal victories and triumphs, often displaying his many scars as trophies of battles once one. He shows no signs of self-judgement instead focusing on what glory he can achieve to boost his popularity and acclaim. Ciaran often puts both others and himself in danger just to prove himself to those that admire, envy or are awed by him. Ciaran is often twitchy and impulsive when he's not the centre of praise and attention, turning to scorn the minor or major successes of others.

    Horse Riding
    Years of jousting, mounted combat training and general proximity to horses has made Ciaran a valuable equestrian. He can ride horses with ease and finds it easy to relate to their admirable stature and diligent disposition.

    Ciaran erected a fairly sized pig-skin punching bag in his bedroom, and often punishes it as a means to pass the time. He's become quite the pugilist in recent months and enjoys the hobby greatly.

    Adept Crossbowman
    Cirian has studied the use of a crossbow for many years, utilising it to down enemy cavalry before confronting them himself. He usually sports a stockier model of crossbow made of repurposed Girobalda wood, accompanied with specially made piercing tipped bolts.

    Ciaranis a fairly adequate jouster and is capable of bringing honour to himself and his family through this. He often strikes cleanly and right on his mark, often practising on currently training Knights to keep his skill up.

    Successfully Landing Blows
    The thrill of battle is incomparable to that of a mundane joust to most warriors. But it isn't how much blood is spilt that Ciaran enjoys, it is the satisfactory feeling he displays when he lands a blow that is truly riveting. Ciaran is satisfied by shooting targets with his crossbow, drawing blood on a fellow duelist or striking his jousting opponent.


    Ciaran has a particular distaste for the serpent Naylar known as Slizzar. He displays a hatred for snakes and serpents in general, so the embodiment of their animal qualities in a mortal, speaking form is near heretic to Ciaran's eyes. He has killed a few of these creepy fork tongues and hopes to slay a few more in his lifetime.
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    Life Story
    Ciaran began life as most other Ulfblods had, he was raised within the family’s lands and grew up within a rather lavish lifestyle. Throughout the years leading to his fourteenth birthday, he had been spending much time with his great-uncle, amazed by his ways.

    Once he turned fourteen, his parents sent him to be schooled by the Viridian Order. Ciaran trained until the age of twenty-three where he left the Sea Bastion at the rank of Second Sargeant and returned home, only to find it in shambles. After his initial shock, Ciaran wandered the world for the next five years, but returning to the Order from time to time for training. He eventually decided to settle down somewhere. With this in mind, he made for Regalia, the main hub of the Empire.

    In the year 299, at his arrival in Regalia, Ciaran found out that some of his family had already settled down there and went to search for them. It was a few days later that he was greeted by Einarr on a stroll throughout the city. Einarr had claimed patriarchy of the House and his family had gone along willingly, allowing them to ascend in the political scene slowly. In the following years, Ciaran has been actively training within the Viridian Order, attending the Grand Tournaments in this time. In his thirty-third year of life, he managed to secure himself the position of Paladin within the Order by winning that year's tournament.
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    #1 Henck, Sep 28, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2017
  2. Messtro

    Messtro Flower Goblin

    May 23, 2016
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    Peer Review Incoming~
    Disclaimer; No Salt Intended
    Basic Info and Visual Info;
    • With his Main Ambition, I reccomend that you should possibly explain how he is going to do that and what exactly is his position and duty to the empire.

    Personality Traits;
    • I feel as if reckless and disiplined sort of clash, if he is disciplined wouldn't he know to not be reckless? Perhaps one thing that you could change is from reckless to something like careless instead.
    • I feel as if stubborn is a copout weakness, where it can quickly be used as persistent as well. I reccomend changing that to something else.

    Overall Review;
    Overall I believe this character app is beautifully written and wish you luck on getting it approved!
  3. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  4. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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    Add one physical or combative weakness

    So how does an honorable viridian knight justify illegally entering the sewers?

    tag me when you're done
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  5. Henck

    Henck Your Friendly Neighbourhood Blacksmith

    Nov 17, 2013
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    I had thought about that, but I forgot to change the life story accordingly, apologies for that.
    Changed made, thanks for your review.
    • Added Busted Knee as Weakness
    #5 Henck, Oct 1, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2016
  6. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  7. Henck

    Henck Your Friendly Neighbourhood Blacksmith

    Nov 17, 2013
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    Greetings Lumos!
    Would it be okay for me to change his status to First Sargeant(/Sergeant), seeing that he has been back in Regalia for five years?
    The reason being me planning for him to progress further into the Order (Paladin (if possible, we will see then)) after(/if) the Lo situation ends.
    I would also like to ask if you were okay with the progression on the 'Migrane Prone' weakness.
    I coloured those both changes in Cyan.
    Thanks in advance!
  8. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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    ill ask to wait until the end of the occupation.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  9. Henck

    Henck Your Friendly Neighbourhood Blacksmith

    Nov 17, 2013
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    Apologies for the repeated requests, @LumosJared , but I have changed added the new 'Skill Information', a request for the special permission and changed the life story to correspondent with this. If you still feel the need for me to wait for after the occupation, do tell me.
    Changes were coloured in Green.
    Many thanks.
  10. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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    reread, approved
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  11. Henck

    Henck Your Friendly Neighbourhood Blacksmith

    Nov 17, 2013
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    Hello @LumosJared !
    I've just processed the family's lore change through changing every mention of 'Mance' into 'Ciaran'.
    Aside that, some 'Blackwater's were changed either to 'Norrvakt' or 'Ulfblod'.
    I also changed one or two sentances in the first paragraph of the life story to make the family's relationship changes lore friendly.
    Through this, however, the application has lost the 'Approved Character' tag, would it be possible for you to put it back up?
  12. Henck

    Henck Your Friendly Neighbourhood Blacksmith

    Nov 17, 2013
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    Greetings @LumosJared !
    I would like to request a re-review on this sheet after taking on the new template.
    I have decided to lose one of the weaknesses due me feeling it did not add to roleplay, namely the busted knee.
    Besides this, the only change is its title from 'Strenghts' to 'Talents'.
  13. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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    Still Approved!
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1

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