Archived Chat Scoreboard Display

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a muppet of a man
Aug 20, 2016
Reaction score
Some dark basement
Chalsie's fac
Roleplay Guilds
Silver Lining Fleet
I am getting a little tired of people saying looks at him+ in general chat so I was thinking we could get a small scoreboard -/\barely visible/\- in the top right corner of the screen to give a little reminder which chat ur in thanks! =)
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This is an awesome idea! But, tbh, I myself would forget to look at the scoreboard too. XD
I see the reasoning behind this, and it makes sense. The only problems that I see are:
  • it involves coding. which takes time.
  • seems somewhat pointless.
I'll address the second point a bit. Sure it can get a bit annoying to see someone accidentally RP in another chat. But for someone who has lots of chats disabled, the scoreboard would just get in the way.

I've actually adopted the habit of just typing l: when I'm just sitting around doing nothing. Very rarely do I accidentally use the wrong chat. I also left recruitment, general, and alliance chats, so the spam for me doesn't hit as much.

While this is more of my personal example, I know it can't translate to everyone. But for me, I wouldn't really see the need in a scoreboard to tell me what chat I'm in.
Maybe you could turn it on and off and if your good with command blocks this should only take about a half hour due to /scoreboard show or something like that
From what I heard from a staff member at some point is that too many plugins already use the scoreboard api, and so it's not really feasible to make any scoreboard integration with massive's current inhouse plugins.
Rejected for the reason stated by jes_ earlier.
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