Archived Chat Channels

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Cowboys1919's Prodigy
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
An idea I stumbled upon today while pondering life, was what if there was a custom chat channel plugin like chat one would experience on the team speak channel, but for in game chat(text chat), with the ability to make passwords and edit permissions or invite people to the channel. I feel that this wouldn't be that difficult to create, but then again I am not too familiar with how the chat channels on the server work. Anyways, please tell me if I am rambling and this is an awful idea, or if this is something that you would like to see too, and hopefully Cayorion or one the mods will see it. I think that this would work well with sharding.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
An idea I stumbled upon today while pondering life, was what if there was a custom chat channel plugin like chat one would experience on the team speak channel, but for in game chat(text chat), with the ability to make passwords and edit permissions or invite people to the channel. I feel that this wouldn't be that difficult to create, but then again I am not too familiar with how the chat channels on the server work. Anyways, please tell me if I am rambling and this is an awful idea, or if this is something that you would like to see too, and hopefully Cayorion or one the mods will see it. I think that this would work well with sharding.
This is normally referred to as "Parties" I believe, where players can create their own chat channels with certain names/passwords. I suggested this and it was accepted a while ago.
I posted this suggestion but Nobody Ever agree with me...
This is normally referred to as "Parties" I believe, where players can create their own chat channels with certain names/passwords. I suggested this and it was accepted a while ago.
Ye tell me how do I do a chat channel plz
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