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Played Character Charles Herriot

This character is actively played.


Dec 30, 2022
Reaction score
Charles Herriot





Character Information

  • Full Name: Charles Herriot

  • Heritage / Culture: Ailor

  • Age: 24

  • Gender / Pronouns: Male, he/him

  • Occult: Mundane

Core Concept

If we talk about Charles, we talk about a man who looks very simple at first glance. Charles usually hangs around in taverns and bars, willing to give a pair of ears and listen to other's concerns. He knows his wine, knows his beer, and enjoys a cigarette once in a while. He's not someone who you'd look at twice.

That is if we talk about Charles. But some days, whether Charles is feeling like it or rent is due, Charles ditches the tag and grabs a new one. Then we're talking about Arthur. And if we talk about Arthur? It's a different story.

If we talk about Arthur, we talk about the most successful and somewhat infamous businessman of the time. That bottle with water and random grass? It's sure to cure whatever medical inconvenience is currently bothering you. That bridge that apparently no one owns? It's conveniently for sale. That coin you found in the middle of the street? It's actually worth millions. Common sense is the ultimate weapon to his schemes, but common sense always seems to be in short supply when he's around.

Charles dons the persona of Arthur on and off like clothing every time he needs to, but even then there's a third name we can talk about. One Charles left behind like a bad memory and buried like a hatchet, or at least tried to. Charlot is the ghost of his past and what he once was, but he never talks about it, because what's more important than the present?


Appearance Information

Regardless of what persona he takes on, Charles usually shares a few attributes across disguises. Charles is a man of slightly tanned skin, 5'9 inches of height, brown hair that leans into a reddish shade, and a pretty athletic build. When it comes to clothing, Charles, when not doing anything related to his line of work, usually wears something pretty simple. A loose white shirt, blue pants, and black shoes. A pretty average outfit, specifically crafted to be able to blend through a crowd inconspicuously. Plus, it's pretty comfortable.

When it comes to how he dresses as Arthur, it's always the same disguise, but somehow he always makes it work... most times.

Attack and Defense Stat

Strength, Constitution.

Hobbies and Talents (Optional)

Athletic Hobby



  • Strength: 7
    • Melee Point Buy
      • Weapon Throw Pack (Free)

      • Bruising Strike Pack (Free Ailor Pack)
    • Bruiser Point Buy
      • Bruiser Stance (Free)

      • Bruiser Slam Pack

      • Bruiser Parry Pack

      • Bruiser Feint Pack

      • Bruiser Agony Pack

      • Bruiser Tackle Pack

      • Bruiser Rampage Pack
    • Athletic Point Buy
      • Steady Body Pack
  • Constitution: 5 (1 from Ailor Pack)
    • Training Point Buy
      • Rage Counter Pack

      • Breather Pack

      • Thick Hide Pack

      • Iron Will Pack
    • Mounted Point Buy
      • Familiar Disrupt Pack (Free Ailor Pack)
  • Intelligence: 0

  • Wisdom: 0

  • Dexterity: 3
    • Roguery Point Buy
      • Disguise Pack

      • Fleet Footed Pack

      • Escape Artist Pack
  • Faith: 0

  • Magic: 0



Plot Hooks

  • Charles actually enjoys talking about pretty much anything, especially other's woes. Specially if offered alcohol of any type, or a cigarette.

  • As stated multiple times before, Charles is a con artist. If you want your character to fall into one of his schemes, or even expose him, DM me!


Life Story

Most heroic tales start with a humble beginning but Charles' story starts the complete opposite. He was born under the name Charlot in Basta among the aristocracy, being given everything on a silver platter. Under golden glow arches and silver-gate palaces. Unfortunately both his parents skipped over teaching morals and did nothing to ensure he was humble or even nice at all, so even from a young age he was an incredibly bratty and entitled child. He grew up under the notion that he didn't have to worry over or pretty much do anything since both his parent's money was enough to sustain him for as long as he needed. And even after he became a teenager and realized only the smallest percentage is as lucky as he is, it didn't make it any better. It only further made him think of himself as superior to others.

However, this would all come crashing down in a couple of years. At age 20, when Charlot's parents finally began pressuring him into making something of himself, came a letter. A letter that promised something that, even for him, sounded too good to be true. An incredibly powerful leader had noticed him, and in need of someone to supervise her troops, she had sent that letter in hopes of recruiting him into a high rank. He'd be paid handsomely of course, and he'd have a position many would kill for. It was a perfect offer. All he had to do was move to Baldmark and claim his position. That's it.

Like the letter carefully instructed, he was to tell no one about it, and just claim that it was a 'vacation', since this leader had many enemies, and she didn't want any spies to leak information. So he did. He spent the next month traveling to Baldmark with a huge amount of luggage and all the money he could take without being stopped.

Once he got to Baldmark and the specified location, he met a couple of knights, who would take him to her office to meet her. After a rather long carriage ride and a few turns… it was too late when he realized they were taking him to the middle of nowhere. And he couldn't do anything as they stole pretty much all his belongings and left him stranded.

He could've died out there, aimlessly wandering through the road less traveled by, hoping to find something, anything. If it wasn't for a good samaritan who offered a ride, he wouldn't have made it.

Charlot arrived at Baldmark with nothing. That veil that he had his life already planned for him and that he didn't have to worry about anything came crashing down. Life is, in fact, brutal, especially when you end up washed up in the middle of one of the most dangerous providences without a single coin and the worst personality anyone could have.

He did what he had to to survive. Charlot learned to fight, the hard way. He ended up making most of his earnings on the secret pit in a bar downtown, where all that mattered was to put on a good show and get people to bet on you. He experienced a pretty forceful, but effective, character development, doing a whole 180 on how he treated people. But when those earnings weren't enough… he learned from what destroyed him. Charlot created a character, a personality. Arthur was the name under which he began selling worthless junk to people, only he convinced them that it was worth their hard-earned cash. Charlot found, that he was actually quite good at that and that it was actually kind of fun. He got to see the looks on people's faces as he sold them promises bound by the most useless item he could find. And even when he got caught, the rush of fleeing the authorities was something he couldn't explain. It kept him sane, in a way. It kept him alive.

But he hadn't given up on his old life yet. He sent multiple letters to his family, telling them everything that had happened and asking for their help, but none were ever answered, or to his knowledge, even delivered. After a while, he just stopped trying. He had already completely thought that this was going to be his life, for good.

A whole two years came and went. He continued doing his thing. And then someone found him. A cousin of his that he didn't get along with too well, but apparently well enough for him to come look for Charlot. After an awkward introduction, he came to find that none of the letters had arrived, for whatever mysterious reason. The family got concerned after not hearing anything for two years and had sent his cousin to check on him.

So, that was it, right? Charlot went back to his family and got his wealth back. Well, no. The fact that the letters didn't arrive for "mysterious circumstances" didn't sit well with Charlot. After a few well-crafted questions, they had arrived. They just… didn't go. They thought it was good for him and it might make him a better person, which it did, but for Charlot, this was worse than betrayal. To him, they had abandoned him to, quite literally, die.

After a fight that got them both kicked out of a bar and got the attention of a few knights, Charlot ditched his cousin. He wasn't going back. He was going to stay and continue with this path that he had paved with his own bare hands. That day, Charlot died, but Charles was born. People forget names quickly, so it wasn't hard to craft and get people used to a new one. He quickly forgot it, shoving it down the darkest basement of his mind.

So, Charles stayed in Baldmark for as long as he could. Running schemes and beating up people in a pit for money. He only went to Regalia after swindling the wrong person, hoping he'd never cross paths with them again.

So, to recap, from spoiled rich kid to conman, Charles is now headed to Regalia. Many more opportunities would lie there anyway, so why not take the chance?

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