Character Study: Their Family And Self


Magical Batel
Sep 6, 2016
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A Cave located in the EST timezone
I think many people enjoy a good series of character development questions, so here is one where the bulk of questions I found from on tumblr and Pinterest. I realize that there are a lot but you don't have to answer them all. Enjoy!​


1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:

10. How does your character behave around children?:

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?

Aurera Frisque

1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
Aurera would of been close with her mother, loving and high energy towards her, telling her all about her day and stories. These days as Aurera has aged and grew up, she still loves and respects her, even if they have not spoken in a while. Though if any bad news or great sickness came to her mother, Aurera would pack up her bags right away to visit.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
Not as close as she was with her mother, but still loving, if not more distantly. She would probably only take the trek visit him today if he was not doing well in health.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
Always close. They would of played together for hours as children. Even today if she has not seen them for months or years, instantly being again in each other's presence would be like no time has passed, being that comfortable around each other.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:
Aurera yet has no children, but I imagine they would be close. It may mature Aurera up, at least around them.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
Loose Regals was the only thing I could think of. She travels light, besides the jewelry she wears, and uses her claws for self defense.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
On her side with her legs curling upwards and arms in front of her chest, like a big ball. Seemingly not fitting into her personality, but the cozy way an animal might sleep.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
No, as she was a sailor and pirate, her claws drawing blood several times, and her having her own minor injuries; from fights, spars, and just roughhousing as a child.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:
Faces. They just pop out and are always there, while meeting someone you only hear their name maybe once, and that is if you are paying attention to that one word and take it in to remember.

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
Probably a wooden toy sword to play fight with others or maybe a doll that would look like her Rakrran raccoon self.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
If they are a family member, Aurera would definitely have a soft spot for them and likely be the one to bring them back the occasional gift when she returns from travels. She would also want to pass down whatever knowledge to them she deemed important. If not related, Aurera would probably not have much care over the child, but could get into stories to show off, them being exaggerated or not.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
No character that I had ever put a name to, but likely whoever would first be teaching Aurera her sailoring skills she has today. Likely no one she would of kept in contact with, but thinks back about, as a memory.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:
Not yet in Aurera's life. She is only 21 now, and has been the "younger one" for the majority of it. Being the fifth youngest of six siblings, and now in Regalia as still the youngest amongst her cousins.

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:
The fresh ocean air. The Varran sailor cannot help it, as she spent much of her teenage life at or near the sea, it being so familiar to her now. Also fresher scents in general, like cooling mint and water, or on the opposite side of smells, spice, like cinnamon and ginger.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:
Not too much effort is usually put into smelling like anything in particular, so just her natural, but clean, scent. From smoking hookah she may smell like whatever scent was inside of it. If she was going for a pleasing scent, likely again she would choose something fresh, maybe with a little spice, which might turn out overbearing.

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
Yes, Mr Blue Sky. The song is very high energy and funky/fun, I think Aurera would love trying to sing/head bang to it.

Ooh. Gonna reserve a spot for this B)
Seraphina von der Ebene

1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:

Sadly, Seraphina never actually knew her mother as she died not too long after she and her brother were born. It has been told to her, however, that she and her mother were very similar when it came to mannerisms. She often tries to make it so that she does well by her mother's memory.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:

To put it simply, Seraphina loathed her father as he was not truly, in her opinion, a decent creature. He was brash, disgusting and had no hand in raising her or her brother.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:

As she was swept away from her birth family from a young age, Sera did not meet twin her brother and other half siblings until much later. To be honest, she's not terribly close with her twin but certainly has a soft spot for her younger half-siblings. She takes care of and provides for them when need be. They are her family after all.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:

Having two children biologically and another by adoption of sorts, Seraphina is essentially a mother bear when it came to them. However, her son has since passed and her daughter moving away to travel and find herself. That's not to say she still does not love each of them. The third child, her second daughter by adoption of sorts, she rarely sees now, but still loved and dotted upon her every chance she could.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:

Seraphina is known for carrying a satchel tossed across her shoulders/body. Within it, one can find the following: a tin of peppermint sticks, a small pouch of caramel hard candies, another pouch of regals, a peculiarly looking golden pin that seems to be in the shape of a marigold and a journal with various thoughts, reminders and recipes written within.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:

When alone, Sera normally starts out sleeping on her side but as the night progresses she either curls in on herself or sprawls out further.

When sleeping with another, she is normally found holding onto the other person tightly or in someway remaining in contact with the other.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:

No, not at all. Seraphina is a warrior and soldier, she's seen many horrors and blood is the least of her worries.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:

Out of the two? Faces more so than names as she enjoys studying person when able. More specifically, she picks up on people's social ticks, that is if she's known them long enough.

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:

She had two actually. A wooden sword and a plush horse. She was often seen slashing and prodding at the air with the small sword, mimicking the soldiers and mercenaries she had interacted while out in the streets with her adopted-mother. The horse went everywhere with the young Seraphina and she had nobly named it "Spot," as it had a white spot on its flank. Hey, she wasn't a very creative child.

10. How does your character behave around children?:

Depending upon if she knows the child or not, Seraphina is normally quite weary as she is a large woman and doesn't wish to scare the poor child. However, if they are familiar with her and she with them, she is quite gentle and loving. Often speaking to them and lowering herself to their level so they didn't have to strain their necks.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
She has an adopted mother who took her in at the age of five and raised her as her own. Seraphina owes more or less everything that she's become to her adopted mother. Often she is seen quietly mentioning her in her prayers and intentions.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:

Yes and no. Seraphina is not the dependent type, but she certainly has those she tells everything to, though this number has certainly dwindled to very few as of late. She does not enjoy being seen as dependent on others and prefers to handle things all on her own, which often ends terribly for her.

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:

Honestly? She has a handful of favorite scents. However, her top favorite has to be vanilla. Though it is a simple scent, she loves it nonetheless.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:

Sera's natural scent is leather and campfire smoke. On occasion, she also does smell of peppermint because of the treats she is often offering to those she loves.

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?

I honestly can see Sera rocking to this song and wellā€¦ The lyrics sure do fit her in my opinion.

What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:

Gawainne was born to a Kathar mother who, frankly, had little interest in her. Although a younger Gawainne loved and adored her only present parent, she was ultimately abandoned by her mother - something she is both resentful of and thankful for. She has not seen her mother since she was seven, though has looked for her before with little success. For all Gawainne knows, her mother is somewhere in Daen. Currently, she does not care to find or speak with her.

What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
Gawainne's father was a Daendroque Ailor, and given his activity with gangs and the criminal underworld, was unfortunately killed before she was born. Gawainne never knew her father, not even his name.

What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
As far as she knows, Gawainne has no directly related siblings. She doesn't doubt that her mother continued to have children after her, and she figures any half brothers or sisters her mother has had would likely be full blooded kathar.

What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:
Gawainne has have three children in her life. All of them she loved, but had to abandon. Gawainne realized quickly, with all her children, that she was not going to be a capable mother, and was not in a position to actually raise a child. All three of them were accidents, but she greatly misses her children and hopes to reunite with them some day - even if that thought is perhaps a little wistful. While parallels could be drawn between Gawainne and her mother, she will often refuse such similarities, claiming her own abandonment to be 'different'.

What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:

Gawainne always carries a lucky coin and a carved chicken bone with her. She also carries a backpack pretty regularly, though it's not always full. However she'll often carry a few pieces of charcoal and parchment with her, should she need to write something down that she has tro remember.. Just as any Regalian, she often carries keys to her house [ Though, she has a ring of like 8 - 10 keys. Her doors have a lot of locks. ] and a few regals [ Between 25 - 75 at a time ].

What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
Gawainne doesn't uaully sleep in a bed, strangely enough. Growing up she rarely had enough space to actually lie down, so she's become accustomed to sleeping sitting up. She doesn't always require sleep, as her bone throne gives her body the rest it needs, but when she does sleep it's more often than not in a chair. Though, now, it's shifted from a lack of a bed to sleep in to a mix of habit and she believes it allows her to get up quickly should she be attacked in her sleep, something she's always been paranoid over.

Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
Despite being a grave-robber, a criminal, and one of her spells requiring blood, Gawainne dislikes the sight of it. A few drops or a trickle is fine, but gushing wounds and gore make her queasy. It's for this reason Gawainne avoids defiling fresher graves. She's unbothered by rotting bodies, just fresh ones. Her dislike of fresh blood and corpses and apathy torwards older corpses or corpses used in her magic isn't somethings he can entirely explain herself.

Does your character remember names or faces easier?:
Faces, by far. Gawainne is a visual person. Names are often misheard or forgotten entirely, while a face will be burned permanantly into her mind.

What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
Gawainne was a poor child - she essentially lived on the street. her favorite toy was a red-haired doll she stole from another child while they weren't looking. She still has it to this day, sitting on a shelf in her home.

How does your character behave around children?:
Depends on the child, really. Overall, she avoids them out of fear of accidentally hurting them in some way. It's a sort of an irrational worry.

Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
Yes! Although I've yet to decide any names for them, Gawainne was practically raised by another family and considers them her own. Though, she is out of touch as of now.

Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:
Not really, I don't think so.

What is your character's favorite scent?:
Gawainne has a couple, I imagine. She enjoys the smell of money, as stereotypical as that may be. That metallic, fleeting smell always brought her some inkling of joy. She also likes the smell of vegetation. Nothing in particular, just plants. She'd often travel through greener areas through her child and adulthood, and that jungle-y smell always seemed to follow.

What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:
I never imagined Gawainne smelling exactly pleasant. She's a defiler of hallows, and for that reason is almost obsessed with the bones of the dead. Digging up graves and handling corpses is a pretty common dealing for her. I imagine she'd smell pretty earthy, with a kind of musky undertone of rot. Kinda like a rotting log, I guess? It's hard to explain. Although she is pretty poor, I can't imagine cheap soap would be hard to come by. Even if it was, she tried to bathe at least somewhat regularly - less to smell better, more to make sure she doesn't get sick from a corpse.

And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
She does! I always attribute the song 'Gypsie Doodle' by Analogik to Gawainne. It's an electric swing song, with a bit of jazzy sax thrown in. There't no particular reason I chose this song other than it just reminds me of her for no reason

I'm gonna add a few more later !
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1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
Non-existent. Cieli's mother died shortly after giving birth to her, so she never got to really meet her. While Cieli does have an idealised image of her mother from stories and the like, there is no actual relationship between the two. Though, she was known to use her mother's death against her father during her angsty teen years.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
Very Good. Cieli and her father where close, up until she left for Regalia. Cieli was never really afraid or otherwise on edge around her father, though the two did have their arguments. While Cieli has been told she takes after her mother appearance wise, her personality and mannerisms most reflect her father.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
Cieli has no siblings or half siblings that she is aware of. She has mixed feelings about having some form of siblings in general, seeing as there is still a chance that they could appear. She does not feel like she was excessively lonely during childhood without them, nor does she feel like anyone who has siblings actually likes them.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:

There is a very low chance Cieli will ever have children, mostly due to OOC preferences. When interacting with children in general, though, Cieli tends to be either standoff-ish or down right condescending. Children are not her strong suite, so she would likely not make a good mother to any theoretical children.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
Usually about 20-50 Regals, and a few pieces of butterscotch candies. Do not ask her if you can have some of the candy, though. You won't get any.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
Sprawled out on her back with her arms thrown above her head. Cieli is a heavy but restless sleeper as well, so any blankets are likely to be kicked off. Any sleeping within arms or legs reach are likely to get smacked as well, unless they are laying on or otherwise constraining her wayward arms and legs.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
No. Cieli was a mercenary by trade, so blood does not bother her much.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
Cieli had a cloth doll that was fashioned to look like rough imitation of a soldier of the Allorn Empire. It did have a name, but it changed so often throughout her childhood that it was often just referred to as her 'soldier'. She was found of carrying it around, and would proudly proclaim that it was her trusted lieutenant.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
Standoffish and condescending. As touched upon above, Cieli is not a child friendly individual. She has little interest of experience with them, and finds them to be a burden that she does not want to take on.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
A few, actually. The two most prominent where a wealthy Altalar scholar and an Altalar midwife, neither of which have set names.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:
No, none.

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:
The smell of the outdoors after rain. Rain reminds her of Teled Methen, so the smell and anything else rain related often puts her at ease.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:
Cieli tries to smell good, often like soap and other clean scents. Though, due to the amount she works she often winds up smelling like leather. She may also smell like a tavern or butterscotch on occasion due to her frequency of interacting with both.

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
Yep, Pocket Full of Gold by American Authors. I feel like it catches Cieli's nonchalant attitude towards many things pretty well.

1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
Nallia had a decent relationship with her mother. The Isldar is still rather fond of the woman, having many joyous memories of their time spent together. As far as she knows her mother is still alive and well in Ellador.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
As with her mother, Nallia also had a decent relationship with her father. She was a bit closer with him, though, as he was her primary teacher of the ways of the Pillar of the Dead. Considering neither of her parents lead particularly violent lifestyles, Nallia is fairly certain that her father is still alive and well in Ellador.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
Nallia could of been considered the leader of her siblings. Being the eldest of the bunch, she often found herself in charge of them when her parents were otherwise occupied. While she sometimes felt overwhelmed when having to watch over all of them, she enjoyed being with one or two at a time.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:
Nallia does not have children, but I imagine she would make a fairly decent mother. She would likely raise them in a traditional Isldar fashion, that being in a strict manner with little idle play. While she would most likely love them, and try to show it, depending on where they are raised and other circumstances may affect their relationship.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
Nothing out of the ordinary, really. Nallia usually just carries up to twenty regals on her person at a time.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
Nallia tends to sleep on her side, with her arms wrapped around her pillow. The Isldar isin't particularly fond of sleeping with blankets, so it is not uncommon for her to sleep without them.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
Yes. The sight of blood causes Nallia to pale, and feel ill. As such she often avoids working with it, and will attempt to quickly take her leave if some is present.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
Having grown up in traditional Isldar society, Nallia didn't play with toys much. She did have a favorite activity though, which was singing with her peers in the choirs of Gaalley.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
Nallia doesn't mind children. She often treats them gently and with kindness, but only those who are well-behaved. Those that seem wild will often be on the receiving end of a stern attitude. That being said, Nallia will rarely reprimand a child who is not hers as she does not see it as her place.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
No, not really. While the elders of the hold could be considered mentors to Nallia, they were not parental figures.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:
Nallia enjoys the scent of cinnamon, kaffee, and berries.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:
Nallia often tries to smell nice, but more often than not this is not the case. In reality, Nallia often smells like the various substances she works with, especially after a long day of work. As such, it could be said that she often has a more 'chemical' scent.

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
Nallia does not have a theme song. But, if she did it would likely be something gentle and flowing, and orchestral rather than vocal.
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1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
Archard was disowned for his vampirism and falsified inheritance papers to profit from her death. He was never particularly fond.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
A vague presence throughout his youth, he was taught some military and disciplinary schooling by his father. Never knew the man well, as it was simply a head man-whore of the Ithanian matriarch of his household.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
Archard does not possess any direct blood relatives, but shares a bond with some of his fellow vampires akin to family. He likes to keep them around out of pragmatism for task solving as well as a source of entertainment. He is very shallow in his relationships.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:
The only semblance of children he has, are his progenies. He highly encourages deceit and competition among them, and enjoys following their schemes and plots to be the top-dog.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
A dagger of crysteel with rose-like engravings, a hefty sum of cash, his keys.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
Spread out to take up as much space as possible.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
He is not so much bothered as he is delighted.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:
He recognizes faces best.

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
A tea set.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
With great distaste and annoyance.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
For a long period of time, his only parental figure was the man who had him turned vampire. Although it was a cynical relationship, it was something to look up to.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:
A couple of his progenies relied on him at different points in time, although he never really cared for taking a parental role.

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:
The bitter sweet scent of ripe dressolini grapes.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
To Joshua Boyd, his mother was a woman of compassion. A shoulder to cry on, someone who would baby him and comfort him. Compared to his father, growing up he only really considered his mother a parent. To this day he has no idea of his mothers state of being, if shes alive or not and it grieves him deeply to not know.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
"Big old mean ox" was his childhood phrase for his old man. Him and his father never got along. His father's easy to anger tendencies pushed his rebellious streak further out. Looking back, Joshua can understand why his old man acted the way he did but he can't find it in him to forgive him. He is the main reason why Joshua does not travel back to Gallovia, and the main reason why he left in his teenage years.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
To give a better answer, you would have to ask which one? Joshua Boyd is the third child out of nine, six boys and three girls. Five brothers and three sisters. I'm not going to go through all of then, however to keep it plain his relationship with his older brother and older sister Camydn and Arabella: To Camydn he holds disdain, him being his fathers favored son (Atleast by Joshua's time of departing) he's taken a lot of by his father, stern and stoic. Traits Joshua despises. If those two met face to face in modern times they would without a doubt come to blows, however at the end of the day Camydn is his brother and he loves him. Though he'll probably never admit it. To Arabella, they have a sort of rocky relationship. Arabella as the oldest daughter tried to always put herself in a position of power in their youth, in Joshua's eyes she was bossy, rude and uncaring. Despite his rough relations with his older siblings he'd give anything to see them again. All of them.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:
Joshua has two children, both sired bastards. The oldest is sixteen, while the youngest is nine. It is worth noting they're half siblings, that have never met each other, nor Joshua in turn. Joshua craves some stability in his life, and would love nothing more than to take care of his off spring and watch them grow but in his mind he can't do that. He doesn't have steady income, nor live in a reality safe location. Himself being a vampire is also a factor in it, despite his oldest child being a brood. However the biggest turn off for him his the image of his father burning in his mind, he's too scared to raise the children himself out of fear he'll end up a parent like his father. Neglectful, verbally and occasionally physically abusive. Rather he's content at watching his offspring grow up from a distance than intervene at this time.
5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
Loose regals mostly, a note book fulled with scribbled notes taken in a haste. Nothing really outstanding.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
He typically falls asleep on his back, however rolls around frequently on account of him being a rough sleeper. Waking up in different positions, sometimes with his limbs numb from sleeping on them wrong.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
When Joshua was a newly infected sanguine the sight or scent of blood would make him frenzy with hunger. However with years gone by and sever vampirism cures and reinfections blood doesn't bother him as much as it used too. Because of his sharp senses he'll react to the sight or smell of it but nothing more unless he's hunting.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:
Faces. Just on account of Regalia being a melting pot of cultures and races and he can't pronounce let alone remember most of the names he's heard.

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
A toy Knight on a horse, carved in wood by a local carpenter. He lost it playing one day. After that it was a sturdy stick he used when he played "Knights and Heretics" out in the forest with the other children of the area.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
He typically avoids children, with his reluctance as an adult dead beat dad and as a former Darkmark sellsword whose done countless atrocities, he'd rather not be involved with children.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
A few, mainly Jorge van Hel, an older character that was around that mentored Joshua as a newly turned vampire. Magivore's Vampire Lord back in the day, and Jousters one character that was the boss of the thieves guild he was in. Thats about it for in character dads.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:
Possibly, none to my recollection.

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:
Freshly cut cedar.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:
Clean typically. He bathes once every other day to avoid smelling like the sewers or a beggar but he doesn't have a certain fragrance he wants to stick too.

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
Yes, though I'll have to come back and add it in later.
1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
Novellia had a strong positive experience with her mother. Despite all the troubles and hardships of being in service to a merchant family, Novellia's mother showed grace and care, often doing her best not to crumble to the pressures. However, she would always meet a breaking point when she traveled, making her fragile to speak to by fans. Not to Novellia though, Pastoria would always love her as best as she could and do her best to not stoke any type of strain between them.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
Neutral at the moment. So far, Novellia is glad she has met him, however is worried about how vague and secretive he is.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
Novellia has none. Her parents were separated by circumstances and evil schemes, so the two never got to reunite.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:
If Novellia had children, she'd be rather soft with them, often being optimistic and loving with them. She'd sing to them and do her best to inspire the good in them. Of all the things she'd do, it would be to make sure they stay humble and on the right path. She would do her best to be supportive of their ambitions.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
Novellia's satchel would contain [Extra Lute Strings], [House Keys], [Regals Pouch], [Borrowed Book], [Jade Loong Dragon Seal], [Music Box Locket] and [First Aid Kit].

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
She sleeps in a curled up position. It's a habit that may have some negatives and positives.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
Novellia hates seeing blood. If she sees a person that is near to death and all bloodied, she'll freeze where she's standing and go into a catatonic state.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:
She remembers both names and faces pretty well, not either one outweighs the other.

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
A small stuffed toy of a griffin was Nove's favorite toy. In truth, it belonged to her father and was sort of a good luck charm he had on him. He gave it to Novellia's mother as a sign he was ready to become a father, before their failed attempt to run away together.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
Novellia has experience in taking care of children from her childhood. She served the kids of nobility, understanding how to take care of them. She often will be sweet and caring with children. Her protective self shows should anyone tries to hurt children.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
She knew an Ithanian man by the name Berstille, who was the captain of the merchant ship her mother stowed away on and where she was born on. After the tragedy at the Halystria Estate, Berstille took care of Novellia, before ultimately letting her go to journey around Aloria.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:
So, far not truly. She did help Chalice Gehenna and Mei'ku. However, they aren't solely dependent on her.

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:
Novellia loves the scent of tea. She also likes the scent of books and wood like cedar.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:
She often ends up smelling like white lily flowers or a hint of lavender. At times, she'll smell like vanilla.

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
I'm not too sure, but the contenders are:
If we're talking none vocal and also a theme that would play around her, it'd be this:
Gwenyth Zylmoira
1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
Gwenyth's bond is decidedly strongest when it comes to her mother. There are few others, if any at all, who have ever given Gwenyth the feeling that her magic really was a gift.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
Tense and distant at best.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
Estranged and complicated. Gwenyth has an older sister and often looked up to her in youth, though due to various circumstances no longer views her sister as anything to admire.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:
Gwenyth has never had children. If she did, I suspect she would bring them up with good and loyal intentions. Though Isldar are not necessarily intimate people, there might be reason and room to argue that children would urge more emotion and vulnerability to shine through from Gwenyth.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
There isn't really anything in her pockets bar regals, and never that many. She isn't a wealthy woman, nor does she have reason to bring much else with her.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
Varies. The most common positions are on her side or on her back.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
The sight bothers her in various circumstances. She will never faint from the sight however, especially not from the sight of a small cut. Gruesome injuries are something she usually tries not to look at for too long.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:
Gwenyth is good with names and faces alike.

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
A White Elladorian doll with bells attached to its mane.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
She behaves as she normally does--composed and gentle. In some cases, she may display nurturing undertones in her demeanor.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
There have been a few people she's looked up to, but I don't believe she's ever had someone she thinks of as a parental figure.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:
Tullion Kearney is occasionally dependent on her, but she doesn't mind.

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:
Mountain air.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:
She tends to go for a light floral scent, something fresh yet not overbearing on the nose.

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?

@LumosJared You should do this too

1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
Taendross had a lovely relationship with her mother, having been quite fond and close to her throughout her time. Over the years that her mother became old and crippled, she still spent as much time as she could with her, taking her legacy on.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
Taendross wasn't very close to her father, but she loved him anyway. He taught her the ways of archery and showed her throughout the pillar of war. Her heart was filled of sorrow when she was told the news that he had passed, but she knew that he would move on to a realm with better things in store for him.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
She is very close to her siblings, although often seems that she likes to stray from them. She finds her younger companions a slight immature, but her brother Ro'bersele is often seen to be her best friend in some situations.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:
Taendross is very infertile, being unable to conceive many children. Through many attempts, she was able to conceive a young Isldar with her ex-lover Paeral, and hid the child far away from him. She has also adopted many children such as Covas Shainvrel, and has become extremely close and loving to them like a true mother.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
Three vials of triclone extract, two of rubyflower extract, blank parchments, ink, a quill or two, gauze, and wrappings as well as eighty or so regals.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
Often, Taendross sleeps curled up on her husband Chengis, her arms wrapped around him and head rested on his chest. Often, her legs might intertwine with his and she'll try to use him for warmth best she may.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
After many years of seeing many things, she is not bothered by the sight of blood. Albeit whippings leave a scar on her heart, as well as hanging limbs.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:
Taendross has a very photographic memory, so she finds faces easier to remember.

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
Taendross' favorite toy was her lights of Solacrux that hung within her ceiling and Changed out every few nights. They sparkled and glowed, and lit her a pathway.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
Taendross tries to grow a smile and become as happy as she can when children are around, often becoming extremely motherly and protecting even of abberant children.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
No, Taendross has never had a figure in life that she considered to be like a parent to her.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:
Taendross was very dependent upon her friends and Kin when she was younger, however over time she became much more open and less dependent on others, confident in her skills.

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:
Raspberries and Lavender for days.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:
Taendross often uses Lavender soap in the mornings, mixed with a berry perfume. She uses this even after coming out of the sewers, as not to smell like a rotting pig.

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
Taendross' Theme.
I believe this song fits Taendross as her theme well, as her current goal in regalia is to save her people. She desperately wishes for their safety and will and has gone to extreme lengths to protect those Kin close to her. Even if they hurt her, betray he, and mock her, she will continue to protect them.

Imma pass it on @KayKay704 @Hutydan
Isak Atwood
1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
Isak is definitely a mama's boy. Since his father decided to exclude him from training as a Skagger with his brothers, he spent most of his childhood around his mother. He relied on her support heavily, and treasures the knowledge she imparted to him about her native culture and language.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
Unbridled resentment with hero worship undertones.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
Isak's relationship with his siblings is complicated. On one hand, he resents them for having more of his father's attention during their childhood, as well as their potent fighting skill as skaggers, and constantly feels driven to prove that he's better then all of them and that he doesn't need their help to achieve his goals. On the other hand, after The Burning of The North he's been forced to depend on them to survive in Regalia, having more than a feel close calls where they came to his rescue. Overall, Isak definitely doesn't mind admitting Sylas is his favorite, and that Driskell is a tool.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:
Isak doesn't have children and doesn't have much of a desire to sire any of his own. If he were to have kids someday, I imagine that he would do his best to be a better father figure toward them than his father had been to him. Even if it were fostered more in resentment toward his father than love toward his children.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
Isak doesn't really have a daily carry other than a handful of regals and siggs.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
Isak sleeps in the fetal position with a pillow or his vest folded between his legs.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
Isak isn't phased by blood.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:
Isak has excellent recall, but likes to pretend he doesn't to get on people's nerves.

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
Isak and his siblings didn't really have any toys besides practice weapons, none of which he was particularly attached to. He did have a fondness for playing with fire however.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
Isak enjoys the company of well behaved children, but isn't above scaring them into submission or tears if they start acting like tiny assholes. In fact, he enjoys it.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
Isak was close with the Staargir of their village, and learned a great deal about his duties as a Velheim, as well as the laws and customs of their land, in absence of his father's teaching.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:
Burning wood, and most recently the smell of freshly baked bread in Regalia.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:
Isak bathes regularly, but has an ever present sigg smell to his skin because of how frequently he smokes.

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
Oh definitely.


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1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
Damon's mother died when he was very young, he doesn't really remember her.
2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
His father was an aristocrat who had Damon's mother killed and tried to have him killed. He killed his father. He doesn't loath the man anymore but he used to.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
He has a very good relationship with his twin sister, Selena and a decent one with his half brother.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:
Good, he takes on more of a role as a teacher and leader, and treats them with as much respect as they earn.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
on his side

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
not at all

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:

10. How does your character behave around children?:

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
He was raised by a surrogate father who taught him how to fight and be stealthy.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:
Wine, or blood.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:
Roses and Wine

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
Rodrigo never truly got to know much of his mother, as his father quickly swept him away from the household mere weeks after his birth. In his teenaged years, curiousity led to him pursuing the trails of his mother, in the hopes of meeting her and being able to learn what kind of woman she was, but the pursuit resulted in the foundation of his mothers demise. Upon learning that she had died before he could have a chance to meet her, Rodrigo realized he would live out the rest of his days having never known a mother figure, which he perceives as an empty and unfillable hole in some part of his soul.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
Rodrigo's father was a strict man. He would treat his children more like his soldiers rather than his sons. In a child he did not see a loved offspring, but rather someone who had a duty to follow, a duty handed out by his decree. Rodrigo's duty was to enter the Church, join the Conclave as a Reverend and continue the religiousity of their family. Begrudgingly, Rodrigo fulfilled his fathers wishes and even rose as high as to become the High Reverend himself, but did so with pure hatred and distaste in his mind. His fathers treatment of him was nothing fatherly, and thus, Rodrigo is negligent and unmindful of him, bearing little more than an ill and disrespecting opinion.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
Rodrigo does not have any siblings. However, he views his brothers and sisters in-law like his own true family. He has come to seeing himself as a natural part of the family of Peirgarten and connects with his wifes family as if they are his own. This leads to him pursuing familial, close-knit relationships with people like Julius, Noelle and Maeva, who are all the siblings and cousins of his wife.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children?:
Rodrigo cares deeply for his children, and strives to provide them with the best life that they can have. However, he knows due to the constraints of his line of work and the social status of their family that both him and Amelina are busy people and can rarely afford to spare time for their children, which results in the fact that most of the time, it is servants who look after the kids. Because of this, Rodrigo has a sense of insecurity woven into his mind that his children may not love him as much as he loves them, and thus, whenever he is able to be with his kids, he tries to make the best of every moment and every minute.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
Rodrigo always bears some form of weapon on him, either it be his sword or a stiletto knife bound to his utility belt. Other than items of protection purposes, Rodrigo drags along with him a pouch filled with regals, but never above fifty or sixty at best, as it is constantly a danger for a nobleman to be robbed in the streets.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
Having only one arm has resulted in Rodrigo having to find new and more comfortable positions of sleeping. Most of the time he sleeps sideways, with his one and only arm tucked underneath the pillow, while the other, halved arm simply rests against his side. His knees are slightly pulled of, his feet often crossed by the heels. Rodrigo abhors having to sleep on his back, as it is a position that he can never catch any sleep in, for unknown reasons.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
Rodrigo is desensitized to grotesque sights, as he is a man of action. Having served in multiple violent wars, and having lived pretty much a half of his life in the battlefields, either fighting or Commanding or doing both in the same time, he has seen many unsightly things that he grew 'used' to. Thus, blood does not bother him at all.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:
Nope. One of his flaws is that Rodrigo never pays attention to the people he is speaking with unless it is someone of great authority and importance and someone he absolutely needs to know. This flaw results in Rodrigo often recalling peoples names wrong, which can lead to awkward conversations.

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
Rodrigo was not the kind of child to play with toys. He always preferred to get his hands on real weapons and items, which were dangerous for a boy of his age. Thus, his father had to always hold him back from swords and shields in fear of the boy cutting some part of him.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
He is somewhat awkward. Rodrigo attempts to appear likeable, and tries to lighten up peoples days with humorous jokes, but more often than not, people don't laugh. Because of this, Rodrigo often has trouble figuring out in what ways he should express himself around kids, and when the children are his own, the problem only worsens, as he wishes to appeal as a good father to them, but his awkwardness turns him into his own victim.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
The closest thing that Rodrigo has ever had to a father figure was Hengest Harhold. When the two come together, they throw all politics aside, grab a bottle of whiskey and start talking about the misery of life for hours on end. Rodrigo has learned a great deal of things from Hengest, whos realistic view of the world was like a study into the truth of the life that Rodrigo lives.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:
Such a thing has never happened. People are often too afraid of Rodrigo or too distasteful of him to even approach him and make a friend out of him.

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:
Lavender, sunflowers, or the smell of his wifes hair right after she comes back from a long bath.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:
It is often something he cannot help that the smell Rodrigo bears the most is that of steel. Almost the entire day he is in armor and carrying all kinds of weapons on himself that it becomes indisputable that he smells of steel the entire day. However, the Peirgartens thrive on their perfumery and incense, and thus, during formal events, Rodrigo will always smell like a fresh garden of varying scents.

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
Apparat - Goodbye
1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
Authoritarian Mother/ Submissive Daughter. Lina grew up always trying to win her mothers approval.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
Best Friends. Her father was nurturing and aimed to make Lina smile.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
There mother separated them into different classes.
Lina was raised to be a lady and her sister "was built for hard labor"
Though they love each other. They have some unspoken issues.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
A cloth with a fresh slice of bread inside.
A small carved twig that has sunflowers and a bee with the inscription "Let It Be".
Also has a flask.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
Side sleeper, likes to cuddle.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
Growing up on a farm blood doesn't bother her but people being hurt does.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:
Faces... or more so peoples presence, she has a strong intuition.

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
A wooden swing her dad hung on a tree, over a lake near there family home.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
She loves kids but hates screaming and crying. It depends on the child.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
There was an old women (Eliza or They called her Lizzy) that lived near her parents home growing up.
She would play with Lina and her sister when their mother wasn't watching.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:

Clean and sweet, she wears an Iris and Rose perfume that was her mothers.

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
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1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
N/A, her mother died when she was young. As far as she knows, she was an admirable woman.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:

Poor, her father was an alcoholic, a gambler, a smoker, a con-man, and a murderer. She blames him for her mother's death, and spent little time with him throughout her life.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
N/A, no siblings.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:
She would be incredibly authoritarian. They would be raised to serve the Empire, and no other purpose.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
Weapons, tea, snacks, water, milk, and brandy.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
Flat on her back.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
Only if it is in the Imperial Palace or a Kade residence. If not, she couldn't care less.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:
Depends on the importance. A noble or a relative of the Emperor, absolutely. Everyone else is irrelevant.

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
Wooden boats.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
Cold indifference.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
Not the greatest. Tiray's rebellious nature paired with her mother's strict and natural nature just isn't the greatest.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
Pretty good! Tiray and her father got along well and she usually went to him for advice.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
Tiray's extremely attached to her twin sister Porim, they were virtually inseparable and very similar- Very much eachother's right hands.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:
Tiray knows what it's like to lose family. If she ever were to have children, she'd adore them- However, she'd deny it if anyone tried to suggest she's good with kids, believing it a weak point.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
Regals, various tiny vials of poisons and treatments alike, a knife, some gauze for emergencies. Sometimes some random souvenirs she's collected throughout the day.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
Tiray sleeps partly on her side, partly on her stomach, usually hugging the blankets she's tangled up with or whoever she happens to be sleeping with.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
Tiray, having spent thirty years as a Kathar surrounded by blood rituals, is mostly unphased by blood- However, it does make the hair on her neck stand on end depending on the circumstances, and if the situation is truly dire, it results in her panicking a bit.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:
Names. Faces come, go and change too frequently for Tiray to immediately focus on memorizing them.

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
Tiray's favorite toy as a child was a small wooden bear which her father carved for her.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
Though Tiray would never admit it, she's very good with kids- not due to any motherly tendencies, because god forbid, hers are far too minimal to come into play often- Rather, it's because Tiray herself is very fun loving and enjoys causing mischief, and children are just the little creatures to scheme pranks with.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
No. Tiray hates being bossed around and hates reminders of her parents, so she refuses to look up to anyone as a substitute parent.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:
Yes. A few mixed into her backstory, a few presently involved- Though, Tiray has no idea why. She's basically a child in an adult's body, after all. Wtf why are these kids calling her their mom.

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:
Tiray adores the smell of the ocean. Perhaps it's salty, but to her, it's familiar, and beaches have always been a source of comfort for her.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:
Tiray intentionally tries to get a musky floral scent about her- And she very easily succeeds, considering both the fact that her home is full of strong, foreign aromas, as well as the fact that she layers several different types of perfume on every morning, so it doesn't wear off so quickly.

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
Yes. Tiray's theme music could easily be described as any Queen song in existence. But Killer Queen or Don't Stop Me Now are both on top of that list.

1. What is/was your character's relationship with their mother?:
Freya doesn't recall much of her mother, and what she does remember was merely the clouded judgement of a still young child, so she doesn't have an opinion.

2. What is/was your character's relationship with their father?:
She adored her father, and still would, if he weren't missing. She sometimes questions if he abandoned her- but chooses wisely not to think on it too much.

3. What is/was your character's relationship with their siblings?:
Freya has no biological siblings, but she does have adoptive siblings which she adores very much, and spends a nice amount of her free time with.

4. What is/was your character's relationship with their children (or what you would imagine it to be like when they do, if they do)?:
Freya was created, and continues to exist, with a motherly aspect in mind. She'd adore her children if she ever manages to have some, and would give them the world in a heart beat if she actually could.

5. What on any given day could be found in your character's pockets/bag?:
Freya lugs around what could almost be considered a large backpack of just-in-case materials. First aid, an extra sweater, regals + some spare coin, a few tiny vials of herbs, and whatever other necessities she finds she's recently needed the most in every day life.

6. What sleeping position does your character sleep in?:
Freya sleeps on her side, usually bundled in blankets / spooned by whoever she happens to be sleeping with.

7. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood, if so, in what way?:
Freya works in the medical field, so blood doesn't particularly irk her unless it's the blood of a loved one in larger-than-natural quantities.

8. Does your character remember names or faces easier?:
Faces. Freya has always had a bit of trouble remembering names, so she keeps faces in mind instead.

9. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?:
A small orange feline plush toy.

10. How does your character behave around children?:
Freya tends to become protective and anxious around children, nervously overviewing their actions to ensure they don't get in trouble or get hurt- Otherwise, she can be quite playful.

11. Has your character ever had a parental figure that was not related to them?:
Yes. Her foster parents after her father disappeared took on parental roles for the remaining duration of her childhood and teen years.

12. Has your character ever had a dependent figure that was not related to them?:
Yes, several times- understandably so, considering her motherly theme.

13. What is your character's favorite scent?:
Freya loves the smell of baked treats such as cinnamon rolls and sugar cookies.

14. What does your character usually smell like (or try to)?:
Freya usually smells like a mixture of floral and baked good scents- Not because she wears a lot of perfume, but rather, because this is what she's surrounded by most often at home.

15. And finally, does your character have a theme song, and if not what would you be looking for in one?
Freya's theme songs are soft and happy-sad, I'd say the song Sunflower by Rex Orange County pitched slightly lower suits her pretty much perfectly.