Archived Character Cards - Expansion And Minor Rework

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Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
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Hello everybody! So, at the moment, Character Cards are a Premium Feature that I have not been able to test out, because I am not a Premium. But, from my asking around, it seems like nobody uses it anyway.

Im going to keep this quick because it is midnight and if I try to think too much I will hurt myself lol .

Essentially, my suggestions are:

Make Character Cards a default permission, meaning anybody can use them. And, Add the ability to have multiple Character Cards that players can toggle between via a menu.


The new system would work the same as it does now except any player can use the cards. As for the Multiple Card option, you could essentially save your current Character Card into a slot in a menu, to be able to switch between them easily. That way people who have multiple characters (everybody) can switch with ease.

I feel like this would make the Roleplay Experience much smoother for everybody involved.

/ccard (player) - views a player's currently set Character Card.
/ccard edit - allows you to edit the Character Card that you currently have active.
/ccard save - opens a menu to pick which slot to save your Character Card in.
/ccard menu - opens a menu where you can view, delete, or begin editing your Character Cards.
/ccard switch - open a menu to allow you to pick which Character Card is active.

Premiums could still have a perk from this, by being given extra Card Slots. For instance, Default Players could have say 3 Slots, while Premiums have 5.


  • Character Cards would actually be used.
  • Information such as Character Height, Body Type, Hair Style and Color, Eye Color, Scars and other physical details, clothing styles, etc would be readily available for all players to set and use in Roleplay, leading to a smoother experience.
  • Easier system to use that supports Multi-Character'ing.
  • Still keeps a Premium Perk with the new system.


  • It might remain a rarely used system- we would not be able to tell until implemented.
  • Requires the server to store more information per player.
  • The Premium Perk side of it is mitigated compared to how it stands now.

If anyone has any other points related to this, for or against, feel free to toss them in the replies.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
love this idea
Hello everybody! So, at the moment, Character Cards are a Premium Feature that I have not been able to test out, because I am not a Premium. But, from my asking around, it seems like nobody uses it anyway.

Im going to keep this quick because it is midnight and if I try to think too much I will hurt myself lol .

Essentially, my suggestions are:

Make Character Cards a default permission, meaning anybody can use them. And, Add the ability to have multiple Character Cards that players can toggle between via a menu.


The new system would work the same as it does now except any player can use the cards. As for the Multiple Card option, you could essentially save your current Character Card into a slot in a menu, to be able to switch between them easily. That way people who have multiple characters (everybody) can switch with ease.

I feel like this would make the Roleplay Experience much smoother for everybody involved.

/ccard (player) - views a player's currently set Character Card.
/ccard edit - allows you to edit the Character Card that you currently have active.
/ccard save - opens a menu to pick which slot to save your Character Card in.
/ccard menu - opens a menu where you can view, delete, or begin editing your Character Cards.
/ccard switch - open a menu to allow you to pick which Character Card is active.

Premiums could still have a perk from this, by being given extra Card Slots. For instance, Default Players could have say 3 Slots, while Premiums have 5.


  • Character Cards would actually be used.
  • Information such as Character Height, Body Type, Hair Style and Color, Eye Color, Scars and other physical details, clothing styles, etc would be readily available for all players to set and use in Roleplay, leading to a smoother experience.
  • Easier system to use that supports Multi-Character'ing.
  • Still keeps a Premium Perk with the new system.


  • It might remain a rarely used system- we would not be able to tell until implemented.
  • Requires the server to store more information per player.
  • The Premium Perk side of it is mitigated compared to how it stands now.

If anyone has any other points related to this, for or against, feel free to toss them in the replies.
But that's as a premium feature. While it's suggesting details for the facelift, the idea is posing it as a plugin with "normal" access.
The issue with having this be a non-premium feature, is that the server really needs to have more appealing premium features, and the roleplay side needs them too. Instead of having it be a free feature, it should be a feature that entices more people to purchase premium
If the character card did become a regular feature, I would want it so Premiums could have multiple cards. giving normal players the feature of having multiple cards, even if they have less, takes away from the Premium perk.

While I would like normal players to have access to a character card, they should have to edit that one card each time they want to change a character. This makes the premium benefit more desirable.
Before opening character cards to the public or coding in so there can be multiple, it needs to be a more accessible feature and more promoted. I personally believe it needs a rework before this happens.

Not a bad idea tho.
Honestly, I doubt anyone looked at character cards and thought "THIS is why I am getting Premium!" It was most likely the /hat or /disguise or /walk or something, if want for a command is even what did it. Some people just donate because they like the server.

But having multiple cards is almost a must if it were to be used actively by anybody. Me for instance, even only having two character I play actively, most of the time I wouldn't bother with the cards if I had to hand-rewrite them ever time I switched Chars.

In the end, a Premium Feature nobody uses anyway would be replaced with a more usable feature that at least still has some Premium Perk attached.
Honestly, I doubt anyone looked at character cards and thought "THIS is why I am getting Premium!"
You can say this for the majority of the features. It is when the features are combined that they have value. Having more features on that grand list of THINGS DONATING FOR PREMIUM GETS YOU is good. Quantity matters just as much as quality for the premium features since the March EULA update removed the premium inventory drop and getting regals for premium.

Nobody donates just for ONE feature. Personally for me, its a mix of /color, /disguise, /name, and the reduced chat cooldown. All of things BY THEMSELVES arent enough.. but together they are a successful bunch
It might also be possible to only unlock certain sections to non-premium players, so both get to have a character card, but the non-premiums only get the most important sections unlocked like name, race and age, while the premium cards also get a separate section for describing the appearance, personality and perhaps another section for a character app link. That way, non-premiums would get some features that are somewhat necessary for quality RP, but still not enough to actually describe the character. In my opinion, it might also look slightly more professional.
I am going to reject this for a couple reasons.

1. Lack of manpower/interest in updating this particular feature as there are higher priority features for Tech staff at the moment.
2. With the 1.11 addition of extended chats it is possible to cram a lot of information onto character cards now. You can use chat color codes to differentiate between your characters for easy reading on your character cards, this way you can have multiple characters on your cards at once.
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